How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I've had 3 misshaps on by bike in the last 2 years. Crash#1. I was on my way home and about to turn onto my street going about 18MPH amd hit a wet spot on the road, not much happened to me or the bike just a few scratches on us both. Crash#2. I was on my way home again from the hardware store going about 20MPH and turned onto my street and hit a wet spot on the road, a little bit more happened on this one. Have you ever landed on your armpit before? Yah it was burning all day. Crash#3. It had just snowed and the road was covered in ice so I thought it'd be fun to pull my sis around on a sled. Can you guess what happened? Yah my rear end hit first then my head but otherwise no major injuries. You'd think I learned something from the first crash LOL.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Finally found the kid with the loud exhaust I've been hearing in my neighborhood. He has a harley looking mini/pocket bike.

Talked a little and got to racing up and down his street. Curvy road with hairpin turns. I haven't upgraded my brakes yet, So had to coast to the turn. He would catch up some.

I started cutting the corner more and more, leaning through it riding on my sidewalls. Back tire washed out on some loose gravel, Knee went to the floor and I spun out 360 degrees.

Road rash and a shaved pedal.


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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Why does that always happen when things are going good? Bummer bout the road rash Joe, but from the sound of it you weren't very slow against the pocket-bike, sounded like a blast for however long it lasted.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i didn't crash my bike yet but i crashed my atv last week while doing 70kmh i went over some ice and didn't notice and drifted and when my wheels got grip again i was going sideways at 60-70 kmh and flipped over got knocked out and woke up to my atv rolling away and scraped my knee and elbow.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

turned off my motor to get on the sidewalk for some reason. went onto grass, then got into the trench between the grass and the sidewalk on my way back onto the sidewalk, fell, and boom scrape and J pipe expansion chamber burn. 1 year later, still got scars.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

The other day I was working in a cattlefeed plant doing repair work and the floor was covered in cottonseed oil. I needed to get a tool from the shop, so I jumped onto my bike with oily feet and my foot slipped of the peddle and I slammed my rear-end on the corner of the seat. No major damage was done, but it sure did hurt.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

turned off my motor to get on the sidewalk for some reason. went onto grass, then got into the trench between the grass and the sidewalk on my way back onto the sidewalk, fell, and boom scrape and J pipe expansion chamber burn. 1 year later, still got scars.

Regarding scars: Vitamin E helps skin patch up with less scar tissue
Note: scars can't sweat, can't turn sunlight into Vitamin D. They are nature's "substitution skin." ; not as good as the real thing but better than nothing.
I get the cheap stuff called "Fish Oil" but if you are young and pretty pay extra for the stuff called "retanol" Usually it is in the girly section and there is a super model on the box. 3x the price but better than the Frankenstein look.

Seriously, we need a gas-bike sports-medicine thread.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Wednesday, after having a finished bike for a little less than two days, I was blindsided by a Jeep turning right as I was headed straight through the intersection in the bike lane. He was right next to me, didn't have his blinker on, and by the time I realized he was turning, there was no time to stop. I hit the brakes hard and slid under the back tire of the jeep which than ran over my legs and the front of my bike. I've got serious road rash and a broken ankle. Amazingly, my bike seems okay other than a demolished front fork. Can't wait to get it back on the road.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Dam man! I am sorry to hear that you got ran over!
I hope that your ankle and road rash heal quickly!
Good luck with the front forks too.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I have never crashed on my Motorized Bicycle.....Quads, Three-Wheelers, Dirt Bikes, Motorcycles, Go-Karts and Race Cars, thats a different story :eek:


Wow, if I was only still that guy back in 2008 laff
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

recently roasted my arm on the exhaust was reaching for something and of course you know its gonna hurt before it does doh

silver sulfadiazine cream works good but i prefer good old bag balm for me
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

NOT on a motorized bicycle...

With a passenger on the back of my Norton, many years back, I had just started the motor, and was backing slowly down a slope, on dirt/gravel, and used my front brake to slow down to stop, make a turn, then take off, as I turned in the direction I wished to go...

The stanchion, cast into the leg of my front fork, to hold the brake stay, broke clean off and the backing plate rolled around, pulled the brake cable clean out of the lever, and we crashed to the ground as the front wheel slipped out.

ALL at less than 1/10th mph... in reverse direction !!!

I've had crazy, dumb, stoopid, spectacular crashes over the years, but THIS one was among the biggest surprises!

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Well on my Suzuki 550 I had four ( but one was actually two).... All were on Long Island in New York. But it may still help someone as two of them could happen to a motorized bicycle.

