This is a awsome idea ABC,
I run a Non-profit orgenization called Bicycles4Kids, the link is below my sig. I have a building donated to my by the city of Anderson for my charity work, I would love to add CRU as a part of it, our building is located in the down town area just off the Anderson and Purdue University campus. I will be moving out of my garage this weekend, within the last month I have had 127 bicycles donated to my cause, and have teamed up with The Peyton Manning Childrens Hospital at St.Vensent in Indianapolis as well as Bicycle Collective of Anderson, IN. There are also City Grants that you can apply for, these grants are set aside for non-profit charity orgenizations such as mine and CRU and meny others, you can find them through your citys website.
The Federal Goverment gives money to the States and then its handed down to each city in that state, if the city does not use the money for Non-profit Orgenizations such as ours, it is returned back to the state and used on whatever they like, the money is there, so why not use it for a wearthy cause like CRU.
Count me and my city in