How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I watched it, GH !

it was HIS fault!
...far as I could see from the film...

Basically because HE wasn't paying attention, AND, he was riding off to the left of the lane already... probably abt to make a left on the cross street.

Down & dirty... You are a GLADIATOR when you go out in vehicle traffic on any kind of bike ! (as we all know)
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

My second ride with my new bike I dumped it while going through a slick patch of water. The bike just slid out from under me and well actually I stayed on the bike and went down.. Got exhaust burn on my calf and a bruised buttcheek
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I watched it, GH !

it was HIS fault!
...far as I could see from the film...

Basically because HE wasn't paying attention, AND, he was riding off to the left of the lane already... probably abt to make a left on the cross street.

Down & dirty... You are a GLADIATOR when you go out in vehicle traffic on any kind of bike ! (as we all know)
She ran the light...
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

She ran the light...
I ride a motorcycle in the bat$#*% crazy town of Tuscaloosa Alabama.....RollTide. To many tweens and teens and people texting while putting on their makeup and eating a triple burger while having sex behind the wheel. These people don't know to to drive and as much paying attention as I do, they are out to mash me. I ride like they are out to get me, even if an asshate pulled out, you can't stop the car from pulling out on you the last second. One of my biggest worries. Already totaled one crotch rocket from a left turner that was behind an old lady and didn't look for me. I grabbed brakes and Me and it slid to the front right of the audi 25mph luckily.
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I wasn't badly hurt, just banged up and sore from it, but I got thrown off my bike a while back when I got crowded in a curve.
It was not long after I got my first build running, and I was still learning how to handle it. I went into a curve without hitting the clutch lever, and under power the bike wanted to make a wider arc than it would otherwise. The car behind my left shoulder wasn't giving me any room to try and turn tighter. I ran out of road and my sidewalls 'snapped' upright against the curb sending me down on the sidewalk with a now-screaming motor on my leg. A guy who wanted to know more about the bike because I'd been passing him daily in traffic gridlock was nice enough to pull over behind me and shield me a bit (so traffic had to go wide of him then me) while I stood up and sorted myself out. Of course, as I calmed down I answered every question I could at the time, and told him where to buy a kit. He waited for me to try and ride, and again shielded me for a half block or so while I got it up and running, until I gave him a thumbs up and he got on with his trip home. Never got his name (or I missed it at the time).

Beyond that so far only a couple of close calls, woman cut me off to try and park her car on the side of the road so I almost rear-ended her.. Moving car on my left, parked car on my right, she pulls two thirds of the way over and blocks my lane with her car..going uphill, no less. Had to walk the beast up to the next sidestreet to restart on level ground. Too much gravel and sand in a curve combined with too much speed, but let go the throttle and recovered it before it went too squirrely.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I laided my mb down in my yard a wile ago the cluch cable snaped bad mantince on my part i guess but any wat the clain got it and i went over the bars on my face got a good cut in the right eyebrow from it afew bruses and a screwed back rim from it hitting me in the head
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Big brother got's those cams that give out tickets in the mail. These cams also work like DVR home/office security systems.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I watched it, GH !

it was HIS fault!
...far as I could see from the film...

Basically because HE wasn't paying attention, AND, he was riding off to the left of the lane already... probably abt to make a left on the cross street.

Down & dirty... You are a GLADIATOR when you go out in vehicle traffic on any kind of bike ! (as we all know)

no, you're wrong,.... the left side of that road is for the vehicles going left,... look at the tire marks, and she ran.duh. a red light, notice the other cars are sitting and waiting for the light, plus watch her reaction,... there is none,... she's guilty as sin,.....
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Another one that happened to me within the last few days is I was just taking the bike out for a casual ride and the clutch was acting up so I just decided to pedal home. The pedal drive chain caught on a chain guard screw and came off the sprocket binding up, sending me over the bars about 5-10 feet from my bike with road rash on the right side of my torso, broke my throttle, and kill switch and thats about it.


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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

not entirely sure how it happened, but i was riding along on a wet road, really thumping it trying to get home as quick as i could to get out of the wet. all of a sudden, the chain just broke, took out a few spokes and wrapped around my leg ripping a chunk of my calf off. that was a sad day, nevertheless i got it up and running again and 17 stitches later i was back riding...
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i was going down a small road when i decided too late to turn into the gravel-y alley. i stupidly pulled the front brake on gravel and ended up sliding on my belly. got bad road rash on left knee, palms of my hands and forarms.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Put new tyres on and didn't get the feel for'em before turning fast'n'hard thru a corner. Turns out the front tire wasnt as grippy and it washed out. Kinda went over the hangers at 45km/hr in front of an audience.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I have had two minor injuries in my 6 months of riding.
First time I was on a dark road at night and following the white line on the right when I came to a spot where the asphalt had eroded away so that the white line had crumbled into the drainage ditch.
I fell to the left and landed on my shoulder. Was sore for a few weeks and lost some skin. Worst part was I feared someone would run over me before I got up. Crawled to my feet, cursed and got back on.
Second time was almost the same except completely my fault. I tried to "jump" my front wheel onto the sidewalk like the 90 pound kids on the 20 pound BMX bikes do.
I almost made it.
Bike fell to the right and again I landed on my shoulder. This was a week ago and it is still stiff.
Both incidents left scratches on my helmet that made me really glad I was wearing it.
Lessons learned: adequate lighting and don't be an idiot.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

not entirely sure how it happened, but i was riding along on a wet road, really thumping it trying to get home as quick as i could to get out of the wet. all of a sudden, the chain just broke, took out a few spokes and wrapped around my leg ripping a chunk of my calf off. that was a sad day, nevertheless i got it up and running again and 17 stitches later i was back riding...

That is a bad one.
Inspires me to be careful about the pre-ride inspection.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

was rideing my bike acroos a old back road when their is this diagnal cross of railroad tracks front wheel somehow went in the tracks took the bike to the left my body was still going forward needless to say i flew a few good feet got up swore a little pushed it home broke a throttle cable and kill switch and put a nice looking dent in my gas tank doh
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I know this will sound preachy and training probably would not have prevented a lot of these accidents but I can't help but plug the the motorcycle safety foundation classes ( Motorcycle Safety Foundation ). They will cost you as much as a cheep engine kit but the skills you learn are worth it. Not all of the class work transfers but having taken the basic rider 2 course I would say 95%+ does. MB's may not be proper motorcycles in the eyes of the law but in practice the risks are the same.
just my $.02 trying to be part of the solution.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

My First motorized bicycle accident today at 2pm right in front of my house! .duh.
I went trough my usual routine of tinkering and inspecting the motor followed by a test ride... couple of laps around the block to warm it up, on the third i see how fast i can go around.
On the last corner in front of my house, took the turn to tight... back tire washed out and i slid on my side wearing only basketball shorts and a t shirt == road rash all along my leg up to my a$$ and all along my arm
along with damaged dignity.