How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I can only hope that everyone who comes here takes a little time to read this thread...

There is a lot to learn here from others mistakes.

I will not point any fingers, but I have seen here that there are a LOT of bone headed and some extremely idiotic riding mistakes.

Always assume the "other guy" can't see you...he can't/doesn't/won't.
Always wear a helmet.
Don't "Ride it like you stole it", unless you want to visit the emergency WILL eventually, even if you think you won't.
Watch/inspect/check/listen to your bike- don't let a crappy fender, bad attitude, or "other" ruin your life, and those around you who will have to change your diapers and feeding bags...
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i was on the white line on right line. the guy was driving like an a ss its 25 mph speed limit there. its a turn around a big valley no room for escape and he could have seen me fine i think he did it on purpose. OR was drunk. i know to ride like your invisible, motorized or not. And not to drive it like your stole it. Helmet or no I would have been road pizza!!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

now you scared me! whats wrong with vista?

he he whats wrong with vista
well this will problebly turn intu battle of the os
2000 things wrong with vista and win 7
naming them might take a while
running ubuntu 4 two months not a prob whatsoever
give me your ip and stay online
wait a few days untill i get back online and watch all the evil things i can du
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I'm big enough to confess. I made the classic bicyclist mistake tonight and it resulted in some skinned knuckles, a scrape on my cheek and knee, a scratch on my rear view mirror and seat and a loss of pride.
The me. I layed the Jag down and hit the pavement with my face, knee and hands. Why...why? After countles hours on pedal bikes and motor bikes would a guy make a sharp left turn with the left pedal on the low side of the crank? What an idiot! And right in front of a neighbor who brought a friend over to see what motorized bikes were all about. Luckily my injuries are only skin deep and I'll heal in a few days but it was a stupid mistake and everyone should make it second nature to turn into a high pedal...not the low one. No one to blame but myself. IDIOT!
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Oh 2Door my dear friend, we both know that there are two kinds of riders, Ones that have gone down, and Ones that will. Those aren't battle scars, Their beauty marks! rotfl
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Tom, Glad You Were Not Seriously Hurt. I Think Most Of Us Are Guilty Of Dumb Mistakes Now And Then. Its Like The Old Saying; What Was I Thinking!! Thanks For Sharing, These Little Reminders Help Us All. Later Buddy Ron . . .cvlt1
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Thanks guys. I feel better now. My face looks like a went a round or two with Joe Frazer but at least mentally I'm better.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I tried to get up a small hill where there were steps to the left of me. I was almost up the hill when she bogged out. I was half way standing up on the pedals. At this point gravity took over and pushed me over backwards. Falling head first eight feet backwards into a steel hand rail with my head. Which I think broke my fall. Then slammed rearward onto the concrete steps with my head agan. Meanwhile my jaw clamped shut cutting my lip, and pulverizing part of one tooth. Also some scrapes and a 2nd degree burn on the upper inside left loin. So a concussion, split lip, burned leg, scrapes, bruising, and a Efed up grill. Lesson learned: Don't try being Mr slick on it. I Wasn't thinking about the extra weight. A helmet would be a great idea too.
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Take off the left brake and get a two to one brake lever on the right hand.
I kept pulling the brake lever instead the clutch lever,
Fell over twice RIBS are tender.
Clean up the handlebars for DUMMIES like me, Roylee
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i was traveling home from work one afternoon. going 20-25 mph turning left on a green light. i saw a car at a red light pulling up opposite of me to turn right, (into my lane) and pause looking right at me. i was already half way through the intersection when he pulled up and stopped. by the time i was past the intersection the car pulled right in front of me blocking the bike lane and partially the road as well 13 feet infront of me and stop. i slammed on my breaks and fishtailed... fell off my bike and hit the side of the car head first. i was knocked out for a few seconds and my bike was all tweeked. i got up and from there i was confused and still dont really remember too much after the point where i hit my head. i called my girlfriend after the car left and she came to pick me up. she said she found me not far from where i got hit hiding in the bushes? lol. i dont remember that part. no one stopped for help and no one called for help. the guy just left. im not sure if he asked if i was ok and i said i was fine or what. i was really confused at that point and everything was unclear so i dont know if he left me knowing i wasnt ok or not. i had to go to the ER because i had a bad concussion for a few weeks. aside from some bruises, im fine now and although even a month later i still have a bruised heel but im on my bike and riding again! i got really lucky, it could have been way worse, my helmet saved my life. :)
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Wet road and idiotic use of the front brake... and down I went like a sack of potatoes.

Injuries were mainly bruising - but they were very impressive. I also had a lot of aches and pains mainly from pulled muscles and other problems.

The bike had a completely massacred brake lever and some damage (that appeared later) to the fuel tank on the motor.

Jemma xx

Check my reply/post......some people are lucky.....some more so ......

