Ontario Rally?!?!?

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Not so sure this rally will happen. The mayor, and the police are not responding to me. I feel ignored. I may need to change location or something, I'll keep you all posted.

I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully other city administrations are less butt headed. I'd still like to see it take place at Thunder Bay for purely selfish reasons. I live near Lake Superior on the Minnesota side of the border and love the north shore of the big lake. It is awesome scenery and would make for some great rides. That's where Chris Hill is located, I believe (and if I'm remembering the name correctly). I would think that any city considered should have someone local who can act as a liaison and might have better luck convincing the police and city hall that it is a good idea... also that hosting a motorbicycle rally is not going to turn into something raucous and a problem. If the person presenting the idea emphasizes the most benign aspects of this hobby/sport/addiction/? and maybe even photos of some of the likely participants... seeing that some are geezers and people cruising around at 20 or 25 mph on bicycles with little motors and is not a threatening thing... plus that the local food shelf and other charities will benefit might help sway opinions. In other words it must seem like something of benefit and not a liability. My thoughts anyway. I'd really like to see this happen. It would be helpful to learn why Sudbury did not want it. Knowing the thinking there might help in developing a more effective strategy elsewhere. Summer 2010 is still a long ways off. Just a guess, but due to it's location I'm guessing that Thunder Bay may feel somewhat out of the mainstream of greater Ontario, perhaps getting the short end of the stick a little too often. Such a place might tend more to go it's own way. If there are already riders there, they may be able to give a heads up on how likely a rally might be possible. Same would be true for other locations under consideration. Maybe someplace relatively small and having a rough time economically might be more open to the idea of anything that brings people and a few dollars. There must be some way to make this happen.
Ok, I don't know why but I just found this thread, I must have joined after it was popular, Anyways I am in the process of talking to AD, and see where he is at, I realize most of you don't know me that well, so here it is my partner and I have been selling these motors for a couple of years outta of our shop and just recently took it online, we have been talking about a rally all last summer to see if we could drum up interest, off our email list of customers and what not and we did. AD just had to go out so I'm sure he will update you all later on what we discuss but my plan is that, I would like to suggest is to have it in a privatly owned campground, I would still like to take a tour on public streets, to a nice location and all his other idea's are great but the main thing is to hold most of this on private property, like a flee market, garage sale type of thingy. Hey if people can smoke pot and show their goodies(gay pride, reffering to the nudity only) in other big parades we have in ontario, I can not see why our little gray area bikes can not have there day in an organized ride! Anyway all I am trying to say is I'm on board AD and will sponser and get the word out, in my town of Cambridge alone I know over 50+ MBer's so if we do it right turn out will not be a problem. I kinda rambled on but jeeze guys as I have said before this writing advise and posting is a real hard thing for a guy who talks very little. Anyways lets getter back on track and find a private Camp ground or?
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alright, new found rally faith has been found. I have stumbled across Motor Boys, and as he says, a new rally is being formed since thunder bay apparently has issues with these engines, (cops are pullin them over left right and center) and Sudbury officials are now ignoring me. With the prospect of teaming with Motor Boys, this rally can be much larger and more organized than it ever could have been, with 50+ possible local riders, the riders coming to join from other places, Motor Boys expansive mailing list, and the already on board sponsors, this could happen. Yes, it's a different location, but the location really hasn't ever been solidly in stone. I really would have loved to have it in Thunder Bay, or Sudbury, but these are apparently not options for a rally in 2010. Looks like Cambridge, or somewhere between here and there. As more information becomes available, it will be posted. I will be introducing Motor Boys to CRU as well, and we'll see if we can get a real rider union going on. I'll update you all as it comes!
count me in! i would love to do something like this, i have a buddy, would it be ok if he tagged along on my (slow yes you know it) moped?
The more the merrier! I welcome every MB rider, from anywhere. There's interest all the way from Texas for crying out loud! Lol, with effort, this could be a record breaking rally! I hope so anyways. :)
Unless something happen, you can count Silver Bear and I in. I'm heading back that way for a visit so where ever your going to have it we will be there.

Really thing you will be better off closer to Toronto. More people that can make it because it's local and the area has alot more people to draw from.

It's in the works. And it will be closer to Toronto, likely on a private camp ground, and Motor Boys and his partner will be teaming with me now, and they seem much more pro and able to do this. So, between the three of us, we're gonna make it major. I've been focused on sponsors and the public bike show, if that can happen, then that can happen, but in all reality, I just want to get as many riders together in one place, hang out, share stories, ride together, etc. That's the real reason I want a rally, money and respect are secondary, and in my opinion, not too necessary. I just wanna bring the riders together. So lets do this guys. Lets set a record breaking number of motorbicycle riders! Lol. I'll keep you all posted, a date will be set in stone soon. CRU has been put on the back burner for now, but will likely be revived at a later date.

