Ontario Rally?!?!?

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my hopes to you as well Mark, I have lost three Aunties and one Uncle to Cancer and the youngest of my sisters is battling the desease as well. I am a long time resident of Sudbury and would love to see a rally here. I have been riding mine for a year now and use it to commute to work and have not had any trouble from Police, in fact a couple of off dutie officers have tried a couple of my bikes and enjoyed the ride. I would like to believe that if we got the Mayors Permission to have the rally here we would not have any troubles.
Ok, so I've emailed like 5 or six registration forms out, and haven't recieved anything back. Just curious who's planning on coming and who isn't. So I have an idea of how to arrange things. If you've recieved a registration form, please fill it out and send it back to me as soon as possible. Thanks guys. :)
Ok, so I've emailed like 5 or six registration forms out, and haven't recieved anything back. Just curious who's planning on coming and who isn't. So I have an idea of how to arrange things. If you've recieved a registration form, please fill it out and send it back to me as soon as possible. Thanks guys. :)

Printer's out of ink, so can't print it out and mail it snail mail. Can't figure out how to put it into a word document so that I can fill in the blanks and email it. I'll get it if I fiddle around with it long enough.
I could just list the questions and give answers, but gosh would that be official then? Just kidding. Would that be an OK way to do it?
yea my registration form was a little confusing too, the way i had to unzip it and whatnot. i also dont have a printer, can it be emailed and signed on site?
Here is the form, I'll just post it here, and you all can either private message the info to me, or email it. Here it is guys. Sorry for the problems.

Ontario Rally 2010
Registration Form


Do you have a cell phone? y/n
Cell #: 
Are you a registered user of Motorbicycling.com forum and chat?
User Handle:

How will you be traveling to and from the rally?
Riding Motorized Bicycle
Carpooling with another rider

If you are riding your motorized bicycle to the event, a team of professionals will be available by phone at any time, to assist you in event of a breakdown.

Do you require directions to and from the event?
Postal Code/Zip Code:

Shirts will be made for the Ontario Rally 2010,

Your desired shirt size? 
Name to be printed on shirt?

Agreement: The hosts of this event, and anyone involved hold no responsibility in any way towards injury, breakdown, fines, or broken laws. We are only holding the event, and will help with any problems to the best of our ability. Please follow local laws and abide bicycle engine “cc” limits, and local speed limits. Riders ride at their own risk, do you agree? y/n
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There could be a chance that my band may come to the rally. Lol. Anyone like metal? lol. it could be a secondary advertisment, hold a concert one night, say after the bike show, bring more people around to be introduced to MB. :) Just a thought.
Shirts for the rally are being organized. I have found a friend who prints shirts and hats and stuff professionally, and will be giving me good prices. Here's my question, do you guys want reflective stuff on your shirts? Like embossed reflective chevrons, or something? I'll be recieving a catalog soon of all of the products. I'll post some useful ones to see everyone's opinion. I want everyone to hopefully be in love with these shirts. lol. I'll be making rally shirts with no names on the back, for the general public to purchase for like $10 if they want, all proceeds go to the next rally.

***If you haven't heard of CRU, please click this link***
If anybody would like to help me spread the word about the rally in any way possible, that would be amazing. It will be great if we could get 20 - 25 riders at least, so the bike show is big enough to be enjoyed. :) I realize it's not going to be easy to get a lot of riders there, but if they come, it's going to be crazy. :) Thanks everyone!
It's a long shot fosho - but ifn there's any Maine-iacs plannin' on driving there I'll be more than happy to throw down for fuel to lug me an my bike there and back :D

*shrug* Ya never know unless ya ask ;)
We're thinking of moving the rally to june, it might be too cold still in may. I may have posted that already, but I wanted to put it out there again.

I think that would be a wise move. I imagine May here in northeastern Minnesota isn't all that different from your part of the world. May is more likely to be cold and rainy than warm and nice where I live. I was wondering about that when I first saw "May". June is good. Around here that means keeping your mouth shut as you ride or you'll end up inhaling mosquitoes and other little flying critters, but at least it's warmer.
my birthday is in june too haha good news!

i know of at least... 2 mabye 3 MB'ers in my town here ill be sure to get them onto the site.
ABC, I mentioned May back when you first talked about this. I lived on lake Huron and there are no fond memories of May as being great weather.
Don't think you can expect a great deal of the people to commit this early. There are 8 plus months before the ride and not everyone can plan that far ahead. Being retired does have benefits but the only hold up is your darned old when you get it.

