How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Exhaust burn on my calf...If you have a modded mini bike exhaust going toward the rear of the bike, be sure to make a heat shield before you do what i did.

BRO. I've done worse. Workin on my bike, ran it around the block a couple times, pulled it in the driveway and started wrenching on it. It started tipping so I grabbed it,(without thinking, of course,) AT THE PIPE. Peeled the skin right off. Never did THAT again.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Haven't wrecked my motor bike because it isn't done yet, but I laid down a motorcycle that I had before. Didn't get hurt because I was able to step off of it as I was taking off from a parking lot and turned the bars to much and put her down. Got lucky with the same bike just after I bought it though. Took off and dumped the clutch to fast with to much gas applied and popped the front wheel off the ground and lost hold of the clutch side of the handle bars. Talk about scaring myself and almost having to change my drawers.

Though I have wiped out many of a pedal bike when I was a kid. Got many cuts and bruises, but no broken bones from those wrecks.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

40 mph, poor brakes....cable snapped...tboned side of pickup truck breaking the passanger window open with my face, breaking my clavical, cracking my skull slightly, minor brain damage, breaking a rib, cut face, gas all over, no helmet.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

40 mph, poor brakes....cable snapped...tboned side of pickup truck breaking the passanger window open with my face, breaking my clavical, cracking my skull slightly, minor brain damage, breaking a rib, cut face, gas all over, no helmet.

Sorry ya wrecked. I would have felt REAL bad for ya but I saw the part about NO HELMET. Do you REALLY think yer head can take a 40mph impact?
Sorry if I sound preachy, But I try to talk everyone into a helmet. An impact to yer noggin at 10 or 15mph could kill ya, And these things do well over 30mph. Did ya learn anything? I hope so.
I think all of us on the site would just like to see ya stick around for a while longer brother.
So take it easy for a little while ya heal up. This will give you time to shop for a helmet.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

happened this mornin i was headin to the store and when i came around the turn she was wet and lost it and went straight into a brick piling dislocated shoulder and 5 teeth out of place bike is gone now its all bent and my forks broke completely off post picture later of piling and bike
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

happened this mornin i was headin to the store and when i came around the turn she was wet and lost it and went straight into a brick piling dislocated shoulder and 5 teeth out of place bike is gone now its all bent and my forks broke completely off post picture later of piling and bike

Yup, These things are a little dangerous. I hope yer engine came out OK. You can just put everything on another bike.
Does that sound like I care more for the bike than the rider? I am glad yer alive and have a chance to recover from your injuries. BUT DUDE, yer bike is GONE. I guess you can plan a build while you're recovering.
(Were YOU wearing a helmet?)
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i was but where i ****ed up it wasnt tight and somehow that how my teeth got ****ed up and yes the bike is still recognizable and all so might rebuild it or finish my chopper and just put that on there so i dont buy a new one
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i was but where i ****ed up it wasnt tight and somehow that how my teeth got ****ed up and yes the bike is still recognizable and all so might rebuild it or finish my chopper and just put that on there so i dont buy a new one

Thats what I do. If my frame breaks, or I wreck it, or just get tired of a bike I'll slap the motor on another bike. The engine I have now has been on two other bikes. First one I didn't like the way it rode, second one I built to sell, then didn't. Now it's on my Hussy and I think that's where it's gonna stay. I've spent almost a year getting this one set up just right for myself. I still have a little to do on it, but it turned out to be my best personal bike so far.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I had been on the road for a total of 30 seconds after doing a small roadside repair and a guy decided to make a left turn across my lane at the last possible second. I hit him at about 30mph just behind the rear wheel on the passenger side. I flew over the trunk of his car landing spread out on the road. I got up, pulled my bike out of the middle of the road, took off my helmet, and waited for him to come over to see what happened. He never saw me coming with my shiny chrome helmet, he never heard the engine running, he just heard a small thunk and figured he should stop to see what it was. Being I had just pulled onto the road, I was looking behind to make sure no one was coming. When I looked forward, I had maybe 2 seconds before I hit him. I didn't even have time to think, I wasn't even too sure what had happened until I saw I was laying in the middle of what is normally a very busy road and not riding my bike. Total damage to the bike was the front wheel became a taco and the forks were bent. I had a scraped right elbow and a very badly bruised right foot. After he gave me a ride home and enough money to fix my bike, I went out to the crash site and somehow loaded it into my truck by myself. Later that night, I couldn't walk and my foot wouldn't fit in my shoe. It's been two weeks, I can walk fine with a tiny amount of pain in my foot, the mark on my elbow is almost gone, the bike was rebuilt and back on the road two days later without spending a dime because I had other bikes to steal parts from, I haven't heard anything from that guy and never will, and as far as my girlfriend knows, I dropped a big hammer on my foot... again.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Dang, you guys with all your car accidents are making me think ripping around my town like a lunatic on a crotch rocket in my rural town has been safer than simply commuting with automobile traffic.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

In San Jose it's cagers passing you, then slamming on the brakes, NO TURN SIGNAL, and right turning into a driveway or parking lot. And of course since there's a little bump going in, They almost come to a stop in front of you. So yer doin 35mph and a car is all of a sudden broadside in front of you. So far I haven't hit anyone although I've come very close. I've SEEN them LOOK AT ME, SPEED UP TO PASS, then pull this maneuver.
I offer NO apologies, THIS is when I will call them EVERY name I can think of at the time.
I've also come VERY close to putting the kickstand down, walking over and kicking a dent in their door. I think I've shown enormous restraint so far.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i cant load my pics they say its oversized how do i resize it

I'm sure there are better ways, but I send them to myself and let my Hotmail automatically resize them.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

another way is to upload them to photobucket, they allow you to edit your pictures on there for free.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i ran over a big dog at close to full throttle, wearing just t-shirt and pants, scraped elbow good , if i jacket on way lesss injury would have occured, so i try to wear atleast long sleeves :)
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Main injury I sustain year after year are burns. If I am not buring my bare leg/s on a pipe the sun gets my arms, nose, and sometimes back.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Well, now I have a second one. I just got my bike running again yesterday and now it's dead again as far as the frame goes. I was going down the sidewalk at probably 15mph, was approaching a turn to the left and the gaurdrail along the sidewalk followed the turn. I pulled the brake to slow down, and the cable snapped. I hit the gaurdrail at probably 13mph, flew over it, initially landed on my head, then my back, and then the bike landed on my leg. So, I had to walk to two miles back to work and ask for a ride home. Cursing the thing the whole way. Bent the forks and blew out the tire, everything else is still good. Engine even stayed running upside down. At least I was wearing a helmet and was able to walk away from it. Just a few scratches and bruises.