Sorry to put a damper on things here

I'm late coming on board but you have all my best wishes. If wishing or praying is what we do, I know we are all with you in spirit. Good luck to you and your family.
Praise report for the

Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my son was rushed to hospital from an accidental perscription medication overdose, he was given only 0-1% chance of survival, Kidney failure, serious brain damage, 4 strokes while in first hospital, pneumonia in both lungs, staff infection in throat, liver failure at first, detected heart damage, was only taking 1 breath every minute for multiple hours when found unconsious after laying down to take a nap.

Today breathing tube was removed, his meds reduced, he woke up, responded to his mom and tried to talk...........My Lord and savior Jesus Christ the great physician is healing this boy and bringing him back from a state the doctors (Multiple Specialist) said would likely be very grim even if he survived at all........he will have some work to do it the future as he works with Gods help toward his maximum point of recovery, but we are on our way now and the lord is leading the charge.....

This may get deleted because of what I have said here but.......I hope that it gets seen by many before it does if it does, I made a promise to God that I would give him all the praise honor and glory for all he does concerning my son, so I am keeping my word here to Him as well as telling everyone I know and see about what God is doing in my sons life and the miracle He is working at bringing him back from the almost certain death that was originally predicted.

God Bless all who have been praying for my Son & our Family.

Thank you all so much...... Now I'm focused on getting my son well so we can do some MB riding together, this is one of my goals as he gets better and more able in the future.

Sincerely, Shan
Sweet deal. God does work in strange and wonderful ways.

I was in an accident years ago.Injuries so bad that one hospital sent me to a larger one so I could die there. No chance of survival at all.

I walked out of the hospital 6 days later on crutches.

Your family and son are in my families prayers. We've tread on the path your on.

I've heard more than one doctor say, "God does the healing, we just get the credit". I'm very glad things are looking up, still gonna keep the prayers coming if that's alright.

Thank you all so much, I will be going to see Kevin tomorrow morning, I'm very excited to see my son awake after 2 weeks of being unconscious in ICU.

Please keep the prayers going for him and I pray God will richly bless each of you in your well doing.......

Praise report for the

Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my son was rushed to hospital from an accidental perscription medication overdose, he was given only 0-1% chance of survival, Kidney failure, serious brain damage, 4 strokes while in first hospital, pneumonia in both lungs, staff infection in throat, liver failure at first, detected heart damage, was only taking 1 breath every minute for multiple hours when found unconsious after laying down to take a nap.

Today breathing tube was removed, his meds reduced, he woke up, responded to his mom and tried to talk...........My Lord and savior Jesus Christ the great physician is healing this boy and bringing him back from a state the doctors (Multiple Specialist) said would likely be very grim even if he survived at all........he will have some work to do it the future as he works with Gods help toward his maximum point of recovery, but we are on our way now and the lord is leading the charge.....

This may get deleted because of what I have said here but.......I hope that it gets seen by many before it does if it does, I made a promise to God that I would give him all the praise honor and glory for all he does concerning my son, so I am keeping my word here to Him as well as telling everyone I know and see about what God is doing in my sons life and the miracle He is working at bringing him back from the almost certain death that was originally predicted.

God Bless all who have been praying for my Son & our Family.

Thank you all so much...... Now I'm focused on getting my son well so we can do some MB riding together, this is one of my goals as he gets better and more able in the future.

Sincerely, Shan

Great news Shan. I will continue to lift you and your son up in prayer. God is always good.
...Today breathing tube was removed, his meds reduced, he woke up, responded to his mom and tried to talk...........My Lord and savior Jesus Christ the great physician is healing this boy and bringing him back from a state the doctors (Multiple Specialist) said would likely be very grim even if he survived at all........he will have some work to do it the future as he works with Gods help toward his maximum point of recovery, but we are on our way now and the lord is leading the charge.....

...Sincerely, Shan

Now here's some good news. I am very glad for all of you. I'll keep saying a prayer anyway. Every little bit seems to help.

Something my mechanic back in Mansfield used to say: "God always honors the lifetime warranty work, but we have to do the preventative maintenance."

That mechanic had kids. I have them now too. It seems we parents learn that the "maintenance" part is often about all we can handle. It's very humbling to imagine how He takes care of all the "lifetime warranty" stuff.
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This is awesome news! Praise be to our Lord and savior!
Your son is in the best of care, and I am sooo glad to hear this good news! :)
I'm wearing a big smile today hearing this update! All the religous differances aside ,I know the love of a father for his chrildren is one of the most powerful things we humans come in contact with in this world.
Hope thing continue to improve , your still in our thoughts and prayers.
It appears that more than one person has been uplifted through this. I have a friend in New Orleans going through a fight with leukemia. Because of that, I have breathed a little prayer for both, many times a day & I am awaiting good news from New Orleans also. I am not an overly religious person but, I do feel that good things happen due to a Being much bigger that you and I.
I hope this thread helps us all realize how amazing it is that nowadays, complete strangers who may have never otherwise met can come together over one common interest. This forum is like a huge family and this thread has made me realize that no matter religeous belief, race, gender, people can still show that empathy and care in others exists...How many places around can you find complete strangers from all over the world that will so willingly give their support and thoughts to someone they may never meet.

So keep it up everyone and maybe someday when you need someone to show you support through a tough time, your kindness will be returned tenfold.
Thank you for making my day!!!

I am so glad for you and Kevin.

I will continue to ask for help for the both of you.
This will hopefully change more lives than just yours and his.

With men it is impossible , with God all things are possible.

Amen and thank you all once again for all the prayers and encouragement.

Kevin is showing signs of improvement which is very good but we still have a long ways to go and I ask that you please continue to lift him up in prayer and I will do the same for each of you here that have said you will have us in your thoughts and/or prayers.

The Lord is good and he will help us one step at a time.....

Sincerely, Shan
i am very glad to hear that everything is goin good as other peolpe said I am not very religious but i do belikve in a higher power and pray in times of need for me or anyone one else that needs it.