How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i was riding in a rock street that was flooded, front wheel went straight between 2 rocks and fall aside, some rush in the elbow. and BEWARE of dogs, everytime a dog sees me riding it tries to bite me.dance1
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Yesterday I was coming home from work and had just passed the traffic light by my house. I was getting ready to pull up to the sidewalk when a truck that had been getting ready to pull out saw me coming and attempted to let me pass, but did not get out of my way in time. I slammed on my brakes, my back tire skidded on the wet street, and down I went. I banged my shin and cut my finger, but didn't break any bones or have any other major injuries. I broke my left side mirror, but otherwise the bike is fine. What bothered me was the fact that the driver I wrecked behind drove right off without checking to see if I was ok. Total lack of human decency.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

everytime a dog sees me riding it tries to bite me

Lol, they just love motorbikes a lot, in my neighborhood the dogs swarm like little kids looking for free stickers lol. Yesterday I had to book it full throttle away from four of them following their owner who doesn't leash them. That's kind of a problem in my town because most dogs just run free, and I don't want them to get hurt by my bike.

Glad to hear you made it relatively unhurt BBB, I treat every driver out here in Marin like they still haven't figured out why the square block doesn't fit in the round hole. If they do dumb stuff I sit back and cross my arms and shake my head, and that usually embarrasses them off.

That driver that just drove off when you crashed is BS, I bet he was afraid you'd try to get him involved somehow and chickened out. Gotta be careful, no insurance on these things!.duh.
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

When I read that BBB, my first thought was what a chicken dirt, cowardly thing to do to leave a guy lying there with Heaven only knows what injuries and drive off like you had no part in it happening.

Sure glad you weren't hurt any worse than you were and the bike didn't have any more damage than it did. Hope you heal up quickly.

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

It seems gravel and motor bikes don't mix. I'll have to be extra careful in unknown areas.
Especially be aware of gravel if you are just showing off for the camera.


Skin graft, a week in the hospital, and ~$5K even with great insurance.
My first wreck and own idiot fault.

My second was not.

I was headed down a mountain in the bike lane here coming towards the camera around 45MPH, ya it was a fast shifting bike going downhill ;-}


I was cruising along mostly coasting downhill where the blob of blue is.

There was a van there where that silver car under the appropriately named Collision Center sign in the pic is, turning right.

I was back 50 yards or so when he pulled out but I was watching him pull that bone head stunt and put on the brakes to slow down some and give him room.

I was about 20' behind him doing ~20 when he pulled bone head stunt two.
He just turned right again into the parking lot across my bike lane with this.


Thankfully he wasn't at a 90 degree angle to me, ~45 degrees when I hit the van I guess, and I had driveway to the right.
I just laid on the brakes more and turned to hit him broadside best I could.

The blue ovals are the marks I left on the van as I careened off it to the ground face first just inside the parking lot.

I didn't get up this time, and when the driver asked if I was OK, my response was a long stream of colorful words ending in NO!

I still hurt from that one but the $1500 settlement helped.

It was at that time i vowed to never ride an motorized bicycle without a front strobe headlight and simply can not stress enough how a $30 item is (to me) as important as dual brakes as I have seen first hand over a dozen times how a motorist reacts when they see a strobe light and take that crucial extra second to not just see you, but judge your speed.

It would be comical how people will slam on their brakes or not cut you off with just that one little thing until you realize that without it you may have been laying on the pavement seconds later without it. Been there, done that, once was 1 too many times.
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Wow KC! Those were really bad, glad you healed up from them but I know even after they heal they can hurt for years to come!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Wow KC! Those were really bad, glad you healed up from them but I know even after they heal they can hurt for years to come!
Sad but true.
Some things pretend to heal when you are young but come back to haunt you later in life, that 2nd wreck into the van broke my collar bone in the same place I broke it decades ago on my dirt bike and it never has and never will heal completely now.
The same is true for both my ankles and my right knee but hey, I am still walking, talking, etc. etc.

I just can't afford any more 'accidents' so I get a little anal when it comes to safety on what I ride or what I will sale, especially when I see kids that slapped the cheapest thing they could buy on a Huffy with a pair of pliers with nothing but a coaster brake bragging about how they can ride over 35 MPH in shorts and flip-flops without a helmet.