1.) SO I am going onto the LI expressway down a ramp and of course that when to open her up. Get to the bottom about to merge and those little dips where oil collects from dripping cars..Well hit it doing about 70, bike layed down I was still on it, and I spun out into traffic. If you know the LI express way that was a miricle in itself noit to get whacked. If that wasnt enough I get the bike up, of course all traffic stopped, I think 4-6 lanes, and I get going but the engine is missing real bad. She got going but I couldnt get her past 25-30 mph and she is really missing. I look down and see a plug wire came off and like a dumb arse i reach down connect it, while holding one arm on the sterring bars, of course the throttle side, and when I connect the plug the bike stops missing im full throttle and I fly right hit the guard rail and fly over it. No major damage to bike or me. ( This was the one wreck that was actually two)

2.) Well here I am out going to jones beach. There is a tower and highway circle around the tower. Trick was to haul arse straight get it to 90-100mph and make the turn. Hard right hard left keep going. It was easy enough :) yea right, until I hit a patch of sand. Bike went down and I was still on bike sliding and I figured alls well just will stop. NOPE, big curb on right where busses pick people up rear wheel hits curb and I start spinning . Right at the end of the bus lane I hit another curb and it launches me 10-20 yards up but fortunately I flew into a sand bank just over the crest and actually landed real soft. back tire was warped and the bike scrapped up shot, I was fine, and I did drive bike home wobbly though.

3.) Use to have leaf day where people would put out leaves on the curb in fall. They would set big piles of leaves for city to come pick up. Well stupid ol me thought it would be fun to run my bike through them and blow them all over. I did this a few times to a groochy neighbor. One day after he got all done there I went right into the leaf pile.. That rat arse bastige decided he had enough and put a few tree stumps inside the pile. I ended up in his front yard wiped out. He came out and gave me a lecture. I thought it was funny and I blew his deal by laughing so hard and congratulating him on an idea well done :) You have to understand New Yorkers to see humor in that one.

4.) Actually do not remember anything about the forth wreck other then waking up in hospital. My dad said I was t boned by a drunk and hit a tree solid. That is so weird I cant remember a thing about it. other than I had nightmares for months after about being in wrecks. Hurt shoulder and neck left hip and lots of cuts. Dad had enough me riding a bike and bought me a car.

haha no car wreck thread here but had 8 totaled wrecks and none were my fault I almost got hit by a plane right out of the sky there on Fire Island, New York in 78 or 79. Actually got interviewed by news as both guys in plane died and it missed me by 20 yards. There was a news article about it but I have not been able to find it online in any archive.

So hopefully I have used all my wrecks up and I will be just fine on my motorized bicycle. If not I hope my Guardian Angels are still with me because I needed a dozen or two back then...
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

they are two kinds of biker those who have been down and others who will. not my first spill and not my last. wiped out on occ today, no real damage to bike, couple scrapes, no real damage to me, lil road rash on forearm and knee. hurt my pride more. traffic stopped while i picked myself and bike up out of road. hit slick spot while turning into my drive. never know when, just know it will. wear the safty gear youll be glad you did.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Not a MB crash but my first and only crash on a Honda 400 Hawk when I was 16 years old. I was riding down a street and a driver backed out of her driveway without stopping when she entered thet roadway and impacted oncoming traffic (me). I was hit so hard, it knocked my shoes and pants off of me.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Thursday I stepped off my razor mx bike on uneven ground and rolled my ankle. hopefully it's just a classic sprain, gonna see about getting an x-ray, but at least it doesn't chronically hurt. Oh well, rode the mx650 a couple times since then carefully, it makes having a gimpy leg not so bad for a while. :)
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Last thursday i was turning into a pretty big irigation wash like i always do but i forgot that i put on semislicks..... (stupid me) right as my front tire hit the wash it slipped out and i went down left side. Road rash all up and down my left arm with a raw elbow and my knee looks like a cougar scratched it, about six 2 inch gashes on it. Bikes all goos though! dance1
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Not a MB crash but my first and only crash on a Honda 400 Hawk when I was 16 years old. I was riding down a street and a driver backed out of her driveway without stopping when she entered thet roadway and impacted oncoming traffic (me). I was hit so hard, it knocked my shoes and pants off of me.

Wow! Shoes and pants!?! I'm surprised she didn't knock your socks off too. That must've taken some recovery time.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Had a nasty crash yesterday evening. Broke a bone. At least I was able to ride her home.

Yesterday I caught some rain on the way home. Stupidly, I kept up my 30mph pace. Came over a hill in a suburb to find a car "camping out" at a stop sign at the bottom of the hill. Tried to slow down. Instead, the back tire locked up, and the rear end started to catch up to the front. Instead of falling over AWAY from the direction of travel, I somehow fell TOWARDS the direction I was moving. I broke my fall with my right hand. This was my weight + 30MPH worth of force right on the palm of my hand.

When I finally quit sliding, the china girl was still purring away. When I picked her up, she took off spinning in circles because both the throttle and clutch were totally stuck. I spun with it and hit the kill switch. I couldn't stop it otherwise due to the pain in my right wrist and hand. Suffered through the night and finally went to the ER. X-rays showed that I broke my scaphoid bone. These bones are notorious for not healing very well. Cast time is usually 4-6 months. I'm in excruciating pain, and all they gave me was Ibuprophen. I'm going to call a hand specialist tomorrow.

Lesson Learned: Don't ride full speed in the rain. Give yourself LOTS of stopping distance.

Looks like I'll have to mount the throttle on the left 'til I can use this hand again.

Now I'm gonna miss work. :( Also, I don't have insurance. :( :(
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

hi, i fell of on a wet tiled driveway, hit my head on the floor, and the bike landed on me the muffler was on my leg for 1 min and gave me a huge 2nd degree burn :)