New Member
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?
As a kid riding my bike away from Drivers ED I came around a blind corner going about 15-20mph I had a head on with a Drivers ED car.Tha bike I was on Took NO Damage(Oh for the days of my Murry TEN BAJA.) I had a bad bruse and dimpled bone. The car 3000$ worth of damages. Crushed hood scraped fender, dented bumper(where me leg hit)and one terfied student driver. For some mysterous resion I failed the next days in car???
As a kid riding my bike away from Drivers ED I came around a blind corner going about 15-20mph I had a head on with a Drivers ED car.Tha bike I was on Took NO Damage(Oh for the days of my Murry TEN BAJA.) I had a bad bruse and dimpled bone. The car 3000$ worth of damages. Crushed hood scraped fender, dented bumper(where me leg hit)and one terfied student driver. For some mysterous resion I failed the next days in car???