The creation of CRU

Do you think Charity Riders United is a good thing, or a bad thing?

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Hello fellow motor bike riders. I'm currently considering a club, so to speak. CRU = Charity Riders United. The intention of this, is to raise awareness to the public, hoping to gain more riders, hold rallies in different cities around the world, and raise a ton of money for various charities. It will put forth a good, positive message about who we are, and what we stand for. The politico will crack down on us soon enough, they already are in some places. If we stay as single riders, with no real intention but to just have fun, we are going to get shut down eventually. Expecially with all the upgrades available etc. This is how I see it. Why not see the problem and solve it before it becomes an issue? If we're constantly raising alot of money for various charities, we will gain support from charities, local communities, and eventually, government. THIS IS NOT A "GANG" This is a group of riders worldwide, that ride at events locally to help raise money for charities. I'm currently holding a rally in Sudbury, Ontario. It's now a sponsored event, and all sponsorships will go to charity. As well as a food drive, BBQ, and a public bike show. Everything is going amazing so far, and I have gained a TON of support, because it's for charity.

If you would like to become leader of your city's chapter of CRU, please private message me, and I'd love to discuss the details. Remember, The point is to get more people on a motorized bicycle, put forth a good, trusted name for what we do, and gain politico support, so we can loose the uneasiness of not knowing whether we are accepted or not. (outlaw status)

This is in no way a negative thing, it will only benifit us, and the more riders involved with CRU, the better and faster things will progress to the better.

Please private message me if you have a desire to become a part of my CRU. :) Thank you.
I'll do that now. :) Thanks for the suggestion fast eddy. :)

CRU Chapters -

Oshawa, Ontario CRU leader/president, ADDICTED BICYCLE CUSTOMS
Sudbury, Ontario CRU leader, WHELAN WHEELS
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia CRU leader, TECHNOCYCLIST
Visalia, California CRU leader, OMEGAUNDERGROUND
Bath/Brunswick , Maine CRU leader, BARELYAWAKE
St.Louis, Missouri CRU leader, WEEKEND-FUN
British Columbia, Canada CRU leader, FASTEDDY
Clarksdale, Mississippi CRU leader, DOC BOLM
Wethersfield, Connecticut CRU leader, DAN
Anderson, Indiana CRU leader, PAPPY

If you'd like to become a part of CRU, and lead your city's chapter, please private message me. :)
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To all CRU leaders.

I would like to use Skype as a conference call tool. If you don't have Skype, can you please look into downloading it? It's free if you're calling other Skype users, worldwide. It's our best option for connecting communications. Thank you.
First off let me say that I think what you are doing is admirable, there are so many that talk - so few that do. Above all else those that lead through example deserve respect. In some ways I regret that such an organization needs be centered around political maneuverings and finance, even if charitable - I fear that sometimes the underlying fun gets lost.

Let the cadre at the top carry the struggle, push for additional legality and gladhand the charities - but fear the day it stops being the joy that attracted so many. This is the inherent danger in any organization and is the underlying causality of so many failures.

I only mention this because with a name like 'Charity Riders United' I could see the focus becoming more the fight than the fun, obligations building until a pastime becomes a chore. I'm in no way saying that it's inevitable - but simply a warning, there's so many other organizations that seem to relish only the drama inherent in power struggles.

Having said that I again wish to "shake your hand" - without people like you willing to take up the fight we'd have little in the way of recreational freedoms. Something must be done to combat the legislature only interested in law-mongering, the incessant drive for a more regulated society. It seems today that the lawmakers are simply seeking any forgotten niche, any small overlooked freedom to regulate and restrict, penalize and forbid. With no moment spared to ascertain the rationality of such a law - revenue generation and power their only concern and ignorance their only guide.

When it comes down to it - these really are simply bicycles. What harm could possibly befall society should we choose to strap tiny engines to them? What adverse effect could possibly justify the repercussions of persecution? What possible benefit would be gained by regulating these toys or banning them outright?

We've lost perspective when it comes to the laws that govern us, their actual necessity and they harm they can cause when enforced with abandon.
Barelyawake, thank you so much!!!! Man, its words like yours that make me strive for better. I'm going to keep your warning in mind. My main goal is rallies, which will be fun for us riders. The charity thing, and political thing, is secondary in my mind, but still very much in the forefront. I will try to keep everything "fun", and also benificial. You should become a leader my friend, I may have a spokesman position for you also in the future, when CRU becomes a little bit more established. I will be writing a paper, on CRU's intentions, rules, and goals. That way any rider who joins, will understand exactly what they are joining and why. Thank you so much for your advice. Would you like leader position of your city?
ROFL - a "leader position in my city"? I'm deeply flattered, but to the best of my knowledge I am alone - there's the boss's 11yo kid I helped a bit to build one, I suppose I could "lead" him but I imagine he'd get cranky lol

As for my "city" it's populated by deer, moose, lobsters, and fish - none of which seem much interested in motorbicycling for some reason, yet in time perhaps the few local humans will stop simply admiring my bike and build one of their own. I can only hope ;)

Still - when ya get yer manifesto together send it my way if ya get a chance. I'd love to check it out. There simply MUST be a few MBers around even if they're not close by - I'll hash it out with them should we ever meet.