Age and experience may not make you smarter but it sure as **** makes you wiser ;-}
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

The older I get, the slower I ride.

Speed is over rated. Quiet is under rated.

Not getting injured rules!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I enjoy the torque of gearing low, so I can get up all the steep stuff here and blast out of corners in a wheelie. I could care less about doing fast velocities on a bike, I did 60 on my OCC before in a straight line and it was smooth as glass, do stuff like that long enough and some weak bicycle component goes KABAM!

I've driven open wheel cars which give a lot of sense of speed, and even then, high speed isn't scary or dangerous, its what happens when you go into a corner (or right turn, or being cut off) too fast or something isn't quite right. Machines are never 100%.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i was riding in a rock street that was flooded, front wheel went straight between 2 rocks and fall aside, some rush in the elbow. and BEWARE of dogs, everytime a dog sees me riding it tries to bite me.dance1

Carry a water pistol full of ammonia.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I enjoy the torque of gearing low, so I can get up all the steep stuff here and blast out of corners in a wheelie. I could care less about doing fast velocities on a bike, I did 60 on my OCC before in a straight line and it was smooth as glass, do stuff like that long enough and some weak bicycle component goes KABAM!

I've driven open wheel cars which give a lot of sense of speed, and even then, high speed isn't scary or dangerous, its what happens when you go into a corner (or right turn, or being cut off) too fast or something isn't quite right. Machines are never 100%.

I also enjoy the power in low with 6-1/2 HP but I ALSO ENJOY A QUIETLY PURRING ENGINE THAT ISN'T STRUGGLING (damn caplock) in high and the freewheeling is nice on downhills. Put fresh internals in the tranny last evening. Tonight is make the damned brake work properly night. A Hodaka 90 brake ought to lock the wheel.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Well, I had hoped I would never post on this thread, but, oh well, here.goes... I've had my Ranger on the road 3 weeks now and enjoying running around town on it. Three evenings ago I decided to go into a part of town I hadn't entered in several years. I turned down one side street, directly into the setting sun. I have had trouble seeing into the sun for a while, but hey a city street??? All of a sudden appeared a bar gate across the road, no warning. I hit it at about 20 mph, flew over the bars taking the bike with me over the gate. I landed with the bike on top of me. The spark wire was knocked off, killing the motor, good! The impact bent the fork back to where the tire was back of the frame. Other than scratched paint, no other damage. My crouch rode the entire length of the tank stopping at the h-bars (new meaning to "wracked with pain." Mt shins impacted the gate bar splitting the skin, but no broken bones. My helmet shows good reasoning for wearing one. I am bruise:-||d, scraped-up and sad, but ok. I already have a new fork installed and took a test ride last evening, AOK!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?'s my story.

I just started playing with these bikes. I should have had a lot more respect for them than I did. I've ridden all kinds of dirt bikes in my younger days and some incredible crotch rockets in my mid 20s. I'm almost 40 now.

Anyway, I just fueled up at the gas station and was speeding away. Thought it might be cool to jump it off the curb and speed away.

Not so, jumped off the curb at full throttle. The torque from the free wheeling for that split second was enough to break the bevel gear and send me in to the ground with force.

I scrapped up my right elbow and tricep areas pretty good as well as my right hip and thigh...through a heavy pair of carpenter's jeans. And the impact from the skid also hit my chest. Thought I might have broken or cracked a few ribs; but all is ok.

This happened about 2 weeks ago. everything has healed up nice....though the chest is still a lil sore.

All in all; respect these lil death machines. They will get nasty on ya quick if ya don't respect them. 2 horse power was enough to ruin my day.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

How's this for a story.

Ordered my kit about 2 months ago, and because of technical difficulties, couldn't set it up till Oct 12th-ish.

So I've rode it to school and work, each being a distance of 16~miles going and coming. Did all my pre-checks, maintenance and was just starting to really wear it in and put some loc-tite everywhere! Riding it for a week or so.

So last Friday, Oct 25th, I visited my brother (who was still assembling his at the time, but he'd be using it to get to work) at his deli job for fun. Good stuff. hopped on my bike and headed home.