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

got drunk and stoned at a buddy's house, was originally going to walk the bike home, for some reason i attempted to ride off on it. i was in no condition to ride anything. ended up falling on face and lying on the road passed out until the wee hours of the morning when a cop called an ambulance to pick me up. still don't know what actually happened, all i remember is playing pool with my other buddy who was there, then next thing i know i wake in an ambulance. got off with scratches and bruises and a busted rear derailleur and clutch lever, which i fixed within the next two days. didn't get in trouble with the cops either, although either the cop or one of the nosy-ass paramedics stole my green goodies from my pocket. moral of the story don't drink and drive
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Ok, I have a story for you! I was on my way to work, it was dark. I had a headlight, but it was only a light ment to strap to your forehead from the dollar store, tie strapped to my handlebars. Right before my work, there is an arena. Behind the arena is parking and a little roadway around the building. There is construction going on there. As I turn the corner on the roadway, my light reveals a huge TRACTOR TIRE right in my path! Now I'm accelerating out of the corner at this point, I had no time, I banked left, but not enough. Up and over I went. I banged my self up a bit, when I stood I knew I was fine. I could hear the bike running in the background. I walk over, and pick it up. It stalls. I look at it, and the tank is completely sideways! I grabbed it quickly and twisted it straight. At that time I heard a sizzle, looked down, and saw smoke... I realized my fuel line was no longer attached, and it was getting everywhere! I panicked, and struggled to re-attach the fuel line. (elbow was injured, and was really starting to hurt at this point.) I did a brief inspection, everything seemed ok, except my headlight was destroyed, and my (left side) clutch and brake were loose. I tightened those, checked the centering of the engine, and the chain. Started it right back up, no problem, drove to a phone booth, and called into work. I was covered in gasoline, and sore from head to toe. Not to mention I was pretty mad, I mean, who just leaves a huge tractor tire in the middle of the roadway, at the end of a corner blinded by construction fencing?!? lol. So, I got home and made sure everything was good with the bike, then I tended to my wounds, and relaxed. The next day at work, they wrote me up for calling in 23 minutes past 10pm (our deadline, I start at 11pm, midnight shift) and recieved an in-house one day suspension! That my friends, was the bail from hel l, and I never wish a tractor tire upon anybody ever! :) Thanks for reading!


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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I have an older wipe out story also guys! With the engine I'm running now, riding at 4am, no cars anywhere, got her up to 45km/h, took a corner racing style, following a wide line. My right pedal (turning right) caught the pavement, and down I went! I swear I slid in riding position, on my side, for like 30 feet! lol, I'm lucky that I had my leather jacket, and two hoodie sweaters on, my shoulder would have looked alot worse! Through all the clothing I was wearing, and my leather, my shoulder looked very similar to the picture in my previous bail story. Lol. One time I tried a burnout in the snow. Don't try that, it doesn't turn out well... neither do wheelies for that matter. LOL. ***Yes, I've tried*** ha ha, well, that's it, that's all my bails for now, we'll see if there are any more! Later!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i was turning right(from the left lane in Australia)and being a smartass ,turned the corner tight, pulling right in tight behind the oncoming car but he stopped dead in the middle of the T section to check out my ride, i had to pull out of my turn and smacked straight into the curb . ouch.... bent the front rim into a 90 degree shape, all manner of bits and pieces of the bike fell off, my 66cc 2 stroke was fine!!! needless to say the car then drove off, i got up quickly(trying to convince myself i was not a ####wit),jumped on the rim til it would wobble through the forks and rode off...after about 2 more kms i started to feel it, then my bottom bracket fell too was time to walk! stashed my bike in the lantana by the road side and hitched a ride to hospital(took an hr n a half b4 someone stopped!!).diagnosis:- broken arm in 2 places, sprained wrist, lotsa road rash and purple shins...i dont get my car license back for 3 years (whats the colour of a 2 cent piece?) ,now i cant ride my bike for a 4-6 weeks...i live 3kms from anywhere... is there a di##head of the month award?
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I fear my day to fall or get hit is coming and I want to be ready. Could you a please share your story?

My brother took my bike out for a spin and wiped out on loose chip and seal. Only minor road rash injuries.

Hey everyone,
On three different occasions an a**hole pulled out right in front of me causing me to make a split second decision.....hit the car or hit the curb......luckily my bike is a tank....but I'm not.....I've picked out specks of gravel from various locations on my arms and legs.....had to wear an elbow brace for weeks.......gone for x-rays....( luckily nothing broken )....had a $500 pair of eyeglasses broken...
You can be the most diligent rider on the planet and someone is still going to be a dumbf*#k and take you out......
Look....Listen....Learn.......words to live by....

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I've owned my MB for four days now and I had a little wipeout my second day riding. I took a turn a little too fast and hit the curb on the outside side of the turn. Luckily there was a nice soft patch of grass that both my cycle and I landed in. The bike was fine and fired right up, I walked away with a scrape on my left knee and elbow and a profound realization that if I'm going to be riding this thing everyday, I need to be more careful. I also realized that the first thing I'm buying for my bike is upgraded brakes.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i had fixed a flat and put the wheel back on the back without loosening my chain tensioner...well it worked but later that day i was heading wot at my dead end road(i live at the end)...well the motor's chain was tight but the bike's was not...the bike chain fell off and i had no more coaster options were to run into the woods or try to hang the hard u turn...the woods here are full of rocks and ledges so i went for the u-y...the tires couldnt hold on so i spilled and separated my sholder...i was not discouraged and was back riding that same week...lesson learned...if you take your wheel off, retension every will not just go back into te exact place it was