Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?
Several Crashes, but I ended up OK.
1st crash older bike, 1st 6.5hp two-wheel bike trailer. Was riding with a severe migraine headache, while getting tail gated much too closely by an old lady in a Late-Model Chevy Impala, which actually looked like a cop car. I looked back at the car, and went off of a curve going over 30mph, slammed into some sign posts, which kept me out of the creek! Lady stopped and asked if I was ok, despite me bleeding everywhere, and she left. I was bleeding, scraped up, the engine was leaking gasoline all over the road, bent the rims, and handlebars, and I pedaled it home 4 miles. I didn't feel the pain until the next day, because the migraine pain was still stronger than the injuries!
2nd crash, same older bike & trailer, was going fast on a dirt driveway, and the trailer got unstable with the new cheap tires I put on it, and the trailer went over, and threw me off the bike. Re-opened a few scrapes from crash #1. OUCH! Went to better tires, and changed hitch, no more crashes on that bike & trailer.
3rd crash, new bike & new trailer, old guy in Dodge Aries car on a 55mph road was riding in my blind spot, and I'm only going about ~25mph, and this nosy bastard in his car is just riding my ass, Instead of passing by. TOO CLOSE for bicycle comfort & safety! I turned off the road to make a quick turn to evade this idiot, lost the front wheel traction on sand, and went down in the grass, and got a bruised leg, and dirty pants.
4th crash, last week, I was showing off to some friends, and went WAY too fast around a sharp curve, probably going over 35-40mph or more, and when I braked, I couldn't slow down fast enough, and slid off the curve, and went down in the grass, and almost in a deep water-filled ditch. Bruised both my ankles, but no cuts or bleeding! Bike OK!
AN unrelated crash: I was stressing out from life issues, going nuts, and going way too fast on my treacherous dirt road due to my extreme anger and emotions at the time, the engine sputtered from going too fast on the bumps, I bounced a lot and lost ground and grip, and smashed into a wooden trashcan bin. I destroyed the wooden bin, crushed the trashcans, and I slightly bent the front rim, but pulled the bike out. NO INJURIES! I actually felt better after that too! It was a rough morning to say the least. I re-trued the rim.
Wow, I can't get killed on this thing, lol. Never broke a bone, and I hope to keep it that way!
Ride like a crazy insane person!
