what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed a rear rack and new kickstand yesterday. Also cleaned the air filter, adjusted the clutch and messed with the rear brake.
Hit 37.7 mph too. :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What excellent cargo capacity, H!
I gotta get after building my trailer!

And Double Wow! ...DD...
Maybe if I put a different rack and kickstand I could get past thirty mph???
...I gotta try it! :-)
Best mine would ever do was sneaking up on 29mph w/my kid on it, and he's a lot lighter than me... and that's with a rack and kickstand.
What kind do you run?
They gotta be better than mine! :-)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What excellent cargo capacity, H!
I gotta get after building my trailer!

And Double Wow! ...DD...
Maybe if I put a different rack and kickstand I could get past thirty mph???
...I gotta try it! :-)
Best mine would ever do was sneaking up on 29mph w/my kid on it, and he's a lot lighter than me... and that's with a rack and kickstand.
What kind do you run?
They gotta be better than mine! :-)
Well, I didn't install those two items to get speed. ;)
The rack is a standard Walmart Schwinn aluminum rack, pretty light and has a 20lbs capacity. The kick stand is a cheap Bell adjustable. I got it because my bike kept falling over since the factory stand was too tall for my smaller tires.

Cheers! :Dbrnot
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got out for a nice cruise, hung out with some geese for a bit. I pedal'd up so I didn't spook'em.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My chopper devoured the final drive chain while climbing one of the steepest hills in town , sheared 1 bolt off of the inner chain ring an the motor wound it all up nice an tight around my bottom bracket , took 10 mins to get the chain off of there an made a unidentifyable mess of 4 links tore one link right in half !
sorry no pics but all fixed cuz I wanna go to bike night tonight !
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I collected some more small bits for my grubee bike, waiting to get the cog and put it back together.

re: shredded drive chain. Yeah, I just think of stuck or busted chains whenever I'm huffing to pedal AND maxed out on my little 1 speed friction drive, up the hill, and think how its really more fun when all I wear out is tires. Chain drives are still fun though. The shift kit is tough. If you have a 1 speed you can use the beefy chains, but if you have the shift kit, I don't know what you can do, but don't use Bell Walmart chains! I busted one of those in 10 miles after putting it on. lol. I broke it on a pedal bike after installing it on a beater after that.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I collected some more small bits for my grubee bike, waiting to get the cog and put it back together.

re: shredded drive chain. Yeah, I just think of stuck or busted chains whenever I'm huffing to pedal AND maxed out on my little 1 speed friction drive, up the hill, and think how its really more fun when all I wear out is tires. Chain drives are still fun though. The shift kit is tough. If you have a 1 speed you can use the beefy chains, but if you have the shift kit, I don't know what you can do, but don't use Bell Walmart chains! I busted one of those in 10 miles after putting it on. lol. I broke it on a pedal bike after installing it on a beater after that.

WallMart chain?????:-|| That'll learn ya.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I don't get to "town" much (where all the big bike shops are), and mail order costs a lot for shipping, so I have to wait to order multiple items. I thought I'd skimp on a chain till then. Didn't even hold up that long. hahaa
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This week I adjusted & changed the cooling oil for my clutch to get ready for next weeks race but what I'm really proud of is the stand I made for my bike. It only took me 4 races to finally make one! :)


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wish I could be there too. I don't build racers but it would be cool to just attend.
I've been a little busy on my bike lately too. I tried a new LED tail light/ brake light and it lasted 10 minutes, burned out. I also tried a LED headlight bulb and it lasted 2 days, burned out. So I'm sticking too regular 12V bulbs for my 12V system. Put on a new 1157 bulb type tail light/brake light and I also put a windscreen on it yesterday. I have one of those cheap retro type speedo's on the way to finish the look I'm going for, Full Dress. Like I said, I don't build racers, just easy riding bikes for the street.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

dance1 I'm going to ride bikes with my wife. She doesn't ride much. She doesn't like the hot weather.

Plus, I'm going to mow 2 big yards with it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZaFe545r0E&feature=g-upl

I got cheap rear flashers for my kid trailer from Dealtime Extreme (DX) for $3 each. They work pretty well, and have 7 patterns of LED flashing.

I got my Staton throttle lever and solder-on cable ends. All right!

If I don't get rained out, it will be a fun weekend! Might even go fishing and bb-gun shooting if I have the time.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i finally put the rear fender on my jaguar today along with the spare gas tank i had i damaged the other when i was run off the road last month by some jerk who didnt stop *(glad i have a left side mirror)* i didnt break anything on my just alot of road rash and 14 stitches 6 inside and 8 outside on my chin now i sport a goat tee to hide the scar the tank has a 5 inch crease in the top and i poped a weld somewhere near the front (cant find it) also tryed to instal my rear rack but it didnt come with the right bolts for my bike so had to settle for the tank and rear fender im going to take it out in the morning
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got cheap rear flashers for my kid trailer from Dealtime Extreme (DX) for $3 each. They work pretty well, and have 7 patterns of LED flashing.

Happycheapskate, I owe you some thanks. Would you believe I've never heard of Deal Extreme until now. I checked out that site, and it looks pretty darn useful. And the stuff is *ahem* reasonably priced. As a government worker, I'm not getting rich, so this site is already bookmarked.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I use these all the time and they work pretty well. Just don't trust the mount too much, It's a little weak. And it comes from china so shipping takes a little longer. I buy them in lots of ten and resale them to my customers. It's the same stuff everyone in the States sells for $9.95 retail. They buy everything from China too.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This is actually over a few days but,

Put a slide carb on with it's stock jet 0.78mm and it 4 stroked like mad, but the throttle response was amazing. Put the smallest jet in 0.68mm and it only 4 stroked at WOT.

I thought I needed a better expansion chamber so I got the small banana style one, it didn't help with the 4 stroking and seemed to actually hurt the low end and I very little mid-range (my strong point for my bike). It 4 stroked so bad at top end I never got the pipe to "come alive".

I put my old stock carb on and it 4 stroked too!?! I was thinking this pipe was never going to work. Put my old SD speed EC back on it ran OK.

Put on my 32T sprocket and this setup wouldn't drive it properly, it bogged and was obviously over geared, and of course 4 stroked, sigh.

Finally woke up and down jetted the slide carb, we took one from the kit silver soldered it closed and promptly broke the bit. Melted the 2nd one, the third was not melted but severely over heated, but the 4th one stayed up! Drilled it to 0.025 in/.635mm.

Holy freaking cow! No longer 2 stroking! My brother found out that the new pipe works but at 32 mph. So on my first test drive, I got low kept her pegged and down hill I got to 39 mph! On another down slope found I could sit up and hold 37 mph without much vibration, and with the rps up I could hold 36 mph on the flat for nearly a mile. If I'm patient I can get to 34-35mph on flat ground, but it takes a while.

Now I got to get a better low end/middle range ExChamber and see what I get then.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Picked up a Magna Rip Curl and around $300 worth of things off fleabay the other day.

Another year, another build. Now to wait for Fedex...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

took a ride this morning to check out my work from yesterday must have had crap in the tank because it clogged the stock screen (should have known better) but got it to work again with a little road side mechanical work then when i got home i noticed i lost a screw from my new rear fender which sucks but i can get another plus i need to cut a little more off of the motor side for chain clearance it works but its to close for me i will just cut it with the grinder and re paint with rattle can black thinking about changing to my nt speed carb but dont want to mess with it while it runs good also thinking about making a exhaust out of 1" mild steel tube 1/16 wall or 1/32