How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Last year I accidently hit a shopping trolley some schmuck put in a dark area of a cycleway. I was travelling about 30 mph smacked right into it and was thrown off my bike about 7 feet high in the air onto the hard concrete. I was ok, no broken bones or anything just a few bruises. Lucky I wearing my helmet, it was cracked...I invested in more powerful headlights:D
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

When I first read your post I thought, "how does someone hide something the size of a bus." I found the answer when I googled shopping trolley.
In the States, a shopping trolley is called a shopping cart.
Riding down a dark road with only a dim light can be scary but it sure is fun.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

my friend's dad was driving the bike 4 the first time and was going too fast down the driveway did could not make the turn hit a pile of bricks launched off them over the handlebars broke his collarbone and three ribs
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Like an idiot, i was wearing shorts, and got burned by the engine.... twice.... on the same leg... LOL anyways, one of them looks like a blob, but the other got a good imprint of the cooling fins, haha its kinda like a brand
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

So I only have been in once accident with my MB
and I;d like to keep it that way.
I was pulling out of a inside road to another inside road. I had a stop sign and so did the car on the left of me. I stopped and I saw a 2006 Bmw comming ot the stop on my left. We made eye contact, I nodded and I proceded to go straight. I look to my leftand i see the bmw driver on my left. then BAAAMM!! All of a sudden I flew about about 10 feet off my mountian bike and my mountain bike went Wide open throttle and zoomed for a second or to until it fell on the floor about 15 feet away from me. I had landed on my back
and rolled. Driver comes out and yells at me, and I could tell in the back of his head
he was scared of a "lawsuit". I decided to let it be ,due to I was in shock and wanted to get out of there. I limped to my bike which was still revving at WOT for about a minute or two. Barley got on my bike and left.

For the whole week I was sore and every time I sat down it was as if I was getting ramed by a goat on my ass.

I should've gotten his licesnse or something. Guess the state of shock just took over me .

Lesson Learned =)
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

slowed down to about 10mph to turn around and put out a leg for stability. hit some sand and the rear tire skidded out from under me and forced me to pull on the throttle making things worse. small but deep road rash on left knee, still healing 2 months later and a slightly bent muffler that i fixed by kicking it back into place
Re: avoid steel poles

Only 2 months from my last stack i stacked it again! pretty good this time! what ya think?

I ve have broke both my collar bones. Once was "green stick" break really bad. Once was "clean" break, not so bad. That one falls in between. Collar bones are way more painful than ribs!!

I have not YET gotten in to wreck on MB. But I know its only a matter of time. NO matter how cautious I am. Had e-bike for a yr and the DAX only has about 200 miles on it.
Re: avoid steel poles

I ve have broke both my collar bones. Once was "green stick" break really bad. Once was "clean" break, not so bad. That one falls in between. Collar bones are way more painful than ribs!!

I have not YET gotten in to wreck on MB. But I know its only a matter of time. NO matter how cautious I am. Had e-bike for a yr and the DAX only has about 200 miles on it.

Wow what would be terrible doin both, wtf is green stick?
That was my first broken bone and was i lil worried in hospital after the xrays about 30 mins they said i could go home! wtf! fix me! all they did was give me a prescription for panadeine fort and and a sick note for work. Like **** off we need the bed for someone really injured. now i have a huge lump where it broke
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Several Crashes, but I ended up OK.

1st crash older bike, 1st 6.5hp two-wheel bike trailer. Was riding with a severe migraine headache, while getting tail gated much too closely by an old lady in a Late-Model Chevy Impala, which actually looked like a cop car. I looked back at the car, and went off of a curve going over 30mph, slammed into some sign posts, which kept me out of the creek! Lady stopped and asked if I was ok, despite me bleeding everywhere, and she left. I was bleeding, scraped up, the engine was leaking gasoline all over the road, bent the rims, and handlebars, and I pedaled it home 4 miles. I didn't feel the pain until the next day, because the migraine pain was still stronger than the injuries!

2nd crash, same older bike & trailer, was going fast on a dirt driveway, and the trailer got unstable with the new cheap tires I put on it, and the trailer went over, and threw me off the bike. Re-opened a few scrapes from crash #1. OUCH! Went to better tires, and changed hitch, no more crashes on that bike & trailer.

