For Old Guys Only

Is it just me, or have the producers of television shows forgotten what 'applause' is?

I don't watch TV but my wife likes it and a TV is on somewhere in the house at all hours of the day. Over the last few years I've noticed, particularly on daytime TV that the audiance doesn't applaud, but 'screaming' seems to be the accepted way of showing approval for whatever is on. Scream, scream, scream!

For crying out loud. What's that all about? I'd be willing to bet that there is a big sign that comes on in front of audiences today that says, "SCREAM". I've been in TV studios and have seen the lighted signs that come on telling the audience to, laugh and applaud. I just know they have them today that says, 'SCREAM'. And that sheep mentality takes over and, of course, the audience screams.

I have no problem with Ellen. Actually I think she's a pretty cool lady but her audience is a bunch of idiots! No matter who or what is being presented they have to scream their fool heads off. Funny thing is when the camera pans the audience, you never see anyone 'screaming'. They're all just smiling and applauding. Canned screaming maybe?

The same for a show called, 'The Voice'. I call it 'The Noise' because all I hear is 'screaming'! ( and bad, no talent singers who are wanna be entertainers).

And while I'm ranting, what's with the current trend to have three or four people all talking at the same time? Who has decided that it is entertaining to hear four people all trying to talk over their co-hosts; each one talking louder and louder to be heard?

NBC morning shows are a prime example. Four people at a desk, all talking at the same time. Later there are two women who have guests on. The poor guest doesn't get a chance to talk because the two hosts are blabbing over them. The only way a guest can get a word in is to talk louder than the two idiots hosting the show. Now you have three people competing for attention. So entertaining.

Okay. That's my 'Old Guy' rant for today.

I watch American Pickers ocassionally. I can stroll down Memory Lane where I also bought some of those the the store, or from the Monkey Wards catalog.
When I have a free moment, I watch American Pickers too. And Mythbusters, Top Gear, Dr Who, or whatever actually makes me pause when I walk past the TV. But some of these I haven't seen in months or maybe a year (for one or two of them). I watch TV about as often as I vacuum out the van. Yep. I said it. :)

The vast majority of what passes for TV shows is perplexing to somebody my age. It seems awful. Wretched. Horrid. Appalling. Pathetic. And...uh...I need another one. Help me out. You get the idea. What the heck is Jersey Shore??? I can't understand what they say. And what is with "Reality TV"??? That's not reality. I work for the courts and see a dose of reality every day. I go home and read books to escape from reality. Why would anybody want to watch a fictional bunch of "reality" on TV???

Am I really so old that I've lost all sense of connection with the modern world? Or have I just lost touch with "reality"?
"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful......"

Seems like this would be a fitting intro for a 'reality show'.
I haven't had a TV for the last ten years or so. Don't miss it, either. I admit that I am hooked on having a computer... that's where I read the news, research this and that and check in on my motorbike partners in crime. I'm also a chronic reader, going through as much as a book a day in the doldrums of winter, half that in the summer months. Good thing the nearby town has a fine library. I read my first book by choice when I was 17 in military school and discovered it was a great way to go places for free, meet people and make friends even with authors long dead. Lots better than TV for sure.
Is it just me, or have the producers of television shows forgotten what 'applause' is?

I don't watch TV but my wife likes it and a TV is on somewhere in the house at all hours of the day.

If a TV show ever pans the audience at anytime, everyone that thinks they might be on TV wants their 1 second of TV fame to be the focus and will do it every second their is a chance.

I don't watch that type of Network TV.

For 'talk show' and entreating news my DVR is busy recording what I like to watch as I start my day long after I have went to bed.

The Daily Show with Jon Stuart.

This isn't bored housewife gossip TV news, you have to know what is really going on in the world to get the humor and ironic spins.
I'm gong to miss Jon when he leaves this year.

The other is World News Now.

They cover real news in a professional manner, and then fill in off-beat news and then comment on it, do some odd segments, and being on in the middle of the night the hosts get goofy, especially TJ and Rena, but others come on to sub for one of them on occasion.

Actually TJ scheduled his vacation time to sit and watch March Madness.

