How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?


i was cruising down the road, doing about 25 mph, i was trying to stay as far to the right as i could when the occasional car went by me, i went a little to far and went off the pavement onto the shoulder that was loose gravel. lost it, i went air born over the handlebars, the side of my head hit first, then my shoulder , back, then hip, the bike landed at my feet, in the roadway, first thing i did was sit up, and pull my motorized bicycle out of the road, then found i could not get up, went for my phone in my jacket, my arm did not seem to work to good, so i just laid flat, i did not think i was hurt bad, but i couldn't get up, this great couple in a pick up stopped and scooped me and the bike up, they wanted to take me to the hospital, but i asked them to just take me home, cause i was OK, they took me and the bike home, i hobbled in, i went to rub my shoulder, and found a bump on my back where a bone was not where it was supposed to be, i then figured out that i am not ok, my wife took me to the ER, and found out that i had separated shoulder bone from my coller bone, and fractured my hip, not a good thing to do when your 60 yrs old, that was about a year ago i healed up pretty good,

when i checked out the bike, the springer forks were wasted, rim was bent, seat was tweaked, rear rack was bent up, handle bars were bent, frame was fine, its a realm beach cruiser from the 60;s made out of aluminum, it is one tough frame, if you can get your hands on one, it is made like it was made for a motorized bicycle.

i looked at my helmet, my nice paint job was ruined, the back, and side of it was pretty scuffed up, and my leather jacket backside looked like i would have been a lot worse had i not been wearing it, that is one plus thing about this whole thing, it would have been a lot worse had i not been wearing my helmet, and leather jacket

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Since having my motorized bike I haven had to hit my RESETBTTTN yet :)...almost had a wipe out today though.
So I'm riding dirty with no brakes...following the side walk because traffic was heavy. Up comes a sharp "S" curve...damn near a "Z" actually. It hits me my surprise because I'm people watching to see who's watching me lol. Quickly I release the throttle and disengage the clutch and I wobble straight across the curve.
Ofcourse I had to people watch even harder to see who saw me almost wipe out lol.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I was having a nice cruise, I must admit that I had a little shot of rum... I didn't notice that there's a hole, so I flew over to the other lane..
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Got a little scuffed up today, I was doing a low speed left turn and the front wheel slid out to the right on some sand or skree in the curve.

Scuffed my chin, scraped my knee, scraped or banged my hands, wrists and an elbow. The cruiser's back fender shifted a bit, chainguard's paint was scraped and it was knocked off the engine, a leak at a stud on the tank, and worst of all a dent in the side of the tank (from the handlebar).
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Just started up my brand new 66cc one today, and the bastard threw me off within 20 mins. Admittedly I only had front brake and I was going downhill in the dark and it was wet - very bad combo... Now I'm nursing my gravel rash. But I can't think of a more entertaining way for it to have happened.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

was going top speed on the paved shoulder of road with no rearview mirror an 18 wheeler came flying past . It was just as I came up on an over pass the wind from the truck tossed me into the guard rail . I came off the bike hitting one of the posts shoulder first . Shattered shoulder blade , broke collar bone and 5 ribs one pierced a lung . What was bad this as my second day out on my first build . The bike was unhurt a few scratches . Two months before I was healed enough to ride it again . That was a 50cc rode it for a few years I have just finished building an 80cc on the same bike frame and I've got real good rearview mirrors .
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

was going top speed on the paved shoulder of road with no rearview mirror an 18 wheeler came flying past . It was just as I came up on an over pass the wind from the truck tossed me into the guard rail . I came off the bike hitting one of the posts shoulder first . Shattered shoulder blade , broke collar bone and 5 ribs one pierced a lung . What was bad this as my second day out on my first build . The bike was unhurt a few scratches . Two months before I was healed enough to ride it again . That was a 50cc rode it for a few years I have just finished building an 80cc on the same bike frame and I've got real good rearview mirrors .

Good luck fredric with your second build lets hope no injury's this time. I know what you mean by the air with passing vehicles, I've had a few close calls myself over the years.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

we have very few semi's on the island however i was caught in wind when i lived in the states. i see them in my review mirror i pull over and let them get past me or i go very slow till they get around me. glad you are healing and getting back on your motorized bicycle again.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

was going top speed on the paved shoulder of road with no rearview mirror an 18 wheeler came flying past . It was just as I came up on an over pass the wind from the truck tossed me into the guard rail . I came off the bike hitting one of the posts shoulder first . Shattered shoulder blade , broke collar bone and 5 ribs one pierced a lung . What was bad this as my second day out on my first build . The bike was unhurt a few scratches . Two months before I was healed enough to ride it again . That was a 50cc rode it for a few years I have just finished building an 80cc on the same bike frame and I've got real good rearview mirrors .

