One of my bikes was an unusualy hard build, this bike fought me every step of the way, all kinds of learning experiences with this one. I finally got the thing together and rolled her out to the street for her initial startup, got her up to speed and popped the clutch and she fired on about the third or fourth try. As she started to go the left hand grip came off in my hand, I no longer install grips with spit. My left hand went straight up into the air and I was doing my best impersonation if a bronk rider. It is very hard to roll off of the throttle when your off balance and riding one handed so the thing is surging on me as I'm trying to get her under controle. I was able to steer her into the neighbors yard and crash land in the grass, I tore some nice sized chunks of sod up and got several bumps and bruises but after walking it off went for it again. This time with the grip firmly afixed the bike fired up right away and was running like a champ. I have an industrial park near me that I use for a testing grounds and will run a three mile loop after the initial startup. Well at the furthest point from my house on this loop the chain falls off at 20-25mph and jams between the sprocket and frame locking the rear wheel up. I made one heck of a skid mark and the one on the road was impresive too but kept her upright. Hauled the thing home in the back of my truck after a nice relaxing walk home and let her sit for close to a month before I even looked at her again. I eventually sold her and the new owner who lives on a gravel road lost it in the loose stones and busted her up. She is now back in my garage awaiting repair which isn't going to happen until the guy ponies up some cash first. This bike is a very dark red and I'm convinced is posessed, I now call her Christine...Kelly