As I'm coming home, there is much traffic. I live in NYC and we have pretty big bicycling lanes. Regardless, as I approach the intersection of a one way and the street I'm on, some jerk decided to make a right without even YIELDING TO AN ONCOMING BICYCLE. So I see this, have a split second to react as I was going 15-20MPH, and lock up my rear brake. I turn right along with the car to avoid a frontal facelift. I fall off my bike after it hit his rear right-quarter panel, and fall with my left(dominant) hand under his back right tire.

He continued to roll at a slow pace until he rolled over my left hand, crushing it. He got out and took me to the hospital, but I'm still suing. Big time.

I have multiple fractures in my left hand, on the last 3 metacarpals and last 3 fingers are twisted up. Index and thumb were luckily saved. I am undergoing surgery on Friday. Wish me luck. I can still move my fingers and feel, but movement will be restricted the doctors say. Ugh this sucks, I didn't do anything to deserve this bs.

I wish all of you the safest trips on these things...the most dangerous aspect of the road when you're like me is not maintenance or driving recklessly, it's idiots like this guy who don't even care about looking first.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

How's this for a story.

Ordered my kit about 2 months ago, and because of technical difficulties, couldn't set it up till Oct 12th-ish.

So I've rode it to school and work, each being a distance of 16~miles going and coming. Did all my pre-checks, maintenance and was just starting to really wear it in and put some loc-tite everywhere! Riding it for a week or so.

So last Friday, Oct 25th, I visited my brother (who was still assembling his at the time, but he'd be using it to get to work) at his deli job for fun. Good stuff. hopped on my bike and headed home.

As I'm coming home, there is much traffic. I live in NYC and we have pretty big bicycling lanes. Regardless, as I approach the intersection of a one way and the street I'm on, some jerk decided to make a right without even YIELDING TO AN ONCOMING BICYCLE. So I see this, have a split second to react as I was going 15-20MPH, and lock up my rear brake. I turn right along with the car to avoid a frontal facelift. I fall off my bike after it hit his rear right-quarter panel, and fall with my left(dominant) hand under his back right tire.

He continued to roll at a slow pace until he rolled over my left hand, crushing it. He got out and took me to the hospital, but I'm still suing. Big time.

I have multiple fractures in my left hand, on the last 3 metacarpals and last 3 fingers are twisted up. Index and thumb were luckily saved. I am undergoing surgery on Friday. Wish me luck. I can still move my fingers and feel, but movement will be restricted the doctors say. Ugh this sucks, I didn't do anything to deserve this bs.

I wish all of you the safest trips on these things...the most dangerous aspect of the road when you're like me is not maintenance or driving recklessly, it's idiots like this guy who don't even care about looking first.

That completely sucks :p I can say this; KEEP IT CLEAN!! Any sign of infection AT ALL go back to the doctor. If it gets infected you're in a world of hurt. My neighbor races mini sprints. One night a "woman driver" decided to park her car inside his driver's compartment. She crushed his ...left hand against the steering wheel. Many surgeries and much pain later they ended up taking the finger. The recovered very fast after that but he can't flip anyone off anymore ;) .,.. instead of .l.. :D
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

[low whistle]... Dayum, man.. I hope everything works out for you, both with the hand and with the courts. Keep us up to date with both. When Harley got her 'door prize' she broke a metacarpal in her right hand (her main hand).. fortunately just one, but they're still trying to figure out if they can get it put right, or if her right little finger will always be 'down a row, and to the right' on a keyboard.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Ha I was cornering around a sharp turn going about 30 mph in the rain and slid about 30 yards down my street..I got baaad road burn on my left knee about 2 or so monthes ago and Ive still got the scars.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I have been lucky so far and no accidents on my motorized bicycle. only thing injured has been my wallet :)
Like paul, I've just had an injured wallet :P I've taken mine on the shoulder of a highway (gravel), on a dirt road and HORRIBLY paved road, this was yesterday for about 50km. The roads were wet, the bike went through at 40km/h no problem, though about 3/4 of the way there I noticed the bearing was loose, drove back, I guess I'll have to get back to the cottage to see what it's gonna cost me now :(