Anyway, my point is I am fine knowing what was 'breaking news' 12 hours ago and getting it in a 'take your time' fun fashion ;-}

Only thing wrong with a computer is some guy in the back end of nowhere in the woods says that he's building a side car as well and to stop in when your going by and you wind up peeing your summers away building bikes and fishing and enjoying life for years afterward.

I'd stay away from computers if I were you. You'll come to a bad end like I did. :) Bike Camp 2015.


Only thing wrong with a computer is some guy in the back end of nowhere in the woods says that he's building a side car as well and to stop in when your going by and you wind up peeing your summers away building bikes and fishing and enjoying life for years afterward.

I'd stay away from computers if I were you. You'll come to a bad end like I did. :) Bike Camp 2015.


How's it going Steve? What do you think... will there be bike camp this summer? What's the doc say about your knee?

"Back end of nowhere", huh! That's one of the best things about it.
Heck that guy lives so far back in the wood we saw a bear go by last summer and he was looking at a map and had a lunch packed just in case he became lost in the wilderness.

Last appointment tomorrow then a week or two after that I'll see the doctor. Hoping for bike camp this summer. Just depends on how bad he has to cut the knee up to repair it. It takes five minutes to drag myself upstairs and then I push myself down the hall to my room on my backside with my one good leg then try to get upright to get into bed.

If I can do that now I'll get to Bike Camp for the Perennially Young somehow.

Fast(Butt Scooter)eddy.
It saddens me to think of what you have gone through since our trip east last summer, and now to think what kind of ordeal you may have yet ahead to deal with. Man, the butt scoot would make me put off bedtime for sure. The silver lining to this big dark cloud is that there will be a time when butt scoot humiliations and the pain are history. May it be sooner rather than later. Bike camp could go from the latter end of summer into early October and still have some fun making sparks, riding tri-cars and some fall fishing. No bugs! Wishing you all good things, bud.
Don't watch much TV at all and I pick my shows very carefully. I've been inteerested in the Viking show on the History Channel. I spend most of my free time on the PC, playing Flight Simulators of WWI. Why would one buy a 50" hi def TV so they can watch 15 mnutesof commercials in vivid color.
I haven't for quite a while I've got a birthday coming up and I'll be 78.
Still working that fulltime job at the Capitol building reconditiong turf equipment. I think this is going to be my last year. Got some mototr bike repairs to be made. I want to get some serious biking in this summer while I'm still fit.

Don't watch much TV at all and I pick my shows very carefully. I've been interested in the Viking show on the History Channel. I spend most of my free time on the PC, playing Flight Simulators of WWI. Why would one buy a 50" hi def TV so they can watch 15 mnutesof commercials in vivid color.
I haven't posted for quite a while I've got a birthday coming up and I'll be 78.
Still working that fulltime job at the Capitol building reconditiong turf equipment. I think this is going to be my last year. Got some mototr bike repairs to be made. I want to get some serious biking in this summer while I'm still fit.

It saddens me to think of what you have gone through since our trip east last summer, and now to think what kind of ordeal you may have yet ahead to deal with. Man, the butt scoot would make me put off bedtime for sure. The silver lining to this big dark cloud is that there will be a time when butt scoot humiliations and the pain are history. May it be sooner rather than later. Bike camp could go from the latter end of summer into early October and still have some fun making sparks, riding tri-cars and some fall fishing. No bugs! Wishing you all good things, bud.

And wishing you good things from me too Steve :)
Thank you Anne and Silverbear. I'm certain that this will find it's way out of the fog. It's not like I am living the last 3 months of my life or something equally tough. I just can't walk and it's painful so it's really not overly serious.

One of the weird fun things though is if I yawn or take a deep breath it feels like my knee exploded a fraction of a second later.

You're not supposed to breathe through your knee. Maybe if you stopped doing that and breathe through your nose things would improve.

THUD, WHACK, POW, The old guy's sliding down the hall and out come the clubs.
He never saw it coming.

I'd remind you two wise guys that I know where you live and when I get better I'll be able to visit and after I'm gone you can smooth it over with the neighbours if that's possible. :)
