Thank you guys. Your forms have been sent out. We now have 4 riders confirmed, and I'm in process of contact every company possible, see if we can get some sponsors, and I will also be in contact with Sudbury officials, as well as some charities that maybe we can use this event to raise money via rider donation, public donation, or sponsor donation. This is only in the beginning processes, sponsors may or may not happen. Mainly, I'm focussing on the riders, and the rally. I will do my best to make sure that everyone is safe, from break down, law, or anything else we may run into. The motto in boy scouts was "always be prepared". I've never dropped that phrase from my life. This will be the best possible rally I can muster, I'm also paying out of pocket for this event, so sponsors aren't necessary. But we'll see what happens. I can't wait for this event, I plan to do this annually, depending on the outcome of the Sudbury rally. Thank you so much those of you who are in support of my event, those who are not, I'm attempting to consider all possible situations, and take the best course of action. I would like this website ( to be the main banner of this event. Thank you again guys.
Ride hard, Live free.