The creation of CRU

Do you think Charity Riders United is a good thing, or a bad thing?

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***Weekend-fun is going to remain leader of the CRU St. Louis Chapter, however, Weekend is going to scout out some other riders, and eventually, she will designate a new leader/co-leader.***

Side Note >>> I'm rethinking this. Weekend-fun is proving to be very clever, and talented in ways I didn't expect. She may remain leader! Right on Weekend-fun, keep it up! :)
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***Weekend-fun is going to remain leader of the CRU St. Louis Chapter, however, Weekend is going to scout out some other riders, and eventually, she will designate a new leader/co-leader.***

Side Note >>> I'm rethinking this. Weekend-fun is proving to be very clever, and talented in ways I didn't expect. She may remain leader! Right on Weekend-fun, keep it up! :)
He. I am a He. :) it happens though cause of my hair :)
A logo has been designed for CRU. It is very, very nice. I think you'll like it guys. :) I should be recieving the finalized copy on Tuesday, I'll scan it so you can at least see how it looks. I'll need to take it in, to get it digitalized, ($65) so then it's in special format on USB. I can then get it printed on literally everything, from shirts and hats, to coffee mugs and stickers for our bikes!!! I am looking into starting my own clothing company as well, I'll eventually by a screen, and be able to print my own professional anything. :) Lookin good, for CRU members abroad! When CRU apparel is started, I will ship to all leaders and members. :) We'll be representin in no time. :)
I'll need to take it in, to get it digitalized, ($65) so then it's in special format on USB. I can then get it printed on literally everything, from shirts and hats, to coffee mugs and stickers for our bikes!!!

Do you know what "special" format that's supposed to be? Odds are Photoshop an re-render it, if ya figure out what it's supposed to be and have any probs gimmie a shout, I 'shop alla time due to my employment and I'd be more than happy to help w/whatever ya need ;)

$65 to save in a different format seems... excessive.
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It's 65 bucks if it gets shipped to Toronto where someone professional will digitize it. It needs to be in a certain format, for stitching and embroidery, and computer programs running laser etchers and stuff like that. Once I have the file, I can literally print it on anything. :) My link says he's gonna give me good deals, cause we're friends and he likes my ideas, he wants to see what I can do. If his buddy here can digitize it for me, it's only like $35 - $40. No problem. I will be worth it, the catalog I was looking in had some really, really nice shirts. I'm not talking normal cotton t-shirts, I mean ones made with different materials, one is plastic bottles, feels like cotton, and is water resistant! One had embossed chevrons that were reflective! (looking into maybe that one for the rally shirts.) These aren't backyard shirts, they're just like the ones in the store you'd pay $40 for. They're sweet. lol. The logo is hopefully going to be given in good copy to me on Tuesday. He's making sure it's proper. When you see it, I think you'll be impressed. :)
As it sits right now, I REALLY NEED more riders for my upcoming rally in Sudbury. If you haven't heard of it, please research it here...

If we can spread the word as much as possible about this event, that would be great. We need at least 25 riders I figure. That's a large number, so it's going to take a lot of effort to get the word out there.

Can you all please help spread the word? Any way, any how. :) The more riders, the more public, the more charity, the more sponsors. :)

Thank you.
It's 65 bucks if it gets shipped to Toronto where someone professional will digitize it. It needs to be in a certain format, for stitching and embroidery, and computer programs running laser etchers and stuff like that. Once I have the file, I can literally print it on anything. :) My link says he's gonna give me good deals, cause we're friends and he likes my ideas, he wants to see what I can do. If his buddy here can digitize it for me, it's only like $35 - $40. No problem. I will be worth it, the catalog I was looking in had some really, really nice shirts. I'm not talking normal cotton t-shirts, I mean ones made with different materials, one is plastic bottles, feels like cotton, and is water resistant! One had embossed chevrons that were reflective! (looking into maybe that one for the rally shirts.) These aren't backyard shirts, they're just like the ones in the store you'd pay $40 for. They're sweet. lol. The logo is hopefully going to be given in good copy to me on Tuesday. He's making sure it's proper. When you see it, I think you'll be impressed. :)

I r professional... mostly :p Cool man, no worries here - jus figured I'd offer. Still - I'm curious as to what this "special" format might be, when you do find out what the file type is gimmie a holler. I do graphics all the time and it'd be handy to know, might be able to lend a hand to others ;)

...and I'm dieing to see it :D
lol, trust me, it's worth the wait. :) I've got a bunch of stuff in the works. I'm going through a change in life, I'm tired of my dead man's midnights warehouse job. I want money, and lots of it. I also want to ride my bike without hassle, and actually looked up to. :) I'm gonna make sure the shirts are really nice, it's like my gift to the riders, like a thank you for coming to my rally. :) They'll be a great story to the grandkids! ;}
Hey, dont diss the dead mands warehouse job! This deadman likes his thousand dollar paycheques even if it means sleeping away 5 days worth of daylight hours a week!

Ill take a little rip to the gasstation today and see if the bike kid is working and give him some info about whats cookin' on your end. I hope i can bring a couple guys from here to your rally, **** i might even bring two bikes!
Thank you barelyawake. :) I put a lot of work into it, and it's entered into google and yahoo search engine databases. :) I made this website at Webs - Make a free website, get free hosting , I think it would be a great idea if every chapter leader created their own site. The more leaders, the more websites, lots more advertising, and more chance CRU will be stumbled upon in a random search of the internet by some random place, who hasn't heard of bicycle engines, and now wants one, and wants to be a part of CRU! Lol, If I had to say all of that, I'd be out of breath! *pant pant* lol
We can all become members on each others sites, providing links to all the chapter sites. A person could spend all day just going through all of the CRU related websites! Lol, awesome. :)
***This is my first take of the CRU guidelines. I'm posting to see what everyone's opinion is***

CRU Guidelines.

As a unit, our goal is to unite all motor bicycle riders, and raise awareness to the world of motorized bicycles. We want to seek every possible means of scouting out and gaining more CRU riders, worldwide. The point of CRU, is to raise money for charities, by either holding rallies, bike shows, races, etc, and including the general public, give a good, solid reputation to motor bicyclists everywhere.
Charity comes first, CRU will only profit if a charity profits as well. Meaning, all funds will be evaluated, and a percentage will go to charity, and a percentage will go to the next rally. The point, have some fun, have our meet and greets, with a group ride, but instead of just meet and go, we include the public, say like a motorized bicycle show, etc, and use our connection to the higher good, raising some money for various charities.
Every CRU member will respect all traffic laws, and be considerate of other vehicles on the road, giving right of way and respecting all pedestrians. Garbage, engine fluids, or broken bike parts shall be disposed of properly at any event, to maintain a good, clean reputation.
Our mission, CRU members, is to be as courteous, polite, and respectful as possible, to gain respect, and make it very enjoyable for all who attend our events, leaving them wanting more.
CRU President,
Damien Hannah
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Actually - the websites are real good idea, with links to respected dealers for interested buyers and ofc this forum for discussion and problem solving, it really rounds out the story of these bikes.

Featuring the profile of your local chapter, each member's machine and their story as well as any events like the rally it could really be somethin' :D

blarg... there goes a weekend lol
:) I agree. I'm seeing now just how big this can get, and I'm proud of my creation. I will do this for as long as possible, even if I for some strange reason stop riding a MB. I seriously doubt that ever happening though, so I think it's CRU for life! LOL. I got us a spot on CBC radio two weeks before the rally. I emailed them and they're willing to advertise for us. :) Sweet deal.