Sorry to put a damper on things here

Prayer has been made for your son as well as you, your family and all friends that have been affected by this sad tragedy.
May the good Lord's will be done.
Even if I don't like it sometimes, he makes no mistakes.
May God bless you!
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I pray that the Father only wanted to meet with him personally, and not extend a permanant invitation. My hopes and thoughts and prayers are with him.

On my way back up to see Kevin today, he has shown some signs of improvement but he is no where near out of the woods at this time, he is still in what I would call a semi coma, he is unresponsive most of the time but his mother called me at around 6:00AM this morning and said the nurse called his name out loud a couple of times and he tried to open his eyes, this is the best sign we have had so far, also as of last night his kidneys had started working much better as well, that is also a good sign, one of the major concerns now is brain damage and his liver function, he was without adequate oxygen for so long, I have not heard the results of the brain scan yet so I am not sure of the damage in that area or if any exist.

Once again to my wonderful MB family here Thank you so very much for your Prayers and kind words of encouragement.......PLEASE keep it up when you think of him, and I pray that the Lord will bless each and every one of you.

What ever the final results of this situation are I trust that God knows best and even though we may not understand, I know as it was said already He makes no mistakes and some day we will undrestand as we are understood.

Thank you again all so much........

Shan & Family
Hope he gets better- sounds like improvement-

just lost my mom this week- would've been 92 June 28.

Your boy is young and strong and it's not his time.

Kevin is still holding his own, still in coma but hanging on to life.

Thank you all again so much for all of your kind words of incouragement, thoughts & prayers, it is appreciated more than you know and I pray each of you will be extremely blessed in your own lives as a result of your prayers and best wishes for our family.

Thank you.........!

Sincerely, Shan
I have just read your post and my heart and prayers are with you and your family in this hour of need. When I'm in need His words bring me comfort;

"Be still, and know that I am God"
I don't believe in atheism so instead of keeping your son in my thoughts, I will keep him in my daily prayer requests. Please keep us posted. God Bless you and your family.

We have taken Kevin to bigger better hospital, he willbe put on dialysis today at 4 pm, they have to get the toxins out of his system or he will not make it, kidneys have failed but they are still hopeful of getting them functioning again once they get his system clear of the poison.

His other organs are working for now and his brain damage is showing to be less than was expected so far, this kid has a long way to go though and we ask that you please continue to bombard heaven with prayer for him and ask that his life be spared.

I also hope that this tragedy will be a wake up call for many others and they will get their priorities in order and turn their lives around.

Thanks again for all the prayers and support.

Sincerely, Shan, Kevin & Family

Thank you all again for the prayers and kind words of encouragement