Ontario Rally?!?!?

vote for your desired charity

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Thank you guys. Your forms have been sent out. We now have 4 riders confirmed, and I'm in process of contact every company possible, see if we can get some sponsors, and I will also be in contact with Sudbury officials, as well as some charities that maybe we can use this event to raise money via rider donation, public donation, or sponsor donation. This is only in the beginning processes, sponsors may or may not happen. Mainly, I'm focussing on the riders, and the rally. I will do my best to make sure that everyone is safe, from break down, law, or anything else we may run into. The motto in boy scouts was "always be prepared". I've never dropped that phrase from my life. This will be the best possible rally I can muster, I'm also paying out of pocket for this event, so sponsors aren't necessary. But we'll see what happens. I can't wait for this event, I plan to do this annually, depending on the outcome of the Sudbury rally. Thank you so much those of you who are in support of my event, those who are not, I'm attempting to consider all possible situations, and take the best course of action. I would like this website (motorbicycling.com) to be the main banner of this event. Thank you again guys. :) Ride hard, Live free.
So here's an update. I've put in a lot of work so far. I've contacted 18 different motor bicycle related companies, explaining my intentions, and seeing about some sponsorships. What that means... They donate a bit of money, which is pooled for charity. In turn, they have a few choices. A) Ship me banners or signs with company name, they will be advertised. B) Attend the rally, set up a kiosk or table, and advertise and sell during the bike show. They will be recognized as a donator to the charity, (good advertising) and their company name will be printed on the shirts. Info on the bike show.... I'm thinking the bike show will be held as a public event, one which I will go to Sudbury, meet with Whelan, and post flyers and such to advertise the show. If you have bikes for sale, or just want to show off, that will be a good opportunity. I will host a public vote on best bike, and perhaps a few other catagories. There will be a BBQ with burgers and hot dogs, which can be sold to the visitors of the bike show. Us riders will have our own BBQ as well, which will be free for all registered riders. I'm looking into a PA system as well, so voices can be heard without yelling. I can't promise a huge turn out, but all the same, it will be fun. I have so far 5 riders attending, and we're just getting started. I think we can grow this event over time, and come rally time, it's on! I'm pretty excited, but my work isn't even half over, still a lot of people to contact, and a lot of things to organize. Does anyone have any requests for a charity? I know of a bunch, but I figure I'd run it by everyone, see if there's a general preference. Suggestions? Ideas? Thanks guys. :)
The companies I've contacted... Gasbike.net, Bikeberry Motors, Zone 8 cycling, Pirate Cycles, Maniac Mechanic, King's motorbikes, Spooky Tooth Cycles, That's Dax, Zoom Bicycles, Venice Motorbikes, Fallbrook Tech, Chris Hill, The bike guy, Sick Bike Parts, Bike Motor Kits.Com, Rock Solid, Hybriped.com, and Ampd Bikes. I've also messaged Paul, the site creator. (Motorbicycling.com) Now I realize most of these companies aren't local, and likely won't attend, but some may want to advertise, so I'll give them the chance. If anyone has any other companies or organizations I may have missed, please let me know, and I'll email them right away. Thanks guys.
Nice man! This is starting to turn into quite the event, nice to see the effort yer puttin' into it!

It's still about 700 miles away :(
Boy, when I first pictured this rally it was riding along someplace in Canada with some other enthusiasts... now it is looking like an EVENT. That's cool I guess, even if I usually avoid crowds, gatherings, lumpings of two-leggeds all in one spot. I can be social if I put my mind to it.
What about a charity which has to do with use of road and safety? Off the top of my head is Mothers Against Drunk Driving, which would suggest that the participants are advocates of sober and responsible riding. So that's one suggestion.
I was thinking about the local food bank also but that depends on how far the money stretches.
Helped out in a few hot rod shows in the early 60s. Much like our meet. Two grew into major shows and the rest stayed small and fun. Just people enjoying what other people had done to thier cars. No trophy hounds.

There was an early rush of people and then it got quiet and then as the show got closer the people signed on because they could set thier plans in motion.

ABC, thank you for taking this on. Maybe we will get more people on motorized bikes because of it.

Ok, so I've emailed the mayor of Sudbury, mayor John Rodriguez. I'm awaiting his reply. I've also received emails from two interested sponsors. Looks like we may have motorbicycling.com as our main banner, which is probably the most appropriate. The ball is in motion guys, all I need is the mayor's approval, and there's no stopping me. :) if the mayor's onboard, so are the police, so it's all good. Whelan wheels is plotting three maps, one to get into sudbury, to the event, one for short trips, like coffee or gas, and one for three possible road tours, one short, one intermediate, and one long. He will be color coding the routes, and I will email out the package to all registered riders. So, it's all good so far guys, this will be an event to remember. :)
awesome i got the registration in my inbox today. I voted for the food bank (since ive been there) and mabye that can be just a box or something you can chuck something into. Sick kids would probley love our bikes! And then again, the police are always helping those mad mothers.

Keep me posted, dave
I think what I will do, is charge one item of non-perishable food for public entry to the bike show, and one other charity for the sponsors. By the way, the owner of motorbicycling.com is onboard, Ontario Rally 2010 is now a sponsored event! I'm trying to get my work as a sponsor, (sobeys) they are a grocery chain, and would be an excellent sponsor for the food drive, and the BBQ. :) things are looking amazing so far, still awaiting approval from the mayor. Thank you everyone, I'm so looking forward to this rally.
I think what I will do, is charge one item of non-perishable food for public entry to the bike show, and one other charity for the sponsors. By the way, the owner of motorbicycling.com is onboard, Ontario Rally 2010 is now a sponsored event! I'm trying to get my work as a sponsor, (sobeys) they are a grocery chain, and would be an excellent sponsor for the food drive, and the BBQ. :) things are looking amazing so far, still awaiting approval from the mayor. Thank you everyone, I'm so looking forward to this rally.

Boy, you don't fool around, do you?
Lol, nope. That's why I'm returning to school for business. When I say, "ride hard, live free" what I mean is, "stand up for what you believe in, and reap the seeds you've sewn with pride." :) I'm very determined, and persistant, this rally will happen, and it will be the start of a whole new perception on who we are, and what we do. Even the e-bike world has never seen a will like mine. I'm thinkin like a kingpin, and I will achieve my goals. ;)
Hey Addicted - I think the "local food bank" is defo the best route, generating a good reputation locally coincides well with your political objective.

While the other charities are admirable - they're disconnected from your hometown and may not have as profound an effect on opinion.

Apparently - others think this too lol
Damn. I'm so sorry to hear that markeatmark! That's never something you want to hear. I will provide a box for cash donation to the cancer society as well. No reason why more than one charity can't be involved. My best wishes Markeatmark.
It would be interesting to have track runs at the Delky Dozzy Bike Park. Not sure the bicyclist would like it very much. But I will be there with bells on, and packing a few friends as well.
Mark, like everyone on the forum, I sincerly hope your dad is on the mend. My families prayers are with your Dad and your family. Cancer touched our loved ones also.
