How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

all i've had so far are skinned knuckles from building them, and a few minor burns from leaning on them.

hope that's all get ever get, knock on wood... OW, my knuckles..
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I fear my day to fall or get hit is coming and I want to be ready. Could you a please share your story?

My brother took my bike out for a spin and wiped out on loose chip and seal. Only minor road rash injuries.

I've crashed my bike twice since I started this thread.

First crash happened late April 2009 when I locked the front wheel trying to slow down before a turn. I was planning to take the turn wide but a pickup truck ruined my plan. It was either hit the truck or brake Hard. Wet pavement, slick tires, and hard braking don't mix. I had on gloves and a full face helmet. Result: road rash on one elbow. seat was ripped a little and I broke the front reflector.

Second crash happened on June 29th. Off-roading along side a curvy country road to avoid traffic. was going full throttle because I have 33tooth rear sprocket and need all the power to maintain speed. Was probably going 20 mph when I tried to slow down to avoid a drainage pipe. I avoided the pipe but I went down when I locked up the front tire when it failed to grip the grass. This time I had a dirt bike helmet on, I'm sure that saved my head from damage.
Result: bent front wheel and a calf (leg) burned from spinning tire.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I put in well over 50,000 practice miles all peddling Before I strapped a motor on one of these. Accident don't wanna get into that... Been on a bike since child hood never stopped ridding. 40 years young I am.. Everything still working I am very lucky! And yes I still peddle around on bikes with the motor missing from them.:)

Can't be careful enough!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

40?!?, I coulda swore you were like 102 or something.

I have never crashed any of my motorized bikes.

I think I have crashed every other type of moving vehicle I have every touched, but not a motorized bicycle.

I know, I know, there are those with the saying "There are two kinds of riders, those who have crashed and those who will crash".....or somesuch. It's just not true. Kinda like a "loud pipes saves lives" thing.

Maybe for those, I'll try harder this summer.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

When your under 40yrs you can ride like the wind because an injury is only a temporary set back,most of the time. If your older injuries can take a real long time to heal, not to mention the confidence level being killed. Have come really really close to having 4 incidents on the mb but, so far so good. As far as Bikeguyjoe having accidents in his part of country somewhere in the northeast corner of Ohio there are no cars to speak of. His only chance of a spill will be on a cow pie or rut in the road.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I was being modest about the mileage. Yes cars congested city traffic play a major role. A pair of genes is all I have ever worn. A serious training rider will easily peddle 3000 miles in a month.
Bicycle Touring 101: What should be your average daily distance during a bicycle tour?
Yes as true as it may seam preposterous peddling is very doable. Comp-paired to the average die hard I am a wussy.:)

Cars around me I have learned never to trust. I ride heavier retro ed mountain bikes done up with touring gears. Why? Better work out, and it slows me down a bit so's its safer. My point being in need of made is that some of these guy's with motored bikes prolly need to slow down a bit and smell the roses.

It takes help from traffic to make me wreck. Like to say I know how to ride a bike by now that don't mean anything lol. Yet traffic? Don't ever assume your safe ever! Anyone can open a car door jump off a side walk. Cars will turn in front of you , cut you off! Kids ball in the road. Kid in the road. Pets! All it takes is once. One time!! Ride knowing your surroundings. .duh.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Been a long, long time since i checked in on this thread. I hope all injuries are minor and everybodies OK :)
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I cut my leg on the gas tank tonight. I was pedaling for all the money in a race with a road biker and my knee came up and scraped the tank joint edge. It stung and I noticed blood, got scared, started crying and rode home. The tears blurred my vision, hit a pothole, jarred my back and then I blew through an intersection and almost got clipped.

Seriously, gotta start riding defensively as I did blow through an intersection with cars coming. I made it with plenty of room this time, but was a bit too aggressive and luckily I only got a scrape from the tank.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I cut my leg on the gas tank tonight. I was pedaling for all the money in a race with a road biker and my knee came up and scraped the tank joint edge. It stung and I noticed blood, got scared, started crying and rode home. The tears blurred my vision, hit a pothole, jarred my back and then I blew through an intersection and almost got clipped.

