Ontario Rally?!?!?

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Is there anyone here in Ontario? I'm looking to get something going here, a motorized rally of sorts. Just a get together, bike show, BBQ, Then a long cruise in a pack! I think it would be amazing to see how many motor bikes are really out here, and what people have done with them! Anyone interested?!? r.ly.


  • Ontario Rally 2010 poster 1.jpg
    Ontario Rally 2010 poster 1.jpg
    136.4 KB · Views: 192
  • Picture 7.jpg
    Picture 7.jpg
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Lol, i'm trying to organize for next summer. I'm sure it's gonna take a while to get everything arranged. Just want to know how many people would actually take part, as to determine whether or not it's a workabable idea. ;)
Is there anyone here in Ontario? I'm looking to get something going here, a motorized rally of sorts. Just a get together, bike show, BBQ, Then a long cruise in a pack! I think it would be amazing to see how many motor bikes are really out here, and what people have done with them! Anyone

And I bet ya the OPP, the MTO and some insurance industry representatives would like to be at this rally or gathering too...lol!! A head count would be all they need so as to figure out what would be the best way to make some cash off of us and our rides...ie: do we fine them or do we plate, insure and tax them ;)
Is there anyone here in Ontario? I'm looking to get something going here, a motorized rally of sorts. Just a get together, bike show, BBQ, Then a long cruise in a pack! I think it would be amazing to see how many motor bikes are really out here, and what people have done with them! Anyone interested?!? r.ly.

Post up local flyers or sumthing like that when summers comes. Remember, not all MB riders are on this site.
i would be interested , would be cool if a place could be found to do this were there would be no chance of hassels , like the deathrace thing which they hold on a track .
alright, now we're talkin! Lol, I don't care where it is really. I just want to go to a rally! I wanna ride with a whole crew of fellow motor bikers, and just enjoy freedom. ;) I just think that, if we all came from different parts of Ontario, and rode the bikes to one destination, rode together, and rode home, it would be a completely amazing event, that none of the riders would ever forget! Most of us ride these things religiously, I know I'm pretty addicted to it! I read of rally's here online all the time, just figured, it's gotta be a possibility here in Ontario also, somewhere, somehow. :)
my thought would be to try to get a day at a track .
if this link works , here is an example .

Cameron Motorsports.com | FACILITIES

get people to video tape the whole event . do a quick little interview and showcase with everyone who attends . ( i wonder how hard it would be to get one of the local rogers tvo groups to film it ? ) . would make for a pretty awsome day
Too cold right now for this old man..:)

Bah! Get some studded tires and do the "Death Race on Ice" on some lake. lol

You're totally blowing my idea of a Canuk. Thought everyone in Canada owned a snowmobile and stared at a hole in the ice all winter. laff
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LOL! That's hilarious! I've never been ice fishing, never built an igloo, but I am used to the cold! Lol. I don't ride a snowmobile, but I do have an idea using some brackets like training wheels, and replace the wheels with two short skis, that way I can drift corners in the snow, and not worry about laying it down! Lol, I'll be doing that soon. :)
Bah! Get some studded tires and do the "Death Race on Ice" on some lake. lol

You're totally blowing my idea of a Canuk. Thought everyone in Canada owned a snowmobile and stared at a hole in the ice all winter. laff

How many times have I heard that. Thousands of people in the grt north live a stones throw from the states wayyyy down there in the south. Your right tho Kev, I should be more tolerant of this cold stuff. I think the pain I suffer from arthritis takes its toll. A few decades ago I was riding my motorcycle doing 40 mph and hit a car that ran a stop sign. Two years after that the pain began its delightful course which in my case will be a lifetime. Soooo let the good weather prevail lol.brnot
Hey I'm just throwing out ideas, siring the pot as it were. You won't catch me out on my bike when the temps are below 50º. After today's ride I think my bike is going onto hibernation in a nice heated garage. :D
Just so you know Kev ,I took no offense whatsoever. Anyone that would from your post needs to get a grip.
count me in cool or hot always wanted to go see canada and wildlife. just let me know the date time and place. ABC it'll be a blast to ride there wonder what border patrol will say if i ride from pa to there and cross border on my mb lol. let me knowdnutdance1
I suppose Thunder Bay, Ontario is far away for most of you. I know that Ontario is a big province. If it were Thunder Bay, that would be in driving (truck or car and taking the bike with me) distance for me in northeastern Minnesota. Thunder Bay is mighty nice country overlooking Lake Superior... big tourist draw in the summer and a great place to ride. Would there likely be hassles from the border people for bringing in a motorbicycle... unregistered, etc.? I forget, do you need a passport now to go to Canada? I don't have one. Used to be we'd go up to Fort Francis next to International Falls for a day trip. As a kid I liked the Canadian money... pictures of the queen on the bills and odd shaped nickles if I remember right. Actually I still like money. Wouldn't mind having some.
How about Thunder Bay?
Thunder Bay would be fun, I think the Atomic Zombie author lives there so there would be a lot of odd bikes rolling around town. However, the US Customs are bastiges and I fear they would not allow me back in with my bike. Seriously, I have crossed a few times this year and they are bad news.
