How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

That's soo Fu#%ed up!! I didn't even know people did this sort of $#!%.

People who string wire across bike trails are murderers. And they need to hear that. Somebody was doing that $h*t in Massillon Ohio when I lived there, and it put a teenager in the hospital. I never found out if he lived or not because we had to move.

If these "pranksters" don't understand that they could kill somebody doing this sort of thing, then they're even bigger idiots than they are criminals. But that doesn't mean they're not criminals.

Stringing wire at head level is no joke. They're preparing to maim or kill somebody they don't even know.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I had a problem with the bike and pull up on the sidewalk to work on the problem. I didn't pull far enough onto the sidewalk so when I put my left foot down there was no sidewalk and stepped off the curb. I fell to the left and the handle bar end jabbed me in the ribs, right where my X had cracked my ribs years before(NEVER marry a manic/depressive) In that same area of my chest I had ripped my diaphram from attempting to stop barfing(I was really sick).

It was dark and late at night so no one saw. I gimped the rest of the 1/4 mile still bothers me :(
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

This happened a few years ago when I was testing my first home built motor bike. I designed it with a 3 HP Briggs to a jack shaft and chain drive to the wheel. I made just about everything on the bike including the brackets that held the rear sprocket to the wheel. Well I was cruising about 25 or so into a sweeping curve just getting real confident about my engineering skills when the rear sprocket cocked enough for the chain to come off and wedge itself in the wheel just enough to lock everything down. I'm sure all of you know the shear panic there is when you know something is not right and you are going to pay for it real soon. Well being in the curve really screwed me on this one, the bike started skidding from side to side in an ever increasingly arcs until it couldn't go any further and just slammed me on the road. Of course I had on shorts and a cut off shirt and sandals. What else would you wear on a maiden voyage? I escaped with road rash and the bike lost a small amount of blood (oil). The funniest thing was one of my neighbors walked over to me about the time I stood up and said "boy I thought you was going to pull out of it for a minute there". I said "ya so did I right before I hit the pavement". Anyway that was the end of the chain drive, I modified it to belt drive the following week. I had to get my van to haul the bike home so I took these pictures of the skid marks, I measured 45 feet before I was slammed. Also note the oil mark where the skid ends....or maybe that's my oil?

This one I saw happened almost the same way on a street motorcycle. It skidded no *^^$& about 75 ft. The guy came to a stop after fish tailing with the rear wheel locked up when a bungee cord wrapped up on the axle.

I actually am finishing my motor bike build, taking way long time but should have the same drive setup as yours. Chain and Belt.

Your motor bike is much better for looks than mine. The style and the tank inset on the frame sweet.

I was wondering if what in the picture that has the flywheel cover showing, is there a piece missing? I thought maybe I could see the counter weight or the magnet on the flywheel. The engine is painted black, so I thought with the best resolution of the picture to mention it. I know there are replacement parts for some of the Briggs engines, but it does not involve the whole cover, just an additional piece. I got a used engine at a flea market and it was missing in that area, I made a cover myself for it.

Measure Twice
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

It wasn't a motor bicycle but I had the rear axle come loose on my 250 Suzuki dirt bike at 40 mph and rode it out. Didn't go down but the pucker factor was pretty high. I guess it helped to be on the dirt.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

stay away from chepo tires! i was going about 30 mph and all of a sudden a pop and and bam im sliding along on the asphalt leaving no lie a trail of blood from my knee This being my bad knee that i had internal bleeding on about a week before had a huge gash bruised bone road rash and the inability to walk for about 3 days cheap tires and a crappy fender all played a role i have pictures from the scene but they are a bit gruesome... BE careful!! These things can be dangerous but im back on it not fully healed but im riding again.
i think its actually good to have a spill tough-fens you up Making you a BETTER RIDER!!!!!!!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i've only had four crashed worth mentioning
first happend a cupple of year ago on my second mt
was charging full speed on a long gravel strait to se the top speed when my fot slipped of the pedal and into the front wheel. did sort of a unauthorized flight and landed in a ditch minor road rach but soar as *piip*
but i got some use out of it the top speed was 25mph;)
second i was experimenting on back wheel driving but realized that i had to change the positions for front and rear brakes
ending up giving the beans on the front break on wet grass
habits is tricky to get out of!
third frame split in two when going over a bump got pretty god road raches from that one and i passed out when the adrenalin went away. welded it back up and it was kicking the same afternoon:)
and i recently had to carry one of my bikes down a stairway in my workshop tripped on some cables and flew threw a door down a other stairway with a 60pound bike in my arms the tripp ended in in a pile of tires. got away with a sour thumb, raches and bruises on my ribs and a bit of skin from my hip got carved out by the handlebar.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

At UC Santa Cruz in a deep, hard turn, you know... pedal up, full on lean, coming around a sharp turn, (a bit too fast unfortunately) a car began backing up from a parking space into the road way quickly forcing me to completely switch up my line. Well I couldn't get the opposite pedal completely up before initiating the hard counter lean maneuver and...

