so, here's my thoughts. Sure we may be getting away with it for now, but are we really? Just cause you're one rider, and a cop passes with no comment, doesn't mean we're in the clear. We will never be in the clear. We will never have the complete freedom with our bikes that we desire. As far as I can tell, there are millions of people around the world driving these things around for fun, or necessity. Why are we sitting here arguing over whether or not we're going to change the law. We're not going to change anything with one rally. Rallies have been happening all around the world for years now. Have we noticed a change? There will be a change, as a un-ruled rider, we should accept the inevitable. Man up and ride guys, the fact is, you bought that engine kit, it was allowed into your country, you paid the tax on it. If the government wanted to stop it, they'd stop the companies who are selling them, not the individual rider. If they're going to change the laws, then let them, we're not going to stop them. You think they don't see us? They see us. They have a plan, they have people debating the engines, and the rules. It's just a matter of time. If we were all rockin nitrous, doing 80 mph on these things, crashing every week, with hospitals filling up with broken riders, they would probably take instant action. They aren't "noticing" right now, because for the most part, we are following road rules, not killing ourselves, or others, and they don't sound like most Harley Davidson Choppers. There's probably many more reasons why they have or haven't done anything about it. All I know is, there's no time like the present, so live it up. I'm not trying to be rude, or yell, or pick on anyone in particular, I'm just saying, what's all the arguing about really? We're not changing anything, we're not doing anything that isn't already being done, and even if we didn't hold this rally, someone else will. Lets just ride, have some fun, and enjoy it while it lasts. If you're worried you're gonna loose your bike, or get fined, there are specialized "m" licenses available for these bikes, as well as license plates, and insurance. Get certified, and take control. Simple. Sorry if I'm sounding rude, just thought I'd speak my mind.