Ontario Rally?!?!?

vote for your desired charity

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Well said Humsuckler. The whole point of CRU, is to get a foot in the door, or be the advocate, as you put it. This organization is planned to be one of the big organizations, well known to the public for large charitable donations. If the public is on our side, and the people recieving the charity we are raising are on our side, the government won't be so quick to shut us down, and will likely loosen the leash a little bit. That's the hope anyways. If we can organize, and hold fun, legal events that a lot of people attend, showing that we are responsible, caring people, we should be able to make a difference. There's a voice in numbers. Put a strong action to that strong voice, and recognition is recieved. :)
***I've emailed another person at the mayor's office, he got back to me right away, and has forwarded my very long message to the mayor, as well as his secretary. :) He's gonna know about us now! So we'll find out where we stand. If he says yes, we have a green light guys!***
Sounds like things are moving right along. Anybody following this thread happen to know about getting a motorbicycle registered in Minnesota?
ABC, call me an outlaw... but i dont want to have to licence, insure or register anything. that was sort of my whole point into the venture of a motorized bicycle!

I'll 2nd that comment...

If I wanted to licence, insure and generally pay through the nose for a legal 2 wheeled vehicle like I do for my cars I'll put my 82 Seca back on the road. My modified bicycle is a fun spare time killing novelty item and coffee shop parking lot conversation piece, nothing more.
To be safe, if you're not sure, or don't have access to the licencing, please consider running a 48cc for the rally, as most laws stipulate these bikes must be under 50 cubic inches.

ABC your charity efforts are very noble indeed but I do wish you'd stop posting things like the above because in Ontario, where you will be holding your rally, this is just not true and by posting such things you could possibly create problems or confusion for others. I tried to ask you in another thread where you were getting that particular info but I guess you have not seen it? Anyway there are no laws in Ontario that specifically state that a pedal bicycle modified with the addition of an internal combustion engine kit must be kept to an engine size of 50cc or less and I say this in good faith because I do know the Ontario HTA, CAIA and the POA very well. If you wish to be the self appointed front man and public voice for our hobby in Ontario I personally would very much appreciate it if you would study the laws of our province and learn how to interpret them so as to pass them along to others in a responsible manner. I think the tasks you have taken on demand it too because we all know what the public and the media does to a politician that sticks foot in mouth ;)
I have no idea why people like to make up imaginary laws even when it is not to their own benefit. Totally makes no sense.
whatever, im just putting my concerns about my personal event experience out there. i dont want a 3rd burecratic thread filled with all the stuff over again.

its "not legal" im glad i know that now. and im also glad that its not "illegal"

probley shouldnt go asking questions if you ask me! sounds like a good deal. until it is stated illegal.

and if your drawing any conculsion as to how that would come to be, by definition. the man with the ticketbook is ultimatley who can just decide what side of the fence to sit on. so please, wear your helments and ride somewhat responsibly.

have a good day!
Ok, I'll say this. I'm sorry if I've posted some wrong information. I've seen a site saying the laws, and for what I read, if it's not an e-bike, it needs a licence. I'll try to find that page again. I don't know what the law is completely, if they've changed it recently, I don't know what they've changed it to. I only ask that everyone be aware of the law, and as I've said from the beginning, ride at your own risk. I can't get a licence, even if they have one, since our drivetest facilities are on strike right now. So I'll be riding dirty to the event I guess, if the law says I need a licence that is. I'm not worried about it, all I want is permission from the mayor, and I'm happy. It's a risk I'm willing to take, being an avid lover of these engines, I will not stop riding just because they say no. I will study the laws, and I will finally say, just be aware guys, take precautions if you want to, and if not, it's all good! It's up to you. Sorry for any misinformation I have posted.
I myself have no desire to suffer the consequences of breaking the laws of this free land we live in. If the time comes these bikes are banned, I'll be going electric or back to peddling.
Ok, I'll say this. I'm sorry if I've posted some wrong information. I've seen a site saying the laws, and for what I read, if it's not an e-bike, it needs a licence. I'll try to find that page again. I don't know what the law is completely, if they've changed it recently, I don't know what they've changed it to. I only ask that everyone be aware of the law, and as I've said from the beginning, ride at your own risk. I can't get a licence, even if they have one, since our drivetest facilities are on strike right now. So I'll be riding dirty to the event I guess, if the law says I need a licence that is. I'm not worried about it, all I want is permission from the mayor, and I'm happy. It's a risk I'm willing to take, being an avid lover of these engines, I will not stop riding just because they say no. I will study the laws, and I will finally say, just be aware guys, take precautions if you want to, and if not, it's all good! It's up to you. Sorry for any misinformation I have posted.