Take care guys, like I said, I'll keep you all posted. :)
Hey Fast eddie our plan for the event will be within a 45min drive from TO and 30 min to Hamilton, 30 from KItchener-waterloo. I have been looking into this for awhile. I have talked to addicted and we will set a date tomorrow with a venue being chosen within a week or 2 after, Before we can expect people to commit you have to have a date set in stone as most have to book holidays at begining of January for that year.
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****, im still in. i live 30 minutes east of the nation's capital. glad to see this revived!

on a second note, i would love to be our voice or reason to government officials afterwards. i will be taking lots of pictures and lots of stories of the event and equipment on site to present to mp's and lawpushers. in all honesty, if there is a pilot for e bikes, we should have one too.

pulling out my m licence is a joke. If i wanted to ride my dirtbike every day i would. but its loud, thirsty and invisible to idiots in cars..... im alot safer on my little piss-bike.

-dave, from ottawa

matter of fact.... i think ill get around to piecing togeather that little letter to the MP over the weekend! ill post the draft up in a thread in the legal board
I was just looking at Cambridge on the map and see that it would be in a location such that we might be able to rendezvous with our members from New York, Killjoy over in PA, maybe BarelyAwake in Maine, the guys in Michigan, maybe Ohio. The north country is a nice destination in the summer months. What month would this be? Warm, I hope?
Hey Silver Bear thats my hope. It will be just outside of Cambridge I am looking at a spot in Sheffield or around Clyde. Both just outside of Cambridge. In this area within an 1 hour drive each direction there is most likey about a population of 4-5 million people ( toronto, hamilton,London, burlington,Missasaga, brampton, Guelph, cambridge,Kitchener-Waterloo, I could go on and on a very big base to draw from) and for anyone that knows the area we would be about a 30min MB ride to some great veiws of Hamilton mountain and more of the escartment. It should be good I will be looking into getting a farmers field with plenty of camping area and lots of room for a little show and shine, the one I have in mind has a quite extensive trail network around there for some off road rides, plus it is in the country so road rides will not be a problem. addicted and Me and my partner at Motor boys will pick a date tonight, set it in stone and then ask for a commitment from riders to attend. I hope this all sounds good, it will most likely be in late June, so decent weather for us all.
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Hey Fast eddie our plan for the event will be within a 45min drive from TO and 30 min to Hamilton, 30 from KItchener-waterloo. I have been looking into this for awhile. I have talked to addicted and we will set a date tomorrow with a venue being chosen within a week or 2 after, Before we can expect people to commit you have to have a date set in stone as most have to book holidays at begining of January for that year.

did someone say offroading?? thats what i love to do the most!
There is no time set as of yet, Motor Boys and I are going to discuss it, pretty much, all plans that were, are no longer, and the reset button has been pressed. I'm uniting with Motor Boys as it is a solid connect, and the most likely way that this rally will happen. After the event, (especially if it's a huge turn out) I believe lobbying our interests would be an excellent idea, however, I think careful planning, and a tactical approach, would benefit us the most. I'm a firm believer in doing things right the first time. I think we'll likely only get one chance to have a voice, so we need to make it loud enough.

Motor Boys and I will talk further, location and time will all be posted as it is decided, and I or Motor Boys will post the organizational facts as they arise.

I'm so happy to hear that you all are still interested in this rally, I was giving up for a bit, but I have to give credit to Motor Boys for waking up the beast within! I'm off of work on stress leave right now, so I've plenty of time on my hands at present. I'm also putting a new engine on my bike this weekend, hopefully, so I can ride around the local cities and hang some posters, and talk to people, spreading the word through word of mouth. :) We'll keep you all posted. Thanks again for sticking with the rally guys, you all deserve credit and praise, for your ideas and support.

kudos to you who ride with passion and integrity, lets take what's ours, the open road.

As I said from the start get the cops on board first. I go back to the days when if you had a custom car or a hot rod you could count on being pulled over at least once a day as you drove through small towns and cities. Now it's MBers turn.

T.O. and that part of Ontario are my old stomping grounds so it will be fun for me to see it all again.
I left in 1979 so there is probably little left that I remember. At least now I can go back to Hamilton. Don't mess with a cops daughter was a hard lesson well learned.

Looking forward to the gathering fellas and thanks for doing this.

OK guys a date has been set, it will be held June 25-26, it's a Friday and Saturday. I was thinking Friday can be a kind of meet and greet and ? Saturday we will have things all planed out for some rides, show and shine, hopefully some bike vendors besides myself will set up a booth and hock their goodies. Sky's the limit. I have asked Addicted to repost the registration form, now that we have a date let's start that going again. We have also created a new email address where we would like them and any idea's you may have to be sent aswell as the form just so we can get everyones input to make these 2 days the best.
Thanks Guys
ok, here is the new and improved registration form. It should be able to be opened in Microsoft Word, or another word processing program, edited, and then emailed back to the email on the form. I'm really excited about this take on the rally. It's going to be epic. :) Here's the form! :) I tested it, and it works fine. :)

Ontario Rally Registration Form.doc
Time to check out the new laws in Ontario, I heard a rumor that as of the end of November the bike is illegal to ride on the road. It would be considered for off road use only. So if you are caught on a road you could be charged! There is a little catch here in the north, if the hi way is the only through fair it is considered ok to go on that wrought.