Some new Rally NEWS!!!!
Ontario Rally 2010 is now sponsored by the following companies...
Sick Bike Parts
Spooky Tooth Cycles
Zoom Bicycles
Sobeys (grocery chain)
There will be a raffle, and engine kits will be given away. A couple two stroke kits, and a new 48cc 4stroke, 4G. Sobeys is providing food for the BBQs, and I will be renting two portable toilets for the event.
As more and more sponsors jump onboard, the rally will improve still. Lets get those registrations in if you can, because I will be making shirts for the rally with your name on the back if you've registered in time. There will be a cut off point where name printed shirts will not be available, so the sooner you register, the sooner you solidify your custom rally shirt.

You're not gonna want to miss this one!!
***as a side note, there is still no word from the mayor. Laws apparently have changed, and I don't know exactly what they are now. I do know that you can still ride em, if you do the right steps. Whatever those steps may be, I don't know as of yet. So if there is a special licence available where you are, it may be a good time to get it. We'll all eventually need them anyways, might as well get ahead of the game. To be safe, if you're not sure, or don't have access to the licencing, please consider running a 48cc for the rally, as most laws stipulate these bikes must be under 50 cubic inches. These are my thoughts, I will be looking into licencing myself, gotta do it anyways, so I might as well. I don't want to endanger anyone, so to avoid tickets, fines, or the dreaded bike seizure, please ensure you take the proper steps to stay "legal". Thank you.***