Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?
Well on my Suzuki 550 I had four ( but one was actually two).... All were on Long Island in New York. But it may still help someone as two of them could happen to a motorized bicycle.
1.) SO I am going onto the LI expressway down a ramp and of course that when to open her up. Get to the bottom about to merge and those little dips where oil collects from dripping cars..Well hit it doing about 70, bike layed down I was still on it, and I spun out into traffic. If you know the LI express way that was a miricle in itself noit to get whacked. If that wasnt enough I get the bike up, of course all traffic stopped, I think 4-6 lanes, and I get going but the engine is missing real bad. She got going but I couldnt get her past 25-30 mph and she is really missing. I look down and see a plug wire came off and like a dumb arse i reach down connect it, while holding one arm on the sterring bars, of course the throttle side, and when I connect the plug the bike stops missing im full throttle and I fly right hit the guard rail and fly over it. No major damage to bike or me. ( This was the one wreck that was actually two)
2.) Well here I am out going to jones beach. There is a tower and highway circle around the tower. Trick was to haul arse straight get it to 90-100mph and make the turn. Hard right hard left keep going. It was easy enough

yea right, until I hit a patch of sand. Bike went down and I was still on bike sliding and I figured alls well just will stop. NOPE, big curb on right where busses pick people up rear wheel hits curb and I start spinning . Right at the end of the bus lane I hit another curb and it launches me 10-20 yards up but fortunately I flew into a sand bank just over the crest and actually landed real soft. back tire was warped and the bike scrapped up shot, I was fine, and I did drive bike home wobbly though.
3.) Use to have leaf day where people would put out leaves on the curb in fall. They would set big piles of leaves for city to come pick up. Well stupid ol me thought it would be fun to run my bike through them and blow them all over. I did this a few times to a groochy neighbor. One day after he got all done there I went right into the leaf pile.. That rat arse bastige decided he had enough and put a few tree stumps inside the pile. I ended up in his front yard wiped out. He came out and gave me a lecture. I thought it was funny and I blew his deal by laughing so hard and congratulating him on an idea well done

You have to understand New Yorkers to see humor in that one.
4.) Actually do not remember anything about the forth wreck other then waking up in hospital. My dad said I was t boned by a drunk and hit a tree solid. That is so weird I cant remember a thing about it. other than I had nightmares for months after about being in wrecks. Hurt shoulder and neck left hip and lots of cuts. Dad had enough me riding a bike and bought me a car.
haha no car wreck thread here but had 8 totaled wrecks and none were my fault I almost got hit by a plane right out of the sky there on Fire Island, New York in 78 or 79. Actually got interviewed by news as both guys in plane died and it missed me by 20 yards. There was a news article about it but I have not been able to find it online in any archive.
So hopefully I have used all my wrecks up and I will be just fine on my motorized bicycle. If not I hope my Guardian Angels are still with me because I needed a dozen or two back then...