Sorry to put a damper on things here

I'm not religious nor is God so on that I do agree, religion is man made tradition, rituals and habits.

God is Love, Peace, Faith, Hope, Grace, Mercy, Kindness Wisdom & Wrath and Judgement as last resort.

In the time when Jesus the Christ was on earth as God in the flesh his followers were called Christians by others because they followered him and did the things He did, and even today that is truely what a Christian is, some believe they are Christians because they believe in God, but if that were true then Satan and his fallen angels would be Christians as well.

To be a Christian one must be an obedient followed of Christ, NOT perfect but committed to the will & ways of God as outlined in the road map he inspired and gave us, written by Godly men of the past with great wisdom ( Holy Bible )

Christianity isnt a religion as so many think, instead it is a way of life for someone who has surendered their will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and who follow him with all there heart according to the scripture.

So I said all this to say once again that I too am not religious but rather a follower of Christ ( Christian ) human and imperfect yes, but sincere and committed to my creator and his word yes, this is why, that even in this time of tragedy and turmoil in my family I can have a peace that surpasses all understanding to those who have never experienced what God has to offer all who will yield their lives to him.

Thanks everyone for the prayers and kind words, the doctors are very surprised at how good my son is doing even though I wouldnt call it good, but he wasnt expected to live or if he did not have any thoughful response, but he is a live and he is responding to verbal commands now, which is a huge step forward toward a recovery that only God knows but is looking more hopeful all the time.

Peace, Shan

i am very glad to hear that everything is goin good as other peolpe said I am not very religious but i do belikve in a higher power and pray in times of need for me or anyone one else that needs it.
Going to see Kevin today, He is still showing progress in some small areas, just baby steps right now but he is holding his own by the grace of God.

I just want to say once again how much it means to me/us that all you fellas here are sending all the best wishes, encouragement and prayers our way in this dificult time, we are very hopeful & positive about Kevins outcome, but at the same time realistic on the fact that this will be a recovery that will take time and be hard for all of us at times, our faith will continue to be totally in the great physician who can not only mend bodies but also heart, mind & spirit.

I truely believe this kid is gonna come through this with a whole new outlook on life with a new purpose that will lead him in a much better direction for the rest of it, this is my prayer for him and for many others who are directly and/or indirectly affected by this tragic accident that has taken place in his/our life.

Thank you all again and may God shine his light on all our lives in each way that we need it and help us to understand what His purpose for each of our lives is......

Friend, Fellow MB'er, Brother

Peace, Shan
Shan.. no damper on us at all! seems that most do what they can to help. and that really shows people care here in this crazy-ass world. god bless dennis

Kevin is doing better, prayers are being answered and the Doctors are scratching their heads in amazement right now, yesterday was a big day, they came to check on him and found that his pneumonia was gone.....the staff infection he had is gone..... the C-Dif in his intestines is show negative, he spoke his first words which the doc's thought he may never do, he has become very aware of the people around him and knows who they are, he has answered many questions by simply nodding yes or no in the last two days, and today he had a small amount of food & drink by mouth and was able to swallow just fine, he still has a ways to go and I still ask for your prayers for him to continue, but he has been showing steady improvement each day for the last week.

The doctors had said that judging from the amount of brain damage he had he may never speak or actually remember or know any of us or anyone else for that matter, and as I had said before he was only given a 1% chance of survival 3 weeks ago, prayers have been and are being answered just as I knew they would be, God gave me a peace from the very begginning that Kevin would live even though the Doctors said he likely would not because of his serious condition with all his organs shutting down and the severe brain damage he was shown to have.........all his organs have been restored and he is awake and speaking and like I said the Doctors dont know how to explain it, but it's no big secret or mystery to me, I have seen God work in lives before and literally know people who have been on their death bed and were healed instantly right in front of doctors nurses and family so I have experience the move of God first hand and have known that he could raise Kevin up from this the entire time if that was his will.

So, I just wanted to share the good news with my buds & brothers here and give the Lord Jesus a big shout out for what he is doing for my son Kevin.

Sincerely, Shan

Happy safe MB-ing all!
Thank you very much for the good update.
I am very happy to hear that Kevin is doing well!
Thank you for your blessings, Lord!