How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

As a kid riding my bike away from Drivers ED I came around a blind corner going about 15-20mph I had a head on with a Drivers ED car.Tha bike I was on Took NO Damage(Oh for the days of my Murry TEN BAJA.) I had a bad bruse and dimpled bone. The car 3000$ worth of damages. Crushed hood scraped fender, dented bumper(where me leg hit)and one terfied student driver. For some mysterous resion I failed the next days in car???rotfl
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

today i went into a turn coming downhill at around 45 and leaned too far into the turn and the bike slid about 15'. Luckily i was wearing Racing Leathers so i didn't get road rash but man was that scary. befor that i was just cruising at the beach and i looked to my left too look at some moving scenery ;) and i hit a Cooler at 10 MPH that hurt and was embarrassing as heck!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Wiped and opened up my knee to the bone requiring 5 stitches. Developed cellulitis up and down my leg that required IV antibiotics. The antibiotics made me horribly sick for a week, which caused a secondary infection to develop, that took several weeks to get rid of.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Wiped and opened up my knee to the bone requiring 5 stitches. Developed cellulitis up and down my leg that required IV antibiotics. The antibiotics made me horribly sick for a week, which caused a secondary infection to develop, that took several weeks to get rid of.

Geeze dude, if I were you, I buy an armor suit!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

First time out, I had a loose pedal chain. I started to make a wide u-turn and got brain freeze, pedal chain came up and jammed, engine revved up and I slammed into a curb. total loss of front rim. no injuries. thats it. been running it 20+ miles a week without incident.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I have never crashed on my Motorized Bicycle.....Quads, Three-Wheelers, Dirt Bikes, Motorcycles, Go-Karts and Race Cars, thats a different story :eek:

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

loose gravel on asphalt and taking a turn waaay too fast. no stitches (superglue) and a
6" long scar on left arm.
had an audience.

crossing the trolley tracks on 4th ave too parallel....split elbow cap, have bone chip floating around in it.
again, had an girls drinking coffee, no less.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

GSXR got loose on me at over 100mph. Wearing full leathers full helmet, boots. Lost it at around 60mph. High speed wobble. Got away from it and bounced,slid a Long way. Bikes dead, Im not. But oh man that next three weeks were painful!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

GSXR got loose on me at over 100mph. Wearing full leathers full helmet, boots. Lost it at around 60mph. High speed wobble. Got away from it and bounced,slid a Long way. Bikes dead, Im not. But oh man that next three weeks were painful!

GSXR? cool, i guess i'm not the only one here with one :) just to ask, what year and how much displacement. mine is a 1000CC and a 2007
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

You scare me! rotfl Vista is only the start I'm afraid. 1997-8 I think, bored to 1180cc. Lots of $ and LOTS of work. And Lots of Money LOL!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I bought a Huffy Cranbrook cruiser from Wallyworld to finish my latest. It had a thin stainless fender in front. The rivet at the fork let loose approaching a corner and the fender revolved with the tire shortening the rear strut. It collapsed the front wheel and I went down on my rt. shoulder. Knee rash, top rt. rib strained, elbow rash. whole day ruined. Contacted Huffy to price a fender and brace, told them I re-spoked on a spare rim I had, and they sent new wheel, fender, fender brace free. The fender is chromed steel, heavier, the strut 1/32" bigger diameter. They build to a price for Wallyworld. That lists for $79.95 and a "real" one from Huffy is $140 Trackfodder
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I bought a Huffy Cranbrook cruiser from Wallyworld to finish my latest. It had a thin stainless fender in front. The rivet at the fork let loose approaching a corner and the fender revolved with the tire shortening the rear strut. It collapsed the front wheel and I went down on my rt. shoulder. Knee rash, top rt. rib strained, elbow rash. whole day ruined. Contacted Huffy to price a fender and brace, told them I re-spoked on a spare rim I had, and they sent new wheel, fender, fender brace free. The fender is chromed steel, heavier, the strut 1/32" bigger diameter. They build to a price for Wallyworld. That lists for $79.95 and a "real" one from Huffy is $140 Trackfodder

Unless you beef it will break again
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Hello, about 3 weeks ago a young groundhog ran under my front tire. I was cruising along about 13mph. While the little varment was under my tire still at a full run mind ya, he turned my bike at a 45 and body-slammed me onto the pavement. Some heavy road-rash, pulled muscles and a slight concusion was the extent of my injurys, oh-ya, my pride was severly damaged beyond recovery. The fork was a twisted mess but was still able to ride my bike home still trying to decide wheather to laugh or cry. Watch out for critters! lol...
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

well today while riding some dirt trail through deep woods i took a turn,the brakes failed and i hit a tree at a good clip. the bike faired ok,a few broken bits. me i got a gash in my leg from the fuel turnoff valve. and i hit the tree with my body and have a very sore ribs above the heart. i may go in tomorrow to see what i may have done. the tree looks like somebody bounced a chainsaw off it a few times. my friends "eventually" turned around to see where i was at and found me trying to carry the bike back with tires that wouldn't turn but we got it rolling and limped back home. ride safe guys!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

well today while riding some dirt trail through deep woods i took a turn,the brakes failed and i hit a tree at a good clip. the bike faired ok,a few broken bits. me i got a gash in my leg from the fuel turnoff valve. and i hit the tree with my body and have a very sore ribs above the heart. i may go in tomorrow to see what i may have done. the tree looks like somebody bounced a chainsaw off it a few times. my friends "eventually" turned around to see where i was at and found me trying to carry the bike back with tires that wouldn't turn but we got it rolling and limped back home. ride safe guys!
I miss riding in the woods with my crappy brakes, I had a blast. I dread the day I'll fall, because I hate having to see myself bleed. That day almost happened when the bracket that hold my front fender on broke in half, but I got lucky.

Hope everything is going ok.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I have crashed only once so far. I was going from the street to the sidewalk. Got both tires caught in the street groove. Once I got my tires out of the groove, my riding posture was to the right, my bike to the left. Once I re gained control, I was headed into a 6 foot high rose bush. I knew the rose bush was going to shred me, so I kept on top of the bike hoping it would take the brunt of the rose bush. Just as I started to plow into this deadly rose bush flesh shredder, I hit a 2 foot diameter rock which bounced me from the rock garden rose bush area and threw me into the street. I suffered some rose bush shredding on my arms and that was about it. The bike suffered bent rims, bars but still able to ride. I made it home in good shape ,my nephew was impressed at how well I can take hits. So far.. That has been my only spill. Enjoy the ride...
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Tech2353, How did the ground hog make out? Was there any eye contact just before impact?
I've only wrecked twice. Once riding on a trail in the woods and there was a large rock in the path and the bike endovered in really cool slowmotion. Another time I on a sidewalk approcahing a telephone pole sticking right in the middle of the sidewalk. I rode into the grass but when I passed the pole and tried to get back on the side walk, there was a 2 inch differance in height with the sidewalk being higher. I got the front up but the back tire stayed in the grass, where I quickly ended up.
Oddly enough a few weeks later after droppingmy kids off at school I was headed to work in the pouring rain and saw a kid laying down in the same spot I had fallen. I pulled over to help him. he did the same thing I did.

The only blood drawn while riding was when a Mesquite tree reached out and grabbed my shoulder. Wear your helmet!