How did you get injured on your motorized bicycle?

Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

clothes-lined while riding at night ... couldn't see the wire even with 2 lights on... thank God I wasn't going fast , but I got 2 huge nasty looking bruises across both of my legs and a sprained left knee that is just now starting to feel better 3 weeks later ... if the wire was face or neck level I would have been killed !
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

That is some scary stuff there! I am sorry to hear that you were the victim of a horrible prank.
A good friend and I both were nearly cloths-lined while riding our motorcycles at a local off road spot. I was about 15 feet behind him when he locked up both brakes and I nearly plowed into the back of him. I got mad at him and wanted a good explanation of what the heck did he do that for! He walked ahead of us by 10 feet or so and plucked the thin metal wire which was at approximately neck height, strung across the trail between a tree on our right and a a scrub bush to the left, up on the hill side. He said something caught his attention and it did not seem right. He listened to his conscious and stopped short.
To this day I am very grateful of him and his keen eyesight. It could have been horrible for us both. I will never, ever, ever, forget that moment in time. It really shocked me to the core that another person could do something so despicable at a well known and fully legal off road area, even if it was on the fringe of town.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

That is some scary stuff there! I am sorry to hear that you were the victim of a horrible prank.
A good friend and I both were nearly cloths-lined while riding our motorcycles at a local off road spot. I was about 15 feet behind him when he locked up both brakes and I nearly plowed into the back of him. I got mad at him and wanted a good explanation of what the heck did he do that for! He walked ahead of us by 10 feet or so and plucked the thin metal wire which was at approximately neck height, strung across the trail between a tree on our right and a a scrub bush to the left, up on the hill side. He said something caught his attention and it did not seem right. He listened to his conscious and stopped short.
To this day I am very grateful of him and his keen eyesight. It could have been horrible for us both. I will never, ever, ever, forget that moment in time. It really shocked me to the core that another person could do something so despicable at a well known and fully legal off road area, even if it was on the fringe of town.

yes that is really messed up , that can actually seriously injure and most likely kill someone ... my end wasn't actually a prank as it turned out ... i was riding in the back parking lot of a church and there is another church right next to it . In the back of the parking lot there is a small walkway , or what I thought was a walkway leading from one lot to another ... so I decided to cut across and didn't notice the wire going from one post coming out of the ground to another because it was relatively low , and a dark wire , and it was night time with little light and over the black top , so everything just blended in really well ... when I went back the next day to check it out , I noticed that my crash actually tore one of the posts right out of the ground! my clutch cable also got damaged in the process ... I was very lucky ...
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

ofc!!!!!! Its u being in direct violent contact by something/someone else that has to do with a motor bike! LOL :) rotfl
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

burned my knee on my expansion pipe. other than that i've been extremely careful.... then again that doesn't guarantee i won't go down hard at some point.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

So i was cruisin about 30 mph an my rear fender mount comes loose i go to pull into the next parking lot but i had this a$$h*!# driving right on my rear so i decide to go to the next parking lot an pop the fender gets pulled onto the rear tire. It starts skiding i still have conrtrol then the mount breaks completely im now skiding on the metal fender its not slowing down i throw my left leg over it just as i dump it narrowly avoid breaking my leg i the skid down the road another 15' using the bike as a makshift sled it stops an i quickly get up pick up the bike an sit on the curb good thing the guy riding my ass stoped when he saw the bike go into a skid or i would have been killed. i got road rash on my left foot 2nd an 3rd degree burns on the back of my right ankel from the engine an exhaust an a bruise on my back. Bike IS ok just no rear fender now and I was riding the next day
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

So i was cruisin about 30 mph an my rear fender mount comes loose i go to pull into the next parking lot but i had this a$$h*!# driving right on my rear so i decide to go to the next parking lot an pop the fender gets pulled onto the rear tire. It starts skiding i still have conrtrol then the mount breaks completely im now skiding on the metal fender its not slowing down i throw my left leg over it just as i dump it narrowly avoid breaking my leg i the skid down the road another 15' using the bike as a makshift sled it stops an i quickly get up pick up the bike an sit on the curb good thing the guy riding my ass stoped when he saw the bike go into a skid or i would have been killed. i got road rash on my left foot 2nd an 3rd degree burns on the back of my right ankel from the engine an exhaust an a bruise on my back. Bike IS ok just no rear fender now and I was riding the next day

Damn .. glad you're ok. That engine gets hot... I still have a bunch of scabs on my left leg from the exhaust from before I wrapped it with thurmol insulating wrap ... still hot but not nearly as bad for a quick touch ...
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

going fast is fun but stopping faster is better i use a hayes disc front brake, its the best front brake u can buy none better
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I'm finaly able to move around and sleep in my bed and not in the recliner. used all of the hydrocodone the dr. perscribed
Went over the high side because of a loose goose neck.I was u-turning tight to avoid traffic when wheel went sideways bars didn't.....stoopid human trick bruised , separated and dislocated (at the sternum) ribs because I landed with my left arm under my chest .Yeah and the traffic I was trying to avoid didn't even stop. I got a full leather race suit for willow springs to keep the road rash to a minimum hope it isn't to hot to wear it.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

