Bikeguy Joe
Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?
You went around a blind turn on the wrong side of the street and call the truck driver an @$$hole? You're lucky that "redneck" didn't hunt you down an make you pay for the damage you cause to his truck.
I went around a blind turn on the wrong side of the street and nearly didnt live to tell about it. The combined speed of the truck and me in a last minute head on was nearly light speed. I was heading right for his radiator. I hit his mirror and hurt my shoulder and broke my clutch lever but somehow didnt become road pizza under the massive tires. I called him an ******* and kept riding because I was in shock. Talk about adrenaline. Also I didnt want to get in a fight with a redneck when I just lost a fight with his truck
You went around a blind turn on the wrong side of the street and call the truck driver an @$$hole? You're lucky that "redneck" didn't hunt you down an make you pay for the damage you cause to his truck.
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