So, as a "leader of one" I hope ya don't have a charitable donation quota laff
Lol, well my friend, the position of leader will be to influence or find other riders in your city, or your part of the trees. lol. If there are no riders, then the goal is to find more riders. :) Even if it's just you, the status of CRU is worldwide, and it's another province or state to list as a chapter. The more chapters, the more recognized. (eventually)

There is no obligation to become a leader, or rider of CRU. You can stand alone, or grow your chapter. It's all for the greater good, so no worries. :) you are now the fifth chapter BarelyAwake! Welcome! :)

To all CRU leaders and members, this will be where we will hold meetings, conference calls, or just general CRU discussions. Thank you. There is video chat, and it's under my regulation, so there will be no outsiders interrupting our meetings, and no confusion. I'm sure we'll all chat here, but once in a while, I'm going to want to talk to CRU members only, and this is where we'll meet. :)

Chatango: CRU (Charity Riders United)
As you mentioned "video calls" may I suggest Skype? (I may have already - if so I apologize for my redundancy);

Skype 4.1 for Windows - Download the latest version of Skype and get free computer calls

My contact name is BarelyAWake1 - anyone from this forum is more than welcome to contact me anytime, but please be sure to mention MBs in your introductory message so I know who the heck you are heh

I've used various VoIP clients extensively, Skype is in my opinion by far the most functional and hasn't the advertisements that so plague the others. If you wish a different service I suppose I could reinstall it... but you'll get no video from me in any case lol

I do have Skype, but 4.1 for windows won't work on my mac. lol.. I just figured chatango can be used, even if everyone doesn't have Skype. I think I'd prefer Skype anyways. :)
MAC?!?! hssssss! o.o

lol - yeah, ofc there's Skype fer Macs - it just defaults the the windows DL for me as I'm runnin' windows :p
Skype 2.8 for Mac OS X - Download the latest version of Skype and get free computer calls

Can't leave the penguin out in the cold... oh wait... o_O;
Skype Download for Linux - Download the latest features on Skype

For windows I do actually prefer the older skype 3.8 for some of it's features, if yer a geek like me and wanna downgrade back to 3.8 here's a RS link;
RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

Just to get 'em all in one post, here's the 4.1 for windows again ;);
Skype 4.1 for Windows - Download the latest version of Skype and get free computer calls
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the other motor bike web site has the posts, both for CRU, and the Ontario Rally.
Spooky tooth cycles is on board, another sponsor. :) still have 14 emails to check this morning! lol. I love it. :)
11? ok, I'm afraid leader won't be available, but it can stand for now. :) there are 7 chapters so far, I'm going worldwide with it. :) We will find more riders near you, and appoint the most appropriate leader. You're still welcome to be with CRU of course! all riders are welcomed, young and old. Thanks for joining!
Awesome ABC!, Count me in. I downloaded skype but have yet to find my or buy a head set. I have some experience with matching corporations to charities. Is actually simple. You look up whom they have made grants/donations to in the past. It saves a lot of time as there is less barking up the wrong tree. Though many (most) will not talk to you unless you have a 501 (C) (3) number from the IRS

Lets do some good!

Under my sig is a link to a vid I made. The lil kid in it was born with AIDS and was not supposed to make it to kindergarten. He is 9 now I think.
His Mom was trying to teach him how to ride a bike. The other kids kept asking why he at 6 or 7 still used training wheels. He wobbled a bit. Carol and I bought him a recumbent and told his Mom it came from a group like this. Changed that kids life. He could tool around and visit his Dad any time he wanted. Before that, unless Mom or one of his brothers or sisters could take him, he was pretty much stuck. A $300 bike opened his world. I honestly believe it did more for me then it did for him.

He has all but lost the use of his legs now. Mom and bros and sis's still take him out on it. But he can't explore by himself any more. They live in AZ. Would love to ask some one local to rig that bike for electricity. I am far away and as yet don't know how to do some thing like that.
11? ok, I'm afraid leader won't be available, but it can stand for now. :) there are 7 chapters so far, I'm going worldwide with it. :) We will find more riders near you, and appoint the most appropriate leader. You're still welcome to be with CRU of course! all riders are welcomed, young and old. Thanks for joining!

yea thats what i thought :P
Everyone can register by emailing me this information. ( [email protected] ) Or you can private message the info to me. Thanks again!!! :)

Ontario Rally 2010
Registration Form


Do you have a cell phone? y/n
Cell #: 
Are you a registered user of forum and chat?
User Handle:

How will you be traveling to and from the rally?
Riding Motorized Bicycle
Carpooling with another rider

If you are riding your motorized bicycle to the event, a team of professionals will be available by phone at any time, to assist you in event of a breakdown.

Do you require directions to and from the event?
Postal Code/Zip Code:

Shirts will be made for the Ontario Rally 2010

Rider name you'd like printed on the shirt?

Your desired shirt size? 

The hosts of this event, and anyone involved hold no responsibility in any way towards injury, breakdown, fines, or broken laws. We are only holding the event, and will help with any problems to the best of our ability. Please follow local laws and abide bicycle engine “cc” limits, and local speed limits. Riders ride at their own risk, do you agree? y/n
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