3rd crash, new bike & new trailer, old guy in Dodge Aries car on a 55mph road was riding in my blind spot, and I'm only going about ~25mph, and this nosy bastard in his car is just riding my ass, Instead of passing by. TOO CLOSE for bicycle comfort & safety! I turned off the road to make a quick turn to evade this idiot, lost the front wheel traction on sand, and went down in the grass, and got a bruised leg, and dirty pants.

4th crash, last week, I was showing off to some friends, and went WAY too fast around a sharp curve, probably going over 35-40mph or more, and when I braked, I couldn't slow down fast enough, and slid off the curve, and went down in the grass, and almost in a deep water-filled ditch. Bruised both my ankles, but no cuts or bleeding! Bike OK!

AN unrelated crash: I was stressing out from life issues, going nuts, and going way too fast on my treacherous dirt road due to my extreme anger and emotions at the time, the engine sputtered from going too fast on the bumps, I bounced a lot and lost ground and grip, and smashed into a wooden trashcan bin. I destroyed the wooden bin, crushed the trashcans, and I slightly bent the front rim, but pulled the bike out. NO INJURIES! I actually felt better after that too! It was a rough morning to say the least. I re-trued the rim.

Wow, I can't get killed on this thing, lol. Never broke a bone, and I hope to keep it that way!

Ride like a crazy insane person! .trlrl.
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I was riding my HUFFY CRANBROOK monday when the L-bracket on the front fender broke the fender rotated around and pushed the brake into the fat part of the tire flipping the bike end over end, I was thrown over the handlebars and landed on the blacktop. Luckly I was wearing a good helment, but my left shoulder, elbow and side received a lot of road rash.
I was lucky that I didn't have any broken bones but my shoulder is so sore that I can barely move it.
I have read the post that say you should remove the front fender to keep this from happing but stuff like that happenes to other people.
Take my word for it remove the front fender or you may be one of the other people.
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I was going full out on my 50cc dax kit my backtire had a wobble(should have known better) I want ripping and my bike stopped daed.I flew up but got caught on the bard, bent them down slammed my bike into the ground. My knee was a bit scrapped my elbow and some limping for about a week. I got a high performance back tire just have to watch the other guys cars will hurt more.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i went over the bars on a brand new bike with metal fenders, the fender some how got sucked in the frnt wheel why cruisin on a side streetonly goin prolly 15mph but my chin and hands took the fall. this was a month ago and my teeth still hurt. i have planet bike fenders now and they r much better than metal ones i beleive. i also have had a rear metal fender that came lose and sucked in the back tire, spun around it was stuck between the tire and the road and kidded from about 35mph. that was kinda wicked but didnt get hurt.
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

only thing happened to me was banged the crap out of the inside of my knees on the gas tank while pedaling after running out of gas. that and my left shoe (brand new!!!!) got all chewed up from the threaded rod that I used on the sprocket cover cuz the chinese hardware sucks. got proper bolts the next day. thinking of how i'm going to get the little lady to let me get one for the boy. he's only 11 months old, so i have some time. .bf.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Was riding my friend's MB going through town, seen the local "BMXERS" and decided to go full throttle right there and then. Back tire spun a few times and I took off, after doing so I tryed to take a corner. They then started to follow me, and one took a shortcut and landed about 5feet in front of me, so I braked. We both ended up with a few scrapes, ruined his bike and I had to fix my friends throttle cable.

After that they rich boy asked me if I would sell the bike to him, since he can't legally drive yet and all. My friend ended up selling it for 450$.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

Frisk, Glad You Are Ok. $450 For A Bike That Will Spin The Tires! Sounds Like The Buyer Got A Deal. Or Is There Snow On The Road Yet?? Lol?? Ron . . .cvlt1
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

My pride got injured on this one. I started riding to school and i'd always get lots of looks and it was fun. then this morning as i pulled up to the bike rack and a girl was watching me, i hit a patch of loose dirt and crashed. no injuries and the bikes fine(spilled some gas though). i was able to laugh it off later. Guess i deserved it after running several stop signs and passing cars on a double yellow line. yes i can pass cars, especially when theirs traffic. i almost got hit 3 times today. i need to rethink the way i ride.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

guy almost killed me ! on my b day ! he cut turn way short nearly a head on collision came close enough to give me a minor heart attack!!!! he was goin 40+ me 25. i thought i was a goner!!