For Old Guys Only

I live in a country where the venomous greed of corporations has not removed medical care which is free to the patient, and nobody is on the street because they broke bones or had heart attacks.

I've had cause to use that system a few times, and I'm immensely thankful for the repaired leg and the heart that now works quite well, and all the technology that went with them.
I hear ya guys, when I was young I spent enough time in ERs to have
my own M.D., skull fractures, broken neck & back, steel rods in my
leg. That's just for starters. I'm donating my corpse to science just so
they can look at my fractures. Yet, I still think it's a tragedy, the costs
imposed and the racket run by insurance companies heavily invested in
pharmaceuticals. They squeeze ya coming and going. I've sewed myself
up a time or two & set my own breaks. Once I broke a foot and had a cast
on before the doc showed up in the exam room He wasn't too happy, but
I'd had the same break on both feet before, so I knew the drill. Still, there's
no doubt; I wouldn't be here without surgeons.
Funny you should mention that Ludwig, I was cut loose from the hospital
still in need of 2 more surgeries, no money,no job, no car, & no place to
live. They did fix most of it. I got a big judgement against the one who
ran me over but have yet to see a dime. The hospital sent me a bill for
67K, which I sent to the last known address of the driver.
Oh Dan, don't use too much aspirin. It can cause sudden hearing loss
syndrome; I know. It's remarkable all the free medical information on
line. I had to give up aspirin for that reason. At this time I'm without
painkillers other than my own endorphins.
Already can't hear "O" but it's not because of aspirin. Never could hear out of one, Working on jets and around farm equipment, rock concerts, etc.

I wasn't doing that well to start either, power saws, jack hammers,
pretty much every manner of noisy tool. Wish I'd discovered ear plugs
& dust masks a lot sooner. I'd been doing a dozen aspirin a day and
woke up one morning unable to hear anything. Fortunately stopping aspirin
and reducing salt intake can restore hearing to some extent as I
discovered online.
Yep, I never had much trouble with aspirin, but when I have been on oxycontin and the like the old hearing goes right away, and you are correct about the salt. We play medical experts on the "Old Guys" forum.
Lud, you know that if the Wife and I get to Europe one more time I'm gonna want to come see a performance. We figure we got one more in us and looking at Ireland and maybe hit a couple others while we are over there.

It's real quiet for me all the time, but still can hear enough mid-range to enjoy music, but I just like being around music especially the way you folks do it in the pubs.

Most of you know that the company that I've worked for for 34 years is closing our facility in mid April , on Tuesday night I got confirmation as the local county maintenance supervisor over all schools and administrative buildings. Thanks for all the well wishes and concerns, I hope and pray that the saying " you can't teach an old dog new tricks" is faults. This will be a major leap of faith for me with 27 schools and 7 admin facilities with over 25 techs that know more than I do!
Greg, Way to go!

"O" Maybe if I do get to visit and see Lud perform I could make and take one of those tin horns our ancestors used to put in their ear to hear. I have actually thought about making one for laughs and have it here in the living room.
Don't bother, I'll just strap a pair of Celestions to you as earphones, that'll sort it.

See the old git? Invited to pay with kids 1/3 my age.



Good clean living boys

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