Resident Mad Scientist
I also hope that this tragedy will be a wake up call for many others and they will get their priorities in order and turn their lives around.
I think if some of these young people saw what I see everyday, a few might stop and think. It isn't just that I deal with people who've broken the law. Sometimes that's actually beside the point. I also deal with people who have stopped caring about their very own life. Their addictions and vices that bring them into conflict with the law and frequently endanger others are a product of them not caring about themselves enough. I've looked into the bottomless eyes of quite a few people who've given up hope, and that's a hard thing.
If I were allowed, I'd take some of the more troublesome adolescent cretins and sit them in a chair where I work. Have them sit through a day, then tell 'em "That's the other end of the path you're on."
Whatever you do, don't give up on this young one. I hope that when he sees how much you care, and how much we all care, it'll put some fight in him for the long recovery he'll have ahead of him. And I think the good Lord'll take care of the rest.