For Old Guys Only

I do not own a washboard. I have a 1' x 2' louvred cupboard door which has a roasting tin screwed to the back of it as a resonator box.

The longest amount I've got recorded is this collection of rehearsal tapes. The voice is Trouserless Clive Clements. I'm on slide and occasional fake bass as well as prviding the harder rhythms.
Yeh!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we're talking. Listened for a bit and when my daughter comes to visit it's going on my ipod. Very enjoyable to listen at.
"O" will be able to peddle twice as far listening to that on his Walkman.

Thanks for sharing,
I tried Ludwig, but all I hear is the bass. the rest is static. Too bad, I'm
sure it's a fun piece. Too many years working with saws & other loud
power tools, too many shrill women & loud bars, but I had my fun.
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"O" Maybe Lud can provide a video with a sign language interpreter so you can "hear" it

My wife and I are considering another sign language class since I've been told I'm about done and am a candidate for one of those cochlear implant thingamajigs. One of my ears is toast (F-4 Phantom jets) and the other still has midrange. the VA provided me with a hearing aid that really has made a difference for the time being and I listen to music almost all day every day while I can still hear most of it. The house shakes a bit, but that's good too