For Old Guys Only

Well, Imma gonna be 48 this year and Eve really give this body a heck of a beating in my life so aches and pains every si gee day is a common thing for me, shoulders with issues...etc

I do have a lot to be thankful for though, I have really been blessed compared to others I know my same age that have much worse issues than I do, Im not in to bad of shape but Eve for dang sure been in a lot better condition in my

Maybe Ill be like my Dad and be dang near bullet proof in about 40 more years.... He's in his 70's and just a week or so back he was cruising on his 1100 YAMAHA VVSTAR, was in an unfamiliar area in a town he hasn't lived in long, he was going around 50mph and hit a curb head on, jumped the bike about 20+feet,landed it and never went down, talked to him yesterday and he was telling me it was a heck of a!
Old bikers can get it done......I think it was dark he said and the orb wasnt marked, ya know how they put those medians everywhere in the middle of the roads these days.... he was very fortunate, could have been real ugly.... but he's road motorcycles all his life and he wont stop until he has to, the stuff is in a bikers blood till the end.

Hope Im still able to jump curbs at 50mph when Im in my 70s
Don't listen to him: avoid jumping curbs at all costs! Supermarket speed
bumps are a threat to our liberty. Take your age, subtract it from 100, and
you have the max speed one should travel on a bicycle. This formula is meant
to kill off all those teenage punks who've reached an evolutionary dead end
Well, my body may always hurt and make noise, but my hearing is still OK, it's my damn eyes the last few years...

Far from serious, I just don't like to have to put on 'my eyes' as I call the 2x magnifiers I dawn to read with, especially when it comes to a big pile of all silver wrenches and sockets scattered about or in a pile on the bench.

Everyone here knows what a pain in the ass it is to have a 'pile of tools' and have to pick up each tool and have to study it to see what size it is.

In my 'still building' posts it is not uncommon to see a build see in different stages in the bay pics with tools on the floor and the ways I have tried to mark wrenches and sockets for a couple of years, my 'final straw' or 'brilliant moment' (only time will tell), is when I came up with this and printed them out.


So close to what is ideal I went ahead and had Industrial Stickers, the outfit that does my KC's Kruisers gas/oil proof engine stickers, make me some numbered peel off sheets of the same stuff for my tools.

Metric sheets from 7-18, fraction sheets from 3/8 to 3/4 by 16ths in another color print to tell the difference.

Pretty cool for us guys that don't want to 'put on their eyes' to see what tool they need don't ya think?
I had an eye test the other day, I need a new set for close to, and the distance is ok. What was of concern is cataracts, but mine are avoiding the areas I need to see with. As a plus, I scored 100% on my field of vision test. I was always damned hard to overtake when I was racing.
The last couple of posts reminds me of a time a couple years ago when I went to the vet with a neighbor and his old dog. We were sitting in an examination room waiting for the vet and I noticed on the wall an eye chart and thought, "what the heck is that for?" I asked my neighbor and he didn't know. Finally I decided it must be for seeing eye dogs.
Thought of another weird thing. I knew a girl once who had a dog that cried when given a treat...just wept all the while wagging his tail. Very strange. You didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for him. I asked about it and it turns out that the dog had been going blind with cataracts and had undergone surgery so that salivary gland vessels were re routed to lubricate the eyes. Part of his therapy was in getting dog cookies to make him cry.
Yep, the vision thing is a pain. Got cataracts and seein' double in my left eye and haven't really gotten a good solution from the eye doctor. I suggested just wearing a patch over my left eye cause the other works quite well. He didn't think that was a good solution.

I thought we got that likeness of me deleted for good, but it just keeps popping up. Thanks a lot Lud!


the patch does look cool doesn't it?
I had an eye test the other day...
I scored 100% on my field of vision test.
I was always damned hard to overtake when I was racing.

I have never had an eye test with any machine, just the eye chart long long ago.
Guess I should get one.

Dogs have an advantage over us old guys, great noses and ears.
Then again, I have outlived several dogs and there are some things I don't particularly care to smell or hear any way ;-}
My problem is they don't adjust to light changes quick enough. If I come inside from bright sunlight, I'm blind for almost a full minute. Same for going from a dark area into bright light. There's a name for it but simply it's called, 'getting old'.

My condition was bad enough to cause the flight surgeon to fail me and I can't fly airplanes anymore. Or at least as PIC, or pilot in command. That really sucks but the FAA's thinking is, what if I fly into a situation with lightening, and after a bright flash, I can't see my instruments for a minute. I failed the minimum standards so, I'm grounded.
Now that really is a bad thing and I can't joke about it. I miss flying.

I got the eye issues myself, I have to wear reading glasses to type this message on my smart phone, far sighted and by the time I get it far enough away then the text is to small for me to see without major eye strain, Im a drummer and have played and been around loud music all my life and every hobby I have consist of loud noise so my hearing isnt very bueno.... serious high frequency hearing loss so I cant hear a flea fart at 100yds!
I do have empathy for you guys with hearing problems. In the summer of 1995 I was struck by lightning through a land line telephone. Entered my left ear and came out through bleeding burns between my eyes, out the forehead and crown. After being unconscious for four hours I ended up with a traumatic brain injury with lots of memory loss and to be sure hearing loss along with tinnitus. Finally got hearing aides this year which help a lot. Working with Dan (Tinsmith) in his shop was nice because we both have low enough and clear voices so that we could hear each other's bullsheet without any difficulty. With a lot of people I have to watch their lips and still mis-hear what is being said.

Being a chronic reader of books, if I were to lose my eyesight it would be much worse to me than going deaf. I guess this stuff is to be halfway expected as we get old with parts wearing out. No fun, but it is what it is.