That is some scary stuff there! I am sorry to hear that you were the victim of a horrible prank.
A good friend and I both were nearly cloths-lined while riding our motorcycles at a local off road spot. I was about 15 feet behind him when he locked up both brakes and I nearly plowed into the back of him. I got mad at him and wanted a good explanation of what the heck did he do that for! He walked ahead of us by 10 feet or so and plucked the thin metal wire which was at approximately neck height, strung across the trail between a tree on our right and a a scrub bush to the left, up on the hill side. He said something caught his attention and it did not seem right. He listened to his conscious and stopped short.
To this day I am very grateful of him and his keen eyesight. It could have been horrible for us both. I will never, ever, ever, forget that moment in time. It really shocked me to the core that another person could do something so despicable at a well known and fully legal off road area, even if it was on the fringe of town.

I work in the criminal justice field, and even I have trouble believing how sadistic and generally mean-spirited some people can be. This here goes beyond sadistic to criminal. I read this and, words just fail me.

It's one thing to post signs to bikers, telling 'em to keep it down. It's another to want to injure or kill them!

I think I'm going to need to grow a thicker skin. Some of the things people do still get to me. Even working where I do. Jeez! some people!
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I have wrecked twice. The first time I sideswiped an SUV that didn't use its turn signal. I had a badly bruised leg and the bike sustained major damage. The second time I wiped out turning into a parking lot after a rain with a slick back tire. I bruised my knee. No damage to the bike.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I had two "major" run ins the same night the rest were minor cuts, bruises, and/or burns from being stupid when tuning it. Backstory I road this bike to school EVERY day to college my senior year from 96*F weather to -6*F weather, sheets of rain, to 4" of snow, to ice. I was determined to make this my main transportation device.

First time almost wheelied (25*F weather at night) into my local college cop. I fell to the side of the road as he was coming around the turn. He was shocked I was shocked. He asked if the bike was legal and I said "49cc's all I need is a license" he didn't know any better asked if I was cool and left.

About 1 mile down the road still cocky as **** decided "hey I just put new 1.5" knobbys on they should handle like my 2.5" road race tires"... Wrong...Ate it at 25 MPH bent the handlebars, gas tank, and rim as I swiped the road. The road rash was the worst didn't realize it because of the leather jacket I was wearing along with mechanics gloves, jeans and a helmet. Ended up gashing my knee, elbow, tricep and back. To this day I take corners more cautiously. Especially when PennDOT cinders the roads.
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

That is some scary stuff there! I am sorry to hear that you were the victim of a horrible prank.
A good friend and I both were nearly cloths-lined while riding our motorcycles at a local off road spot. I was about 15 feet behind him when he locked up both brakes and I nearly plowed into the back of him. I got mad at him and wanted a good explanation of what the heck did he do that for! He walked ahead of us by 10 feet or so and plucked the thin metal wire which was at approximately neck height, strung across the trail between a tree on our right and a a scrub bush to the left, up on the hill side. He said something caught his attention and it did not seem right. He listened to his conscious and stopped short.
To this day I am very grateful of him and his keen eyesight. It could have been horrible for us both. I will never, ever, ever, forget that moment in time. It really shocked me to the core that another person could do something so despicable at a well known and fully legal off road area, even if it was on the fringe of town.

I knew this kid, he died because of his injuries:
THE REGION - THE REGION - Boy Who Hit Wire In Critical Health -
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

i have had multiple spills but my most recent one i was rolling down my driveway and started it up at the end i gave it some gas and leaned into the turn and the bike just slid out from under me. i did one of those back knee back rolls. i got a huge cherry on my knee my left rist it really sore my right foot and ankle is swollen and i got a nice lump and cherry on my right elbow. the clamp that cept the clutch on the handlebar was broken. i just changed it out.. i still went up to my job to pick up my check on it but i was hurting a bit
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I hit a cady that ran a stop sign. I do ride bmx so I knew to get off the bike asap as generaly if you hold on, you tend to get hurt worse. I whent right between my ape hangers, broke my finger, and got a scratch across my chest... No road rash so that was a plus. the fork the stem and the wheel were completely shot, bent all to ****, but I got that damn cts better by ripping the door panel a bit with what was probably the bolt on my springer.

next time she will watch for mbers
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Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I am so sorry to hear of this, rohmell. It makes me sick to me stomach that there are folks out there that will do this kind of poop just for poops and grins.
I am going to stop my commentary before I get myself in trouble here......
Re: How did you get injured on your motor bike?

I wiped out in my driveway because I failed to do a pre-flight inspection on my bike which had a flat tire.