For Old Guys Only

Everyone today is my last day of work at Sears Holdings, its going to be a major change to start my new job on Monday after 34 years. I've already started the pension process last week so maybe I'll have more m/b $. The maintenance crew bought pizza for me for lunch and our credit union of which I've been a board member of for 9 years got me a cake. I'm only going in today to walk around and say goodbye to coworkers, im calling it my "walk about"
I've read or heard... most people experience 3 careers in their lifetimes... Well it's been 14 years here in my second career and I'm thinking there is enough left in me to be thinking about another and final "paradigm shift". I'll be 55 in June and there is so much left I want to do. Never mind my ponderance- 34 years is a long time Greg. enjoy your walkabout I'm sure you will be missed by many. Good Luck!
You'll do great Greg!
FastEddy.... Thanks for referring to me as wise, and even though you do know where I live I can still run faster than you. Hope you do come back around to visit soon. Love to listen to your stories.
Lots of memories to see after 34 years, Greg. Enjoy your last day.

I remember leaving the last day from where I worked for 17 years. It was strange how everything looked, different. Hard to describe but things seemed almost, unfamiliar, as if I hadn't looked at them every day for so long. My office, stripped of everything that was mine felt cold and empty. I've never stepped foot in the place since I walked out. It was sold and a different company has it now. But I don't miss it.

Pretty much always worked for myself up until the last 9 years I worked in a 3-man machine shop. They were long time friends beforehand and didn't want me to quit, which was nice, but it was time. A young fella came in the last year when I went to part-time and by the time I left he fit right in. He isn't a normal 20 year old in my opinion and is very tolerant of the fact that the guys he works with act like "old guys" even though they are a lot younger than me. I have no problem acting like a 20 something when the proper opportunity presents itself. Yesterday he told me he wished I came for lunch every day. The "old guys" act like old guys even during lunch time, they just can't turn it off. I'm very intensely focused when I work, but when it's time to mess off I'm at the front of the line.
I don't miss it too, Tom.
Life is good!

Good one.
One of my childhood favorite cereals too.

My body makes no noises, it' all that darn bubble wrap flooring everywhere these days making all those sounds ;-}
I'd misplaced this thread ---- then forgot what it was called. Started looking anyway. Then I couldn't remember what I was doing. Oh well, at least I forget most of my troubles as easily.

Now, where are we going..........??
I came here to post something, but..................What the heck was it?

I'll come back later if/when I remember.

It's been 35 years, but I don't remember joints being noisy at all.
Maybe beer joints, that's it, beer joints.


I've been told that certain other joints make things seem to be quieter. At least that's what I think I've been told.
Beer Joints. Damn, maybe that's the cause. Thanks Dan, at least I now have a clue as to why.

The worst part about Beer Joints is I would have made it all the way home if some inconsiderate type hadn't stepped on my hand on the way there.

We tend to favor the BBQ Joints around here........usually they combine the smells and taste of BBQ with the flavor of beer. Best win/win situation I can think of. At least at the current moment!