I'm dogone sure that you will have a full house of riders when the time comes. It is the first one and people tend to let someone else be the trail breaker. Your estimate of riders is about right. If it is too large the first time it may be out of hand and not manageable.
Better we leave Sudbury a happy place given the small town values. Lived in lots of them in my life and they tend to watch something new, closely.

If the town benefits we will be welcomed with open arms. The police will also put the word out as to how we behaved, Years of being married to a cop taught me a lot of lessons. The local police will be kidded about being invaded by "bikers". all the area police will be waiting to see how it goes,

As Rockenstien has said and he is very right, the OPP will be really interested. They will make up thier minds slowly as they see more bike rallies held and they aren't, as I've said before, a wild bunch of kids tearing the Province apart.

The Police have thier own list of charities and as charity helpers we may be able to help there or at least offer.
If they have a chance to see for themselves who we are maybe good things will come out of it.

Local parades? Not that I'm going to spend my life working all the time to help but I would think that when the chance comes up for a local charity I would be willing to make myself available.

Just more thoughts!

Here is the form, I'll just post it here, and you all can either private message the info to me, or email it. Here it is guys. Sorry for the problems.

Ontario Rally 2010
Registration Form


Do you have a cell phone? y/n
Cell #: 
Are you a registered user of Motorbicycling.com forum and chat?
User Handle:

How will you be traveling to and from the rally?
Riding Motorized Bicycle
Carpooling with another rider

If you are riding your motorized bicycle to the event, a team of professionals will be available by phone at any time, to assist you in event of a breakdown.

Do you require directions to and from the event?
Postal Code/Zip Code:

Shirts will be made for the Ontario Rally 2010,

Your desired shirt size? 
Name to be printed on shirt?

Agreement: The hosts of this event, and anyone involved hold no responsibility in any way towards injury, breakdown, fines, or broken laws. We are only holding the event, and will help with any problems to the best of our ability. Please follow local laws and abide bicycle engine “cc” limits, and local speed limits. Riders ride at their own risk, do you agree? y/n
Some new Rally NEWS!!!!

Ontario Rally 2010 is now sponsored by the following companies...

Sick Bike Parts
Spooky Tooth Cycles
Zoom Bicycles
Sobeys (grocery chain)

There will be a raffle, and engine kits will be given away. A couple two stroke kits, and a new 48cc 4stroke, 4G. Sobeys is providing food for the BBQs, and I will be renting two portable toilets for the event.

As more and more sponsors jump onboard, the rally will improve still. Lets get those registrations in if you can, because I will be making shirts for the rally with your name on the back if you've registered in time. There will be a cut off point where name printed shirts will not be available, so the sooner you register, the sooner you solidify your custom rally shirt. :) You're not gonna want to miss this one!!

***as a side note, there is still no word from the mayor. Laws apparently have changed, and I don't know exactly what they are now. I do know that you can still ride em, if you do the right steps. Whatever those steps may be, I don't know as of yet. So if there is a special licence available where you are, it may be a good time to get it. We'll all eventually need them anyways, might as well get ahead of the game. To be safe, if you're not sure, or don't have access to the licencing, please consider running a 48cc for the rally, as most laws stipulate these bikes must be under 50 cubic inches. These are my thoughts, I will be looking into licencing myself, gotta do it anyways, so I might as well. I don't want to endanger anyone, so to avoid tickets, fines, or the dreaded bike seizure, please ensure you take the proper steps to stay "legal". Thank you.***
ABC, call me an outlaw... but i dont want to have to licence, insure or register anything. that was sort of my whole point into the venture of a motorized bicycle! and i believe in outlaw rules....

ill still be there, no doubt about that. but if we all have to stay legal in the eyes of ontario MTO, we will shell out thousands just to get there. legally.

i think some sort of pardon is in order.... at least to give the "outlaws" a chance to take a little drive.
i really think we should be classed the same as an e bike. and i know it probley wont happen, but mabye the rally can be a good advocate to our beliefs?

order, is common sence. masturbation, or choking chickens is.... well. you know.

pardon my worked twelve hours in a noisy dusty industrial environment starved for sleep mentality but ill post a link to the ontario MTO thread. there is alot of debate and fluff but much of it is true legal speaks, worth the read.

if you follow, hopefully you can be the front runner for ontario mb'ers and get us a toe in the door towards a loosened longer leash for the event. We all have some great machines to bring and the public will of course want them.. im starting to hope this doesnt get me legal mumbo jumbo'd out of any actual fun. i refuse to spend my hard earned money leagalizing something as un-reliable and high maitenance as this bike! i need a car for the thick of winter its bad enough after 7 years of being "of age" i have to break down and deal with that.....

best of hope and keep up the good work ABC