Sorry to put a damper on things here


I also hope that this tragedy will be a wake up call for many others and they will get their priorities in order and turn their lives around.


I think if some of these young people saw what I see everyday, a few might stop and think. It isn't just that I deal with people who've broken the law. Sometimes that's actually beside the point. I also deal with people who have stopped caring about their very own life. Their addictions and vices that bring them into conflict with the law and frequently endanger others are a product of them not caring about themselves enough. I've looked into the bottomless eyes of quite a few people who've given up hope, and that's a hard thing.

If I were allowed, I'd take some of the more troublesome adolescent cretins and sit them in a chair where I work. Have them sit through a day, then tell 'em "That's the other end of the path you're on."

Whatever you do, don't give up on this young one. I hope that when he sees how much you care, and how much we all care, it'll put some fight in him for the long recovery he'll have ahead of him. And I think the good Lord'll take care of the rest.
I have just read your post and my heart and prayers are with you and your family in this hour of need. When I'm in need His words bring me comfort;

"Be still, and know that I am God"

I love your quote! Its my favorite. He's in my prayers. God knows whats best.
I just ran across this, Count me in for what my prayers are worth..
Norm Starr

To God, every prayer about someone in need is priceless. Prayer works. It has saved my life multiple times. Even now, when i ride my motorized bicycle, I pray for my safety, and i haven't gotten hurt yet. Which im sure i will break something some day. Prayers matter....alot! no pun intended
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Once again thank you all for your kind words and most of all thanks a million to everyone who has had my son in your much needed prayers.

Doctors are making some tough decisions today on where to go on some issues he is having, please keep him lifted up.

Thank you very much and may the peace that passes all understanding be with each of us.

Peace, Shan
I believe the power of prayer can change lives.
I hope my prayers can help both Kevin, yours, and everyone's lives that surround you both.
Hang in there brother.
Just saw this. Hope that your son pulls through it with Gods help. My family is pulling for his recovery.

There isn't quite anything like the Power of Prayer.

I just came across this, so I'm going to leave Mother Mary tending to her knittin' needles, because I got business at the front office!

I'll be praying for you and your family.

Once again I cant say this enough....

thank you all so much for the kind words of encouragement and especially the prayers.....if any of you ever have a special need I hope I have the honor to know so I can offer the ame kindness and prayers back to you in return for yours for us.

Thank you so much to all of you and I really mean this.....

Shan & Family
Hi Shan,
I just read your post and am sorry to hear of Kevin's situation. Adding your family to our prayer list. I have four little guys 4, 6, 8, 9 who pray with me and my wife every night. I'll look for updates.

Dang man my heart goes out to you and your family...I know its tough to see them fight for their life...but he is getting a chance... a lot of kids dont. Hes young too so he has that in his favor...Someone told me once that God wont give more than you can handle??? I dont know and I dont wanna find out...when he gets better and gets out have him stop by the tavern here and I'll buy first round!
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mapbike today is the First Time I did see this post . I am very sorry to hear about what has happen to your Son . And My prayers got out to him and you and yours . Keep us up-dated on how hes doing . I have also had God help me when I was down and out he's real alright .
A candle for Kevin and your Family for strength through his recovery, as I have experienced this recovery myself. I will also pray for Kevin to have an epiphany, as I did, and realize the ones that care so much were a much better answer no matter the problem. I would also like to thank you very much for allowing us to know of this, and to make us all realize the things that are really important. This post has made me cry for the first time in 4 years, and think about waking my wife at 6:22 A.M. just to tell her I love her...maybe I'll stop writing this and thinking about it.

Much love and Karma, Vic