Ouch, that's rough man. I hope you have better luck riding the second build. In the city I used to live in I lived in the north end of town. The trucks heading out of town would always hit the gas before they left the '60 kph' zone on one stretch of road heading north. There were a few times they pass by and if it weren't for teen-age reaction time I'd've been sucked into the slipstream, spun around and dumped on my head. The city bus drivers there seemed to have a 'Death Race' attitude towards cyclists, too.. if you could come along side a cyclist and pull/grind into the curb for the bus stop with them pinned to it half-way down the bus I think it was worth extra points.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I was trying to follow a car into a parking structure. The long roadblock arm dropped quickly and hit my helmet, which pushed me into the concrete pillar as I tried to accelerate.

Contact points were helmet, crushed bike basket and shin guards.

The lot attendant rushed over to render aid. I quickly got up,saying "I'm allright, I"m allright".

No injuries whatsoever, not even a headache from the roadblock arm or pillar.

Now I crawl my bike slowwwly around the roadblock arm. It's a PITA because it's a very steep uphill ramp and both engines' clutches take a beating (Can't make it up the ramp on one engine).

I go up this ramp every time I ride to work. Exiting the down ramp isn't a problem. I just need to lean the bike over and slowwwly walk it around the roadblock arm..duh.

Update: Four years later, I'm still at the same workplace ramp. This time I have the access card key that raises the roadblock arm. For years, I'd pull out my wallet, swipe it past the sensor and ride in and out. Now I simply leave the wallet in my front left pocket, lift my leg to the sensor and ride thru the entrance.

Haven't fallen since, but I DO have my share of muffler burns on my leg when I wore shorts. Now I always wear long pants, motorcycle helmet, dirt bike chest protector, knee/shin guards, gloves, elbow/forearm guards and boots.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

So, I just got back from the hospital...not for me or my family, but to see my riding buddy...he just got out of I.c.u this morning...took a head dive over his bars going down hill on his puch maxi...thing was, he was coasting, trying to pop start...some lady pulled around him and stopped damage to her, but he has a fractured skull, broken jaw, arm, ribs and pelvis...road rash head to toe on his right side, a hole in his liver and a ruptured spleen...and the worst part for me is I declined to go on that ride with him...its tough seeing a bro in that shape...hes currently in serious condition and awaiting 4 seperate extra cautious brothers/sisters...this is a reality...
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

So, I just got back from the hospital...not for me or my family, but to see my riding buddy...he just got out of I.c.u this morning...took a head dive over his bars going down hill on his puch maxi...thing was, he was coasting, trying to pop start...some lady pulled around him and stopped damage to her, but he has a fractured skull, broken jaw, arm, ribs and pelvis...road rash head to toe on his right side, a hole in his liver and a ruptured spleen...and the worst part for me is I declined to go on that ride with him...its tough seeing a bro in that shape...hes currently in serious condition and awaiting 4 seperate extra cautious brothers/sisters...this is a reality...

Sorry about your friend and I have heard that kind of story a 1000 times
don't mean to be callous but if they charged more of these drivers with
attempted murder or manslaughter maybe they would get the message but I doubt it!:(
a 2 or 3000 pound vehicle against a 120lb vehicle attempted MURDER
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Wow! I'm sorry, I had a really bad accident on my first build, I know what it's like! Some drivers are just SO inconsiderate! They don't even stop and look! Some people just shouldn't be driving..... You always have to drive/ride safe, and keep clear of those horrible drivers who think they're king of the road.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I have been trying to think of a way to get back at this driver who lives somewhere in my area who has twice in going around me cut in front almost hitting my front wheel forcing me into he grass at the side of the road .
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I have been trying to think of a way to get back at this driver who lives somewhere in my area who has twice in going around me cut in front almost hitting my front wheel forcing me into he grass at the side of the road .

If I had a problem with a certain driver i would keep filing police reports. Eventually someone has to answer to those reports and if this nut ever does hit you, you have proof that the local fuzz was warned about this driver.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

wish a police report would work but my local police are mad at me because there is no license or tags needed here they even made me meet them at the station once . While there they went through every law book they had trying to get me for something . But to be fair at the end they told me wear your helmet and but on this orange safety vest which they gave me .
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Mount a video camera to your bike the police have to do something if you
got proof.

To protect and serve: what a joke that's become
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Mount a video camera to your bike the police have to do something if you
got proof.

To protect and serve: what a joke that's become

I picked up a phone/GPS holder for my handlebars for less than $20. I'm usually using the GPS speedo app but with a slight change in angle it's alright for video.

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I have been trying to think of a way to get back at this driver who lives somewhere in my area who has twice in going around me cut in front almost hitting my front wheel forcing me into he grass at the side of the road .

It got so bad here in Indy with the other motorists (not just for me, but with other cyclists also) that anytime a car would pull alongside me and still accelerating, I would just automatically assume they were going to cut in front and hit the brakes. I'd grab the clutch and have the brakes ready to go. All that adrenaline was making me twitchy. I don't ride through downtown anymore. Haven't in years. Of course, I haven't really needed to.