For Old Guys Only

I've "trimmed" thousands of baby pigs, not much to it. But the holdin' end of things might be a little interesting depending on what kind of dog you have. Just need a real sharp knife, razor blade or scalpel and some betadine/iodine. Those little oysters will slip right out given the opportunity. Used to trade a 5 gallon bucket of mountain oysters for some help each year when we worked on the calves. Never did much for me but some the neighbors thought that was real good eatin'

Desert Dog Oysters...
It would be a small snack hehehe.

He's a pit bull mix and rather fond of his oysters, I just as soon not be the one to take his ;-}
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And lo the spirit was upon me and prophesy didst flow thru me like beer
thru Andy Capp. Here are some predictions for the coming year.
What are yours?
I predict the Koch brothers will give away all their money & enter a
Tibetan monastery. Putin, overcome with guilt & remorse will throw
himself under the wheels of a Fedex van. Rising sea levels will force
residents of south Florida to retreat to a tiny island surrounded by
mutant saltwater gators. Jeb Bush will be elected president resulting
in civil unrest. Gated communities will then barracade themselves
under siege by hippies on bicycles and rednecks on quad runners
flinging tomahawks & tofu. Former president Obama will accept the
job as CEO of Chucky Cheese. And I will have rough sweaty sex
with the bikini girl in the Carl's Jr. ad.
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At this point in life I don't do many predictions, but I am interested in the medication your doctor has you on. My creative neurons (if I have any left) could use a little boost and just reading your take on the future is quite enlightening.
Nicely done!

I haven't seen a doctor in 25 years. I do pedal my regular bike a lot. I
quit smoking pot 30 yrs ago, alcohol & tobacco 15 yrs ago. I'm trying
very hard to resist the temptation of visiting the recreational pot shop
a block & half away. So I guess it's just a long range contact high.
Congrats on not needing a doctor. Wish I could say that but we're pretty much on the same time line with the rest. And now the "Illogical Zone" District of Columbia has become the most recent pot haven. I figure Maryland isn't far behind and I'm still told by a few who know me that I did too many drugs long ago and far away. So maybe I'm just not trying hard enough. I think we have a Carl's Jr nearby so maybe I'll slip over there. Maybe that will inspire me.

This is for the parts horders here, as many members here know I've been in industrial maintenance for over 34 years and have accumulated ( horded) a lot of useful parts and pieces over the years. Yesterday my father inlaw brought me a harbor freight electric chain saw that has only been use a couple of time in the two years he's had it, the switch was sticking. I disassembled it and found the return spring inside the switch was broken, as I locked the door and headed back to the house I kept thinking that I had seen that switch before. I turned around and went back to my storage bins with the pull out drawers and found the switch I needed. If I remember correctly the switch I had was a micro switch for the foot switch on a allis chambers fork lift, somewhere around a 1978 model. That goes to show you if you keep it long enough you will use it.
Doctors, charlatans it white coats. Hospitals, where to go to
get sick. Pharmaceuticals, stuff to paralyze the immune system
so your cold won't go away or get it up cuz the rubbish we eat
has made ya limp. Bah Humbug! .cptr.
I make use of medicine from time to time. I'm a student of
native American & oriental herbal medicine, also yoga, &
Tai Chi. If I required a surgery that I couldn't reach myself,
I'd probably go to a doctor, but for the most part, I'm a
Christian Scientist.usflg
Also, I think modern medicine has created a great many artificial
life forms, elderly for whom nature should have taken it's course
long ago. In so doing, medicine has effectively deprived the next
generation of it's birth right. I'll die of natural causes, not lingering
in some hospital with tubes hanging out of me.
There are more people in the world now than there have ever been.

It appears that the the "birthright" is doing just fine.
Not really Mike; not when the medical industry & cares costs
devour everything they had. Some have been just put out on
the street when the money is gone. Yes there are more people
than ever: the 'birth rate' is doing just fine, mostly in 3rd world
"O" I can buy into your take on things. After being the recipient of a spinal cord injury at the age of 29 and later a surgery that was somewhat successful I resorted to yoga and trigger/pressure point for pain relief and just everyday functionality.

I required another back surgery about 12-13 years ago and it was a real gift. While I still have issues, the chronic 24-7 pain was gone and now I can do most anything I want. The old arthritis is becoming my daily battle but for the time being I am forgoing these new drugs (Celebrex, etc) . Do use aspirin to help take the edge off and just continue doing the things I want to do. Some days are better than others, but I got a lot of miles out of the old hands and consider myself very fortunate not to have any illness that I am aware of at this point.

My goal too, is to die "healthy" not horizontal for months/years, but don't know that I'll have much say in how the end arrives.

Keep goin' Old Man!
Doctors, charlatans it white coats. Hospitals, where to go to
get sick. Pharmaceuticals, stuff to paralyze the immune system
so your cold won't go away or get it up cuz the rubbish we eat
has made ya limp. Bah Humbug!
Humbug all ya want.

When I suffer a traumatic injury there is nothing more soothing to me than a BUNCH of people in white coats, lots of beeping machines, and a morphine drip.

Aftercare is one thing, keeping me alive and not in excruciating pain is quite another, I for one am glad and praise the people that spend their lives keeping the rest of us alive the same as I would any soldier, maybe more.