I catch that pedal on the pavement hard and get bucked high-side, I mean launched! at about 20mph. I was wearing my leather jacket and a helmet but no gloves, luckily the jacket arm stayed pulled down during the wreck and took most the slide and impact. I cracked the starter cover on the gxh50 but that was it on bike damage. Not bad considering I had to walk several feet back to get it out of the street lol. Started right up, gotta love the durability of a Honda. I try to wear that jacket every-time I ride now.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Rear pull brake broke. Wedged between the tire and frame. Lock up. Went dirt-tracking down the asphalt at 30mph. Serious road rash on arm, hand and ankle. 2 weeks later the bike is better than ever after some repairs/upgrades and the body is still healing.


MMMMM....dirt in wounds....
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Flatback...My knee looked like your hand. When we finished my son's chopper it was around 10PM. After he got it started and rode it awhile I decided to take it for a spin. I was peddling (not any more, use throttle body cleaner to start engine) up a small hill and was going to make a 180 and start the bike going downhill. When I made the 180 to the left, the left peddle was down, grabbed the asphalt, stuck, and took the bike right out from under me. Knee tore up, and at 64 that isn't good. Took a long time to heal. So I don't ride either choppers my two son's have...I'll stick to my cruiser.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

And wet leaves. I came around a sharper turn on a backroad and there was a slight turn/hill ahed. So I gave my 50 cc mb alittle more gas and then rear tire hit the wet leaves... needless to say I was lying in a puddle withthe engine on my kneecap. Lotsa pain poped front tire (no idea how that hapened)and exploded my chain tensioner
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Wet autumn leaves. Bad ju-ju. I guess they don't call it "Fall" for nothing.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

What kind of bike was it? Glad you are ok (besides the new hardware).

I dumped my bike in a corner on an oily spot (looked at the area later trying to figure out why I slid). I think a combination of turning too hard for the tires on the bike, throttling it too much, and the oil, all added up to the beef jerky on my arm. ouch.

Next time I ride I will have to remember it is "just a bicycle". The motor makes it so fun I want to go a lot faster on it than I would just pedaling it. Maybe that's ok on the straights but remember the tires don't like to lean much on bicycles.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

hi all,

I was riding my newly built electric bike daily on my commute to work, i had about 500km on it so far.
one day on my way back from work, i heard a suddent "crack" and 1 second later i was on the ground...from what i can see a defective weld at the head tube combine with the head angle and weight of the batteries resulted in the head tube to completely sheared off the frame when i was rinding it at 30km\h...
i crashed hard and broke my humerus by the shoulder...

I now have a metal plates and screws in my arm to keep everything in place...I was out of biking and work for4 months.

heres a picture of the arm repair!

i guess i will beep going trough metal detector at the airport now!

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Hey thats terrible what happened to you, frame failures are the worst. I hope you feel better, what a shame, and your a good guy. That would really shake me up, I hope you have better luck down the road
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Good joke allen wrench and its just a little china motor in a fat tire frame and also theseevil acorns! Literaly five minuets ago I was going to start up my bike and I was on the same hil and welli knotised that I was going sideways insted of down...into th electric fence (:'/)
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I got cut off in a bike lane by a person who jammed on their brakes, it was either bumper or traffic. I chose bumper.

Then the f***ing police said it was my fault. Screw the law and bike lanes, i am now a disfunctional part of regular traffic with a very well exercised middle finger.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Bike was running rough so I pulled up on the sidewalk to get off the road and check it out. I went to put my foot down on the sidewalk and missed, foot went down in the gutter 9" lower down. When the bike (and me) fell over my ribs hit the end of the handle bar grip. You know, that nice, round, hard chrome plastic endcap? I busted it and damaged a spot twice before hurt. Cracked rib and a problem with my diaphram caused by trying to not barf, I ripped something :/

When I lay there on the ground it felt like a middleweight fighter had landed 3 counter punch shots to the same rib. If I turn just wrong it will still hurt :(
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Man that sucks, it could be a crack or tear. Give it time to heal, your body will thank you.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I got cut off in a bike lane by a person who jammed on their brakes, it was either bumper or traffic. I chose bumper.

Then the f***ing police said it was my fault. Screw the law and bike lanes, i am now a disfunctional part of regular traffic with a very well exercised middle finger.

I intend to ride with a camera mounted to either my helmet or handlebars.
Your situation is exactly the motivation for this.
If one were to catch the event on camera, it is difficult to dispute whose fault the accident really was.

The following is a few years old and is my original motivation to film my riding with a digital HD camera.

I read the original article related to this link:
Freeway Motorcycle Crash - Action Camera News, Reviews, Videos -
However I no longer have a link to the article. At least I found the original video that it referred to.

The driver of the Honda Civic tried to say that the accident was the motorcyclist's fault. Witnesses stated otherwise, and when the video was replayed in court, the truth was obvious to everyone present.

The way drivers are these days, I plan on using the camera in my car and truck too!