For Old Guys Only

MMM, Let's see, House [paid off, A wife tha hasn't killed you yet, Ample savings, a hobby you enjoy, a bad arse HOT ROD in the garage.
Not that I'm complaining, MY life is ok. BUT I rent. no wife, just a girlfriend that lives on the other side of town. I have a shop with a few MB's in it, NO HOT ROD. And end of last month I had 81cents left in the bank. BUT I really wouldn't trade with anyone, except maybe Bill Gates. I think if it weren't for the daily struggle, I would just lay down and quit. ITs what keeps me alive.
Not complaining AT ALL.
Tom, dodge that honey-do list; nothing can age you faster cuz the more
ya do, the more she'll think of..... and really, Tom, get a life. Go for a
hike. Go fishing. Go crazy, but keep going.
Yep! It means "me too". Never took Latin in school (Ditto) but I know my times tables real good so.....X2

I think at this point in life most of us have a lot to be grateful for and it's nice to see everyone with different situations express that. What the heck we gonna do about it anyway. Do the best we can and appreciate what we have. I enjoy all you guys when you share your knowledge and thoughts on this forum. Ain't it great!

I can't complain but sometimes I still do.....
Life's been good to me so far...

Joe Walsh

I crank the volume and sing along with that song most every time it comes on.

I have lost more than I have ever made, but I got to do it from a home based shop for 30 years now.
I can't complain but sometimes I still do.....
Life's been good to me so far...

Joe Walsh
Yeah, I love that song too. Joe knew how to make tunes. That's for sure.

Does anyone else use old song lyrics or movie lines when they're talking to people. I love to refer to song lyrics, or movie lines and watch for the reaction. Not everyone gets it. But the right ones do. Always good for a giggle to watch the expression on their faces when they don't have a clue what you're talking about.

"The song is over. Thought I'd something more to say" Hehe, that would go good on my tomb stone. Maybe better than "The fat woman sang".

Yeah, I love that song too. Joe knew how to make tunes. That's for sure.

Does anyone else use old song lyrics or movie lines when they're talking to people. I love to refer to song lyrics, or movie lines and watch for the reaction. Not everyone gets it. But the right ones do. Always good for a giggle to watch the expression on their faces when they don't have a clue what you're talking about.

"The song is over. Thought I'd something more to say" Hehe, that would go good on my tomb stone. Maybe better than "The fat woman sang".


I think that I'd go with "Fat bottom girls make the rock'n world go 'round"..

This is one of my favorites...

"I'm thinkin' and wonderin', walkin' all the way down the road
I once loved a woman, a child I'm told
I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul
But don't think twice, it's alright"

Bob Dylan
"Fat Bottom Girls" is our family anthem. When our youngest daughter got married the song was played at the reception and I had to get on the dance floor with a dozen of her sorority sisters and dance with them.

Does anyone else use old song lyrics or movie lines when they're talking to people
All the time.
We have dozens of 'lines' we use regularly, many totally obscure like 'that's just sick and wrong Wanda'.

It is from an old Wallgreens Photo Processing ad.
The husband walks into the kitchen and the wife has a closet door open taking pictures, as he walks around he sees the closet is filled floor to ceiling with photos and she is talking about how cheap film processing is as she snap pic after pic of the pile.

He just looks at her and says
"You're taking pictures of your pictures? That's just sick and wrong Wanda"
Gee Dan, that must have been really tough having to dance with a
dozen sorority sisters. Hope they didn't step on your toes.
And who hasn't used lines from 'The Godfather'?

"Time to go to the mattresses"

"Don't forget the cannolis" or, "Leave the gun, take the cannolis"

"Mon-day, Tooos-day, "Weeeednesday.........."

"I hate violence, I'm a business man."

And the all time great, "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse".


EDIT: Wait a minute. We've had this same discussion before, haven't we?
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No toe stepping, but after several minutes of rockn' my tongue was on the floor and I had to watch I didn't step on it. And although I know someone videoed it I've never seen it and don't want to.

I think the ground is just getting farther away . Now that spring has arrived I decided to take my china girl bicycle out for a spin . I'm luck and have a down hill slope on the road in front of my house . I got up a little speed let the clutch out and nothing it just slipped did not turn the engine over . I pushed it back up to the house and adjusted clutch cable and tried again success !!! I puttered for about 4 miles and was having trouble getting the choke to work properly . I can't seem to keep the motor running unless the choke is partly closed but it did run . Will have to try and figure out what is wrong with the choke or carb or what . I also have to change the batteries in my lights . BUT the point of all this is yahoo warm weather is here . I don't know about y'all but I have broken a few bones in my life and cold weather lets me know where all of them are .
This is sort of off topic for this thread but, if you need the choke on (closed or partially closed) to keep the engine running that's a good indication you have an air (vacuum) leak somewhere downstream of the carburetor. When you close the choke you're restricting the air entering the engine and making up for the excess that is being sucked in somewhere. Check your carburetor to intake and the intake manifold gasket at the cylinder first. They're the most common areas to leak.

And don't forget the cannolis.......:)

Thanks I will check for leaks . I'm glad there is an for old guys on here lets me know I aint the only crazy old coot riding on one of these . Although I do have the only MB in Hudson TX or even Lufkin TX area . I am on my second motor I up graded from the 49cc to the 66cc now I don't have to peddle assist over hills and my knees are a lot happier about that .
Thanks I will check for leaks . I'm glad there is an for old guys on here lets me know I aint the only crazy old coot riding on one of these . Although I do have the only MB in Hudson TX or even Lufkin TX area . I am on my second motor I up graded from the 49cc to the 66cc now I don't have to peddle assist over hills and my knees are a lot happier about that .

If it wasn't so dad gum far I'd come over your way when I had time someday and there would be two motorized bikes in Hudson or Lufkin for a day.

I sure couldn't ride one of my bikes that far though since it's almost a 278 mile,+TX&qpvt=blanket+texas+to+texas+lufkin
Yep that's a bit far but thanks for thinking about it . I have people stop me and ask about my MB and they seem real interested but nothing seems to ever happen . I even offer to help them build it and that I know all the tricks like getting rid of those made in china stud bolts . You would think that as large as Lufkin is someone besides me would be out there doing this . Heck I even have the local police used to me . They stopped me when I had the 49cc motor had me meet the at the local police station . There they went through book after book trying to find an excuse to get me for something . They finally gave me an orange vest said wear that and your helmet . They came outside the station to watch me peddle and start it (that I made look harder than it was LOL) waved as I left . I wore the vest for awhile until a squirrel stole the vest out of my basket took it up in the tree to line its nest . I do wear a bicycle helmet sometimes . (p)