For Old Guys Only

I have belonged to all the chapters, but I did find The Sons of Arthritis website and ordered a shirt and head rag. I'll be an official member of the Osteo Chapter. The only one on my block.!

Thanks, Lud!

Ha ha Ludwig comes through again with the goods. I love it! - I'm not really a tee shirt wearer, but I'm awfully tempted to get one. Mind you I still have my old leather motorbike jacket so I suppose I could get myself a patch for it.
Then I could go out on my Velo Solex powered bike and terrorise the town :D

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At work, we've got a 'whiteboard' where anyone is free to post quotes or ideas. Sometimes I do famous quotes, sometimes it's just whimsy. This was today's submission ---

It's always a good day when I haven't had to release the flying monkeys!
We have a whiteboard at my work like that. Back when the computers were crashing hourly one day, and tempers were flaring, before IT finally found out why, I went on lunch and wrote on the break room whiteboard: "Word of the day - Defenestration!"

Anybody who looked it up was grinning, because they were thinking along the same lines.
Huh. We've got a whiteboard for this at my job too. The latest;

"This country is only 200 years old and we've already had 10 major wars" George Carlin
Don't know about you guys, but colds just seem to be more severe and last longer than in my younger days. It's like the body says to the cold, "Yeah, I see 'ya, take a number and have a seat." The cold took #87 while the body just hollered out, "18".............
The back and the knees conspire to render the ground ever more distant when you're standing and need to pick something up.
Billy Connolly said something about reaching 60. Never trust a fart, and never waste an erection. Quite what buildings and monuments have to do with anything, I'm sure I don't know. Honest.
Lud, I have found things seem to be heavier if they are on the ground as opposed to on a table. Is gravity stronger down there or what?

Lud, I have found things seem to be heavier if they are on the ground as opposed to on a table. Is gravity stronger down there or what?

It is a well known fact that the closer to the ground (floor) you get, the stronger the gravitational pull. Other factors come into play here however but I refuse to acknowledge that age is one of them.

I mean when I'm laying on the floor I can just feel the gravitational pull saying "just try to get up old man".

Tell me about it. I spent half the day under a bathroom sink fixing a leak in the drain. Laying on my back, over the edge of the cabinet under the sink and crawling in and out, going up and down the stairs to the garage for tools and stuff.
Just took a couple of aspirin. My back is killing me!
Next time, I'm calling a plumber! Writing a check isn't so physically demanding.

Tom, the best thing for working under a sink is an ............... ironing board.

Yep, you lay on it to support your back and neck.
Tom, the best thing for working under a sink is an ............... ironing board.

Yep, you lay on it to support your back and neck.
I'd need a short one. The toilet would have been in the way. How about a big pillow?

I mean when I'm laying on the floor I can just feel the gravitational pull saying "just try to get up old man".


Lay on the floor MY ARSE, Are you kidding, If I laid on the floor I'd have to call for someone to help me up. THATS just too embarrassing. I remember not all that long ago, I USED TO BE A MAN.laff
Tom, I bin der; laying on the cabinet edge under a sink is right up with having
bamboo driven under your fingernails or watching reruns of the Partridge Family.
I gotta get me one of those T-shirts. They got a cannabis chapter? legal here. Helps
the pain some, but mostly ya just don't care that it hurts.
So it's not just me!
I put a new headlight switch in a 79ish ford high boy for a fella, because he's quite a bit older than me. Easy, right?
It was just high enough to make me feel like a Barnum and Bailey performer. I do not bend that way, but there I go...
I can only imagine another few years. I've gotta make enough hay while the sun's shining that I can write a check when it get's to be too much.

I heard somewhere that getting old ain't for the weak.
Being twenty something at the time, I thought; get bent dude, try being 19 downrange. But as usual, I was full of it.
This ain't no joke.
I've got a couple of years of good back left, so if any of you need a hand, you better catch me soon ;)
Im reading a title of a song here" I AIN'T AS GOOD AS I ONCE WAS" ! The older I get the more times I get to use that saying. Our son is 29 and doesn't understand why I get tired when he and I are working, thats when I quote Toby's song, he just laughs. Then I tell him to wait 30 years and see how funny it is.