Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

I very much like that photo as well, it's interesting that what was such a mundane action at the time (just starting a car) not only inspired someone to take a picture, but now conveys such volumes of historical context, there's so much in one simple image.

Which reminds me - it's of no more import then idle curiosity, but I thought you may know Intrepid... the esteemed lady's full-length outer layer appears to be a collarless oilskin greatcoat of some sort, do you think it similar to a duster? (minus the cape & far more fashionably tailored ofc):
I know my first thought on seeing her coat was, 'nice duster.' I'm pretty certain it is a called 'duster' and I'm sure I've read period literature that calls such garments that too.
Fascinating vehicles.

Is this a cyclecar? Or a Sopwith Camel?

Kudos, Intrepid. I was curious to see what car that lady in the picture was cranking. A Wall, eh? I wonder if they were temperamental, thus spawning the phrase "driving me up a Wall"? ;)
I'm still researching the round-radiatored one, off and on. I think the Spyker guess is starting to look like the one.
BTW, Intrepid: thanks a million for the mashpedia link also! I expect I will be passing long hours there watching old Morgans, Bedelias, Darmonts, Schasches, and whatever else they have. This is such a cool link. I think I might pick up further inspiration for my future build.
Maybe this is solution of mistery: low flying unusual object is one of the magnificient creation of Neumann-Neander! Some where 3-wheelers, some 4-wheelers, but all of them quite unorthodox, mostly made in aricraft-style construction manner... Some kind of hot-sport cycle-cars!
Ciao, Zoran
P.S.: Interpid Woman, it's great to find you here, in nice company around wonderful subject: velocars!


  • Neumann-Neander, 3 & 4 wheelers.jpg
    Neumann-Neander, 3 & 4 wheelers.jpg
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  • Neumann-Neander 3-Wheeler.jpg
    Neumann-Neander 3-Wheeler.jpg
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  • Neumann-Neander Cockpit.jpg
    Neumann-Neander Cockpit.jpg
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Hello Zoran,

Glad you came to see us. I'm in the U.S. visiting Silverbear for the summer. We get together and build bikes

Hello Zoran,
Glad you came to see us. I'm in the U.S. visiting Silverbear for the summer. We get together and build bikes

Welcome to the forum!

Someday when I grow up I will probably lose interest in toys with wheels, but until then...
[FONT=Bookman Old Style, serif]Hello Fasteddy and Silverbear,[/FONT]
[FONT=Bookman Old Style, serif]Thank you on welcome wishes! Great to receive them from two of you - with some other of my internet friends you form nice "league of (senior) gentlemen". Your work give me hope that I will realized my old dream of building light quadricycle, road-legal, for two us pensioners (my wife and me)... It would be built (if ever) for cruising across and around Bern, Swiss where we live now.

Until than, I (almost) finish my HPV-quadricycle for the same purpose. I have a plan to motorised it later, probably using hybrid system... Final step should be new motorised quadricycle (as mentioned above)...

I wasn't present here a lot, until I found this wonderful tread and another about hybrid vehicles. I will follow work of both of you, because it is close to my desires, in spirit if not always in design...[/FONT]

[FONT=Bookman Old Style, serif]I wish you nice holiday, with creative work, but good free time, too![/FONT]
[FONT=Bookman Old Style, serif]Ciao, Zoran [/FONT] .trlrl.
.... with some other of my internet friends, you form nice "league of (senior) gentlemen & NICE EVERGREEN LADIES!".
Ciao, Zoran
I stumbled over the Mochet Velocar a few years ago.
It was a German site of two collectors of the Velocars, that catches my interest.
The site can be found here
Although I wanted such a vehicle, there is no real chance to get one.
I guess, around ten to twenty vehicles in Central Europe survived.
In 2011 I started a Mochet inspired self build.
It's not an exact copy.
I mixed the simple Velocar concept with the use of todays bicycle parts.
For example nowadays rear wheel gearing or front wheels for recumbent trikes.
Due to the very complicated and expensive procedure of proving and permission of a self build bicycle motorisation, it's still just a pedal powered vehicle.
Only an electric 250 watt motor is planned (registration/license/tax/insurance-free)


More pics and description here
As you can see I build in a backseat for my younger childs.
It's also fitted with drum brakes in front and disc brakes in the rear.
Drivetrains for pilot and stoker are independent, basically like two recumbents welded together side by side.
Shifting system is recently an Shimano Alfine11 gear hub for the pilot and cassette shifting for the stoker.
I want to build a lighter version in plywood monocoque.
The recent vehicle weights around 80kg/160 pounds empty, due to the birch plywood I used for the shell.
Birch is strong but heavy and I will use the much lighter Gaboon/Okoume for the next build.

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I use to know a scrap metal place where you could get cheap sheets of Aircraft alloy, may be worth looking into?
I'm still skimming the thread.
Over 600 posts are a lot of stuff.

I'm in love with recumbents for several years now, since my back starts to hurt on normal (humpback) bikes.
My velocar above is build not only for fun, although it's ofc fun to cycle around with it and catch the attention of the people.
Feeling like a rock star is included.
A second reason is the advantage of driving the kids to school and back or go shopping, what we have done many times on our last vacation.

At the beginning of the thread the Swedish velomobile Fantom was mentioned, also Paul Elkins, a very inspirational genius.
I've bought a book about the swedish DIY scene around WW2: "Folkhemmets Farkoster" written by Claes Johannson.
Want to recommend it here, although purchase and shipping was another adventure.

And MANY THANKS for the scanned book in post#202 by Intrepid Wheelwoman !
A real treasure!

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Hello Kai,
Thank you on presentation of your wonderful velocar! Great joy for entire family? What are your impressions for driving it around? Is it too hard?

It seems to me that you have strong chassis and plywood body is just for style and protection - doesn't have any structural influence? I like plywood too, but maybe better to use some kind of "corroplast" as Paul Elkins did? I am not sure how it could be named in Germany or elsewhere in Europe, but here in Swiss we had similar material in various colors - but I saw only smaller plates...

To stay in limits of E.U. regulative, we must have electric-motors up to 250 Watts (too small for velo-cars) and speeds up to 25 km/hour (not so bad)... But there could be some kind of "inocent" cheating - later add another motor of 250 Watts? Than, both of them powered with more Volts that is nominal - so could approach to 1 Kilo-Watt in total? That could be enough, with two persons pedaling!

I am thinking in such a way with my present HPV-quadricycle (or to use generator in hybrid style), but next vehicle (if ever built) could be in category of "Light Quadricycle", according to E.U. regulative: could use gasoline engine up to 50 cc, or diesel up to 4 Kilo-Watts, or electric-motor up to 4 Kilo-Watts (which I would like) - and speed up to 45 km/hour (which I really wouldn't need)... of course, expecting problems with attest, registration and insurance!

Happy and jolly cruising!

Ciao, Zoran