getting the license is tricky. in the beginning of the summer i got the m1 license, that was before i was even considering getting an mb, at the time i was gonna get a proper motorcycle, but decided against it because its too expensive. then i made my mb and rode with the m1 license until it expired because there's no way i could use my mb to take the m1 exit test. only way you could stay licensed is if you take the m1 exit test with a proper moped/motorcycle or if you keep taking the m1 written test everytime it expires. also with the m1 you could get booked for riding at night as well, because thats one of the conditions of the m1 license, no riding at night. having a license is not really required for an mb, because its not really regulated, but its nice to have if you ever get pulled over, so you can show the cop that you're not some punkass kid with a pocketbike, but that you know the rules of the road and stuff like that.
I myself have no desire to suffer the consequences of breaking the laws of this free land we live in. If the time comes these bikes are banned, I'll be going electric or back to peddling.

That's an interesting and kind of loaded statement.. "breaking the laws of this free land we live in". I'm not Canadian and have no comment regarding life there. But it made me think about my life here in the USA and the confusion of the willy nilly laws here regarding something as simple and seemingly benign as an old bicycle with a little motor on it. I'm almost 65 years old, live out in the forest and come to town when I have to, don't bother anybody and mind my own business. My ancestors were here before the law makers came from Europe. Sometimes I don't feel particularly free when regulations decide for me whether or not I can live in a bark covered hut (wiigwaam), need to get a license for a birch bark canoe, can't ride an Indian pony in this place or that, or be able to ride a bicycle with a little motor so I can go to town on the cheap. None of these things seem to have much to do with national security, safety or anything at all. It feels more like petty meddling in people's lives. There are serious things to be concerned with which our fearless leaders choose not to deal with. There are injustices which continue unaddressed. Somehow regulating an old guy on his bicycle minding his own business putt putting along the side of the road at 20 mph seems a
monumental waste of time. Isn't there something more compelling for the do gooders to fix? Just thinking as I drink my morning coffee. G'day.
Petty laws = control & revenue.

"Fun" story: New Hampshire's license plates say "Live Free or Die" and a fella didn't really like the "or Die" part so he painted over just that bit so it said "Live Free"... He was fined (heavily) for "altering" the plate - which as we all know doesn't actually belong to you, it belongs to the state (he was fined the same as if he had changed the numbers/counterfeited a plate).

Oh, the irony... ALL HAIL THE STATE!!1! :-{
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that's crazy! the plate really said that? live free or die? wow, that's interesting!

Yes, that's their state motto. Official and all. I think it's from back when the USA was still pretty newly "independent".
I'm not clear about my state's motto or if we have one. It might be "Gone fishing".Around here we're more likely to take up rod and reel than firearms.
I was looking at the poll, and thought about something.....
Isn't their alot of people fundraiseing for caner research, I mean they do need money, but maybe we should do something not as popular, but equaly important??
I rarley see M.A.D.D events
or childerns hospitals.....
Just my $0.02
ADC, I lived for years in New Hampshire and my son still does and probably always will.

Yes the state motto is LIVE FREE OR DIE. Here is how it happend.

General Stark was a NH General in the American Revolutionary War and was involved in the Battle of Bennington, Vermont.

He was asked to be the Key Speaker at the annual reunion held on July 1st 1809.
He was forced to decline due to poor health and did so in a letter to his comrades who were gathered.
At the end of the letter he asked them to drink a toast that he had prepared but could not deliver.

Live Free or Die: Death Is Not The Worst of Evils.

It became the State Motto in 1945

Very interesting! Thank you for that information! So weekend, just wanting to let you know, the charity is yet to be decided. I'm still awaiting approval to hold this rally, it has to clear through the mayor's office, and three police officials! It's quite complicated, and because I'm holding a "raffle" and a public BBQ, I have no choice but to register. If I had of just hoped we went under the radar, I was told I would have been heavily fined, if not arrested! So, I've submitted the form, and if it's denied, there's not much I can do. I'll have to find a new rally location, and start all over again. I'm not looking forward to that, but I will hold a rally. It goes with all the businesses I'm attempting to create, so why would I not? Lol. If this rally is denied, I'll be pretty upset, I may not gain these sponsorships again.s
Not so sure this rally will happen. The mayor, and the police are not responding to me. I feel ignored. I may need to change location or something, I'll keep you all posted.
wellllll..... the bikes are pretty much "not legal" which means. the cops are starting to catch on.....

you can do us ontario citezens a favor and lobby your local MP. i will start on mine's case friday.