Ontario Rally?!?!?

vote for your desired charity

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Humsuckler, been through Embrun. Lived in Brockville in the 70s.
Can picture going to Sudbury at 50 kmh. Isn't it funny that that area is the only part of Canada other than Quebec where we say that a town is French or English.

Hope to see you at the rally.

I've been kinda idly watchin' the debate in this thread about the political potential of such a rally.

There's of course two distinct sides - those that would like to have our bikes (more) legal and see this as an opportunity to push for it, and those that would say there's no point in pushing for greater acceptance - that any more attention may be harmful. There is of course the third camp, the one I'm in - the one that doesn't much care one way or the other... but we'll just skip that for now lol

I will say that whilst riding alone, your normal daily riding - there's little point in carrying on and waving some protest sign. Yet get-togethers and rallys not only provide an excellent opportunity to show the public these bikes aren't to be demonized - in fact you have little choice in the matter.

As it is a public event you will be seen. This above all else is a crucial time to ride responsibly - to put your best foot forward so to speak. Do whatever it takes to satisfy the requirements for such a gathering and be ready to answer the public's questions - you will be "ambassadors" of our sport.

If everyone rides through town screaming like banshees and leaving a wake of empty beer cans, needless to say most will be less than impressed. Yet the fact is this is an all-inclusive activity for both young and old, often it's a family sport as well with father and son projects somewhat commonplace. By in large most of the responses I receive are overwhelmingly positive and most I meet would like one of their own.

Use this as an opportunity to encourage our sport. Print introductory hand-outs with motorbicycling.com, a few dealers, and a general outline of what's entailed in building one. While there may be little to no immediate political impact - as most of the public's reaction is positive anyway why not use this as a chance to "recruit" others? What better example of the all-inclusive friendliness and shear popularity of our pastime than motorbicycling.com? We already have the resources - might as well pass 'em on.

This - while slower, is the most effective way to gain acceptance. No one is more prone to defend than someone who owns one.

Overt political actions cause lines to be drawn, "us against them" isn't what I would recommend. Even pushing environmentalism irritates some - I for one am sick onto death of those "holier than thou" green fanatics and their Toyota Pious... er Prius, I'd not worry about it - just push the fun, even the family activity aspects. They'll ask about mileage of course and come to their own conclusions if that's what they're interested in.

It's a combination of both "camps" that works the best, a bit of encouragement tempered by the desire to not irritate those that would discourage the legality of our machines. While riding alone under normal daily life I choose the quiet method of simple avoidance, as this is a public event that simply isn't a viable tactic.

Polite encouragement of the curious could in time move mountains and it wont be hard to have a smile on yer face I bet ;) I only wish I too could be there.
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BarelyAwake, you should write professionally. :) Very well said. I agree. If done right, we CAN control the outcome, or at least have a say. Bigger things have been accomplished. It's all about delivery to the perception of what we represent. It's not green, it's not speed, or no insurance. It's the fun. It's the community. It's the unity. If we stay focused on why we ride, and show that in how we ride, we can gain respect about what we do. I agree.
Lol, meh, typo shmypo. Lol. We all can't control every finger with exact precision all of the time! :) As long as you can squeeze the clutch, it's all good! .wee.
how about this... We come together tighter, as a unit so to speak. Give us a name, design us a symbol. Have chapters, divisions, whatever you want to call it. Design it from the get go, to represent good, responsible messages, and feed the public only positivity. We gather, communicate with selected organizations, advertise, and ride for charities. Hold events where non-MB riders can come for say... a cookout between chapters, all proceeds go to charity. Events that will benifit others in need, as well as spreading a positive message from us (the motorized bike guys), and in the end, we have what we want, they have what they want, and we make a few other people happy along the way. ???
You mean like this?


Bicycle Motor Forum - Motorized Bicycle Engine Kits, Manuals, And Help

Sorry, hadta be a wiseass lol :p
All I'm saying is, if we're worried that they'll take control, then why don't we take it first? Show them there is nothing to fear. How can they shut us down if we're helping to raise money for sick kids, or for breast cancer? The public wouldn't agree, they'd see the bigger picture. So they have engines on their bikes, so what! Look what they're doing for the community! I just think that we can build our own solid foundation, just need to be creative, innovative, and make a move in the smart direction.
how about this... We come together tighter, as a unit so to speak. Give us a name, design us a symbol. Have chapters, divisions, whatever you want to call it. Design it from the get go, to represent good, responsible messages, and feed the public only positivity. We gather, communicate with selected organizations, advertise, and ride for charities. Hold events where non-MB riders can come for say... a cookout between chapters, all proceeds go to charity. Events that will benifit others in need, as well as spreading a positive message from us (the motorized bike guys), and in the end, we have what we want, they have what they want, and we make a few other people happy along the way. ???

All kidding aside - this is defo the most productive way to approach the situation, should you need/want someone to proofread, write up a blurb, and/or even a lil photoshopping I'd be more than happy to offer what I can.

Though as there is no way I can participate or even be a member of your local chapter, it would be more fitting to have someone directly involved be responsible for that.

If you do wish help - feel free to PM me anytime ;)
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woah now, chapters? i think our meeting place here is enough of a membership into the "community" so to speak. after all, being ontarians we have all seen the biker wars of the late 90's and how they are still pretty seriously involved in amongst each other.....

a gathering to me sounds more like a car show ya know? great friends coming togeather for a friendly meet and greet that the public can enjoy in a different way.

Are we thinking of a central area we can camp? organize short rides? shoot the poo?

I will be bussing me and my bike as far as i can probley since i dont want to carry all those spare parts and tools with me. But ill be travelling with a trailer carrying my campsite around sudbury :)
raising money for charities is never a bad thing. We need to do something at some point. The question of course is, will it be something good and helpful, or something bad and harmful. I'd say we make a move, the smart move, head em off at the pass, and MAKE them see how we want them to see us. It's not that hard, and if you're worried about chapters and this and that, it's only to organize and establish us as a unit. A Charity bound unit that does good for communities worldwide. Don't want in, that's fine. I'm no idler, I speak up, and take first steps. Take what's yours in this world. Stand up, brush yourself off, and just do what's right. There's nothing wrong with these bikes, or what we do here as an online community, so we should maintain the control of what we look like and represent to others. Maybe I'm wrong here, but uniting in the right way can't be a bad thing.
Yes, we'll have a central meeting point. In sudbury, we have a hall, area for a bike show, area for camping and party. Whelan wheels and I are trying to organize a fun event for everyone. No protest is planned, or anything. Just a get together. I will contact the authorities, tell them we're coming, so none of us lose our bikes. I suggested chapters for the sake of small group rides, for charities, to give us a good name all the while. If you're worried about the law, then make preventative measures to esure your status as a motor bicyclist. If our community is threatened, then we should make a move. I'm not talkin biker wars, or any rivalry. I'm talking about the power of the people, strength in numbers. As an organized many, we have a voice that will be heard. stand alone, and we will fail.
Ok guys, registration forms are ready, and all of my paperwork for the rally is complete. I'm starting registration now, so if you'd like to attend the rally, please message here on thread, in private message, or email ([email protected]) to request a registration form. Thank you to you all, I hope to see you there!