Ontario Rally?!?!?

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Do you need a passport now? If it were in Thunder Bay we could call it the Rolling Thunder Review or something like that. Sturgis, eat your heart out!
I think thunder bay could be good, or somewhere near toronto. It could be anywhere really tho. We should be able to organize something. I'm not sure how much info is on the net about border crossing with a motorized bicycle. I'm sure that no matter what means of travel you're using, a passport will be needed to enter or exit another country. But again, I'm not sure for fact.
If it's in Thunder Bay I'll look in to the passport deal to see what's what long before I need it. I haven't been over the border for a few years. Ever since we went bonkers here about the "terrorist threat" things have gotten a little nutty. We wouldn't want American Indians passing back and forth over the border along the highways, even though it's plenty easy around here by canoe or moccasin. I never thought to ask my friends of the local Bois Forte Band of Ojibwe what they do when visiting relatives. The band live in three villages, two on this side of the border and the other at a remote village on Lac LaCroix on the Canadian side. I suppose you need a passport to visit Grandma by canoe. Onceupona North America was all known as Turtle Island. For some of us it still is and we are still one people. I feel that way about Canadians. I do hope we can pull off the rally and that old Silverbear can go. I suppose Aaniimoosh the Wonder Dog will require certificates of being unrabid, tick, flea and drug free in order to come along in the kiddie trailer. Also a body search for explosives. What a world this has become.
Silver Bear, just sat down to get ready to get my enhanced drivers license. Michigan should have them too being as it is a border state.

This is a drivers license that has a chip in it that you hold up when you enter the US by land or water. The scanner reads it and the border people have your info on thier screen when you pull up. Shouldn't be as much money as a passport and easier to get. Most border States have them. Check where you live. Flying you need a Passport.

Don't know if you can slip through the woods as easy as you could. They have over 2,000 Coast Guard on the lakes and rivers and thier spending millions on drone aircraft to keep an eye on the border.
The nice part is thier still letting the Saudi Terrorists in legally. Another thing is that it isn't about keeping us out but keeping Americans in so they can't spend thier money any where else but at home.

It is now 1984.

Ok guys, it's in the works. I've got a partner in the rally. Whelan Wheels lives in Sudbury, and knows a very nice, open ride to Fenlon Falls for a road tour together. He's looking into getting us a banquet hall, as well as a possible place for tents, in case you need to stay the night. Whelan Wheels has a shop, for any and all possible repairs needed in your travel to the rally. I'm planning a raffle with a few prizes, Ontario Rally T-shirts, a huge bbq, bike show, group tour, THE WORKS. I'm very creative, and I want to make this memorable for all, and so great, it will be mimicked by others in the future. This will be a free event, with the option of donation. Nothing is expected, just you, your bike, and the free spirit we all share. We are also planning a registration, so we know where you're coming from, and can research and email the best route for you via google maps. As well, a small team will assemble the day before the rally, and provide telephone support for all registered riders. If you break down, there will be professionals available at any time to assist you right away. If you're close enough, two riders will be deployed to meet you and get you to the rally. We can then repair or rebuild at whelan's shop, and all is good. This will get further planned out, nothing is set in stone, except the fact that WE NEED THIS HERE IN CANADA!!! I've heard of rallies, I want one here. So, I'm gonna make it happen. Sudbury it is guys, it's gonna be huge, so who's in? :) Oh, and we're planning for mid to late may, 2010. Hope you all can make it, I'll post here when registration is worked out. Thanks. :)
I'm glad for you guys that this is really going to happen. Much as I'd like to be part of that it is some 800 to 900+ miles there (depending if I take a ferry of some sort across Lake Superior), so that is not only too far for a bicycle, it is too far for my old Suzuki Samurai to pull a bike trailer. Maybe your event will catch on and in future years there will be more rallies across Canada and Thunder Bay will hold one, too.
Sniff, I wanted to go, too. So did the dog. She said so. I asked her if she wanted to go for a bike ride. Always does, so no surprise. I'll be following along vicariously through this forum and wish you great success!
thats a definite " mabey " for me , thats if i still own a car by then , and have a way up . ( MIKE , if i do go it wouldn, be a problem to give you a lift if ya wanna pitch in for gas )
ABC, I'm in, I am planning a trip to Ontario to look up long lost friends next summer.
The freaky part for me is that our family were major players in Fenlon Falls development in the 1800s.

My Great Grandfather {dads side} was the first one in our family, there with his brothers when they came from England.

Going to be there anyway and what better way to do it. How long is the ride Sudbury to Fenlon Falls. Just found out. It's around 4 1/2 hrs by car.

Silver Bear, I'm going though and could pick you up. Just depends on my health but I have to go to the East Coast any way and stop in Rat Portage/Kenora to look up family history there too. Dads birth place. Get your enhanced drivers license and you should be good to get home again. Seems you are in one of the rare states to do that.

I have a camper van and will have a trailer for my bike and it will be big enough for two so we should be good to go.
Tell the puppy to be ready to pack.

The puppy is always ready. So am I. Let's make it a tentative plan, then. Sounds like lots of fun! Woohoo!
Silver Bear, great. Lets see how the plan unfolds but I'll keep you informed any way.
I'll be buying the gas so don't worry about that.
Going for my Enhanced Drivers License {EDL} on the 15th and then it's about a 6 week wait. Going to get a Passport as well just so I can cover all the angles.

hello there well any how just to make note i'll be working out the details here in sudbury for the rally gathering point as well as facilitys and the tour route from sudbury.Just a correction on the leaving point to the arrival point on the ride during the rally is from sudbury to stugeon falls and back which by general estimates are about 2&1/2 hours from sudbury to sturgeon falls non stop and 2&1/2 hours backnon stop.I do have a repair shop if needed for repairing bikesand minor repairs on motors as well.When we do arrive in to sturgeon falls we can take an hours rest and grab a bite to eat as well as gas up or have a cup'o'cooffee at timmy hortons.cflgxct2
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Sorry on getting the arrival/departure locations wrong guys! Silverbear, if now we can have you along too, that's awesome! I just read through the posts, and saw your doggie wanted sooo badly to come, I got sad! Lol, but then as I read on, I got happy again. Ha ha, this will be awesome guys, I can't wait. We'll be starting the organization as of immediately, so by rally time, it'll be something Guinness World Records might want to look at. ;) Who knows. :) Whelan, it's on us dude, we need say two more people for administrators, whatcha think?
If I can throw an idea in the pot gang. Politicos love photo ops and the local paper if it is still alive and tv channel would be your friends too. Try the Globe or Star and the Sun. You may get a jr. reporter but they will tell the story.

Let people see that these bikes aren't toys ridden by kids. The news will leak though to Toronto that these are a reasonable means of transportation.

Who knows the big bikes have Sturgis and we will have Sudbury.

I really don't mean to be negative but I'm tellin ya guys if you publicize and promote this thing your just asking for definitive laws against our hobby to be written and passed. Ontario and most other Canadian provinces have a really bad history of not allowing anything home built and motorized on the road, just go ask the folks that like to build kits cars or custom choppers. In Ontario where ebikes are now finally "legal" you still cannot build your own from parts or kits and "legally" ride it on the road...that's a fact!

Again I'm feeling bad because I don't want to rain on the parade but I as well don't want to be witness to the beginning of the end for us :(
you guys are going about this the wrong way, we gotta get like a hundred people and parade down in front of queens park and hand out fliers and get people to sign petitions, real proactive like.

something like this YouTube - Mad Max Motorcycle Gang

but in front of queens park with hundreds of us
Ok guys, Whelan Wheels has talked to his connect, we're a go. All green across the board. We've decided for everyone's personal comfort, we will keep this event underground as much as possible. We will avoid attention as much as possible until ride time, when we're all on road, there's not much that can be done to hide our presence. I won't contact the media, or Guinness, I wouldn't want to ruin things for all of us riders. I'm not sure the law on passports getting in and out of Canada on a motorized bike, I personally will be building a specific rally bike, with a 48cc upgraded. That way I'm legal in Canada. If you are running a 70cc, and are planning to attend, you may want to either switch to a 48cc, or label your 70cc as a 48cc as best and professionally as possible. As long as they assume it's legal. The police have a difficult time telling the cc of these engines, they are very similar. It's really up to you whether or not you want to take a chance getting busted with a 70cc. However this happens, it will be happening. I wish everyone the best, and I really hope you all decide to come. It may have risks, or it may be a very long ways away, but when all is said and done, and you've returned home, the memory alone will have been worth it. Whelan and I are going to make this as amazing as possible, so we can perhaps do this annually. We should consider starting somewhat of a chapter, name the group of riders, don the colors, and be our own "unit" so to speak. No need for presidents and vice presidents, just a name to the group, and you post your next distance ride, where others in the chapter can join in the ride if they are close, or willing to meet for the ride. We all meet here anyways, we could make it a secondary use for this website. I don't know, just a thought. We can be completely organized and if we can grow large enough, maybe then we could make a difference in a professional, and profound way, as our friend Mike Hunt (above) has mentioned. There's strength in numbers, especially when in union. Anyways, the rally is a go, so we hope to see you there, we'll be preparing immediatly.