Ontario Rally?!?!?

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They could not just change it with no update to the MTO website or at the offices. I think what you may have heard is just that a rumour, we have spoken to the head of inforcement for the MTO and were told that although she considers them illegal there is no writen law pretaining to bicycles with engines on the book, so it would be up to the cop, but every judge would have to toss it out.

Also it doesn't work for me either Eddie, the form should just be copy and paste, it would make it easier for all.

Furament the exact location has yet to be determined but a few post back are the likly places that I listed.
Hey Damien, update here!!!
I beleive I have 5 members , d'oh I should know :d
every August/September there is a parade in my lil' ol town, so I am thinking about Adding CRU St.Lou to it.
Would it be possible to get a big CRU logo banner?
Speaking of the logo, can you get a bigger copy of it??
I know a way to make Iron-on shirts, but they aren't that good:(
It's just a Microsoft Word document. There shouldn't be any problems with it. I'll do another for copy and paste. Sorry guys, just trying to have a professional form. Not sure why it didn't work. It downloads for me no problem.
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CRU is on hold for all those who are members/leaders. I'm not scrapping the idea, and if you are a leader, please continue as you were. It's back burnered because I've taken on too much in my life right now. Full time midnight job, school during the day, in a band, and a relationship two cities over, ADDICTED MOTORBICYCLES, a clothing line and now I'm attempting web site design. Lol. CRU needs to be re-evaluated and processed, and organized better. It was an idea, and a good one, however, I would like to get things more organized, proper paper work and planning, re-evaluate my intentions with CRU, find out the laws and obligations a company like Charity Riders United would pertain.

Weekend-fun, good job on the efforts! I'm not sure what's involved in the parade, I just want to point out, CRU is not registered in any way at this time, and the organized side of it just isn't here on my end. If you'd like to enter your riders into the parade, please do the appropriate research and make sure you do everything proper. Thank you. Don't give up, I am not dropping CRU, I am simply re-evaluating, and re-building. Thanks.
Ontario Rally 2010
Registration Form


Do you have a cell phone? y/n
Cell #: 
Are you a registered user of Motorbicycling.com forum and chat?
User Handle:

How will you be traveling to and from the rally?
Riding Motorized Bicycle
Carpooling with another rider

If you are riding your motorized bicycle to the event, a team of professionals will be available by phone at any time, to assist you in event of a breakdown.

Do you require directions to and from the event?
Postal Code/Zip Code:

Agreement: The hosts of this event, and anyone involved hold no responsibility in any way towards injury, breakdown, fines, or broken laws. We are only holding the event, and will help with any problems to the best of our ability. Please follow local laws and abide bicycle engine “cc” limits, and local speed limits. Riders ride at their own risk

Please copy and paste this form, and email to: [email protected]
Hey guys, we have a semi update Ken and I have been looking into local campgrounds aswell would this interest anyone? I am still leaning to the farmers feild with portta poties and what not, a band Saturday night? Anyone have some sugestions, all our welcome. I had a sit down to go over some details wit my motorboys partner(Ken) and we are moving along nicely. We will have a site for this early in the new year but I need a general idea of who is open to coming, so if you could just email your intensions, to [email protected] that would be great we are just looking at how much land we may need. It will be held in and around the area's I indicated, it is just a matter of how much room may be needed.
Thanks For your support!
Hey guys I live is Mississauga, Ontario, and am just starting my build and hoping to have it running for tests in a couple weeks time. Real interested in meeting some in my area that have same passions myself because most people just look at me funny. I think we could really come together And pool resources about local dealers for MB products.