Seriously, gotta start riding defensively as I did blow through an intersection with cars coming. I made it with plenty of room this time, but was a bit too aggressive and luckily I only got a scrape from the tank.

you were...... crying?:eek:
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Are you a wet blanket or dont you know humor when you read it?

i dont know humor when i read the first half of the post and respond before taking off outside to help my father with his stupid powered para-glider motor(he is mechanicaly uhh recline shall we say)
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Forgot my first incident. I had several beers and had to go, but wanted to do one more thing on the bike while it was running. An airleak had developed and the throttle cable was pinched funny. The bike shifted on the kickstand and the throttle went full, vibrating loose the locking mechanism on the clutch. I had my back turned and was crouched in front when the clutch engaged. The bike took off and hit me in the lower back, as I was picking up a wrench. The bike proceeded to ramp up my back and launched itself, crashing into a screaming pile of bent and scratched metal. The pain from the rear wheel gripping all the back hair exposed from chronic plumbers crack was unbearable and triggered an inconvenient nervous mechanism. Somewhere deep in the center of my involuntary nervous system a choice was made. Unfortunately for me, the choice involved my bladder and I wasnt consulted. As I stood there with wet pants, pulled and knotted back hair, and a screaming bike, I started to cry and flapped my arms in the air in another spastic involuntary reaction. An angry conscious mind soon took over. I stopped flapping and crying and instead drained my bladder on the bike. This caused an uneven and rapid cooling effect on the over revving engine, which responded by grenading itself. I then went and grabbed another beer, opened it, took a sip and dragged the bike to the curb for collection.

The above story is a complete fabrication, except for the fact that the clutch handle locking mechanism can vibrate off and engage the clutch. I was lucky to catch it when it happened. No injuries to bike or person occurred and there were no innocent to protect.
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

hi all,

I was riding my newly built electric bike daily on my commute to work, i had about 500km on it so far.
one day on my way back from work, i heard a suddent "crack" and 1 second later i was on the ground...from what i can see a defective weld at the head tube combine with the head angle and weight of the batteries resulted in the head tube to completely sheared off the frame when i was rinding it at 30km\h...
i crashed hard and broke my humerus by the shoulder...

I now have a metal plates and screws in my arm to keep everything in place...I was out of biking and work for4 months.

heres a picture of the arm repair!

i guess i will beep going trough metal detector at the airport now!

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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

You can read more about me in 'General Discussion' under the title "Hard Fall, feeling rough", but I can summarize:
Just as I entered an intersection, going straight with the green light in broad daylight, the oncoming truck made a sudden left turn, broadsiding me.
Injuries: shattered tibia and fibula, cracked pelvis and kneecap, broken tailbone, and a great many sprains, strains, contusions and lacerations from tumbling a short distance down hard pavement. PAIN.
Remedy: lots of milk, orange juice with calcium, broccoli, and other healthy foods. And continue to wear a good helmet!
Philosophy: I will ride again. I knew what I was getting into before. I still do. I don't often get called a quitter. But friends do know that I can be pretty cautious.
Have no fear, but - BE SAFE! As safe as you can be!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i was going to be a smart ass and was goin to over take a car .. the irony is that the car didn't hit me i slipped
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

One of my bikes was an unusualy hard build, this bike fought me every step of the way, all kinds of learning experiences with this one. I finally got the thing together and rolled her out to the street for her initial startup, got her up to speed and popped the clutch and she fired on about the third or fourth try. As she started to go the left hand grip came off in my hand, I no longer install grips with spit. My left hand went straight up into the air and I was doing my best impersonation if a bronk rider. It is very hard to roll off of the throttle when your off balance and riding one handed so the thing is surging on me as I'm trying to get her under controle. I was able to steer her into the neighbors yard and crash land in the grass, I tore some nice sized chunks of sod up and got several bumps and bruises but after walking it off went for it again. This time with the grip firmly afixed the bike fired up right away and was running like a champ. I have an industrial park near me that I use for a testing grounds and will run a three mile loop after the initial startup. Well at the furthest point from my house on this loop the chain falls off at 20-25mph and jams between the sprocket and frame locking the rear wheel up. I made one heck of a skid mark and the one on the road was impresive too but kept her upright. Hauled the thing home in the back of my truck after a nice relaxing walk home and let her sit for close to a month before I even looked at her again. I eventually sold her and the new owner who lives on a gravel road lost it in the loose stones and busted her up. She is now back in my garage awaiting repair which isn't going to happen until the guy ponies up some cash first. This bike is a very dark red and I'm convinced is posessed, I now call her Christine...Kelly
This may reawakening an old post, but the chain coming off the sprocket and jamming between the wheel and the sprocked accident happened to me when I was doing test runs on my first and sofar only build. I ended up skidding down the road on my bike. I managed to keep it upright. All the weight was thrown forward and i got the speed down enough to where I put one foot on the pavement and hopped the bike to a stop, then nearly fell over. It was an experience. Now i make sure the chain aint coming off. Ive had the chain come off and get stuck between the sprocket and wheel so many times before I got it nice and tight. It takes a while to get it out from being wedged there.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i burn my leg on the magneto plate about a year ago taking a sharp turn my rear wheel caught the edge of a uneven street and i lost control
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I got beat by my wife for buying another one. Does that count?