Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

for Germany:

Vierrädrige Leichtkraftfahrzeuge
liecht vierrädrige

Definition Leicht-KFZ nach StVZO § 18, Abs. 2, Nr. 4b.
"[...] Vierrädrige Leichtkraftfahrzeuge [Leicht-KFZ] mit einer Leermasse von weniger als 350 kg, ohne Masse der Batterien im Fall von Elektrofahrzeugen, mit einer durch die Bauart bestimmten Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 45 km/h oder weniger und einem Hubraum für Fremdzündungsmotoren von 50 cm3 oder weniger, beziehungsweise einer maximalen Nennleistung von 4 kW oder weniger für andere Motortypen [...]"
My Velocar has a solid steel frame on which the plywood shell is attached.
The vehicle drove naked for two years, with just an ugly plywood box between the rear wheels for the childs to sit in.
The rear wheels were not covered.
It was no proper solution, because my youngest daughter began to grab on the spinning rear wheels while driving.
So I build finally the recent version with closed wheel wells, and the drop shape of the old Mochets from the '30s.
The entire body is in fact just for the look and weather protection (if the wind shield and soft top are ready).
With the next monocoque version I hope to decrease the weight from 80 to 50-60kg.

Coroplast you can get in Germany from here or here
The sheets from the first link can be delivered in a size up to 3x1,5m.

Welcome to our forum and thank you for sharing your velocar. I like it a lot!
SB this is a link to my tri-car build using a German 1934 Sachs engine for power. It is a long thread, I'm afraid, since it has been a long build. You might find it of interest as it is a little different. Fasteddy (Steve) is building his own tri-car modeled after a 1900's Indian three wheeled motorcycle... very cool.
I like to repeat the link of Intrepid wheelwoman from post#202

Very helpful and eye-opening, what is possible with really simple materials.
When I read the first pages yesterday and found the nice building instructions for the biplace Velocar, I nearly have fallen off my chair.
It's sooo exciting !


PS: The book was recently converted into a PDF-file:
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Interesting and unusual velocar! Simple "hanging" of bicycle's wheels, on both sides!
Only, a little hard task to step-in and step-out, ofr us bigger seniors?
Ciao, Zoran


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... not low-flying Sopwith Camel, not Velocar - but, anyway wonderful creation!
Same photos of this and similar Neumann-Neander light sport-cars are shown before...
Ciao, Zoran


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Yes, that's my pedal car (and my old Renault Espace in the background)
I exchanged a few posts with the man behind Velomobile Byggeriet.
He's on my FB friends list.

The book "Folkhemmets Farkoster" can be ordered here:
With the book on the screen, it's still, no direct link.
You have to type at least "Folkhemmets" in the search and the book will appear.
Costs are 95 kr. (rather cheap)
Shipping costs even to Germany were more than that.
The short hop over the baltic sea is obviously expensive.

When I wanted to order the book in 2012, I contacted the seller.
He tolds me, the shipping costs remains the same, no matter if I order one book or thirty.
At this point I started a thread in the German velomobilforum, to find more people interested in old scandinavian "Cykelbils" (pedal cars)
At last, there was so much interest, I had to order 45 books.
It was indeed way cheaper to receive a big bundle of books from sweden and then send them to the individual adresses.
Sending a book through Germany is really cheap (special low postage), some music dealers are hiding even CDs in old magazines and send them as a book, to save postage :D
All in all, each "client" saved 10€.
Not that much for a rare and very intersting book.
But it was fun to get so many people together and make the Swedes say: The Germans are jerks, buying Swedish books just for looking at the pictures...
That was my first job as a book dealer (although non profit)

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Here are some photos from my book:

The Swedes had invented the worlds first one track velomobile


The Fantom

Mats Strandberg Special
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Be careful with the book dealing. My friend Roffe in Sweden started tuning 2 stroke engines for himself, then his friends, their friends, and now it's another full time job besides being a house builder.
Hello Intrepid Wheelwoman,

As I stated before, it's unfortunately just a copy.
I bought it from a french Ebay seller.
I made scans from it, which were posted in the German velomobilforum.

The scans are on page 4, post#66 and 67
I confess, the quality is rather poor.
The user Velocar in the german forum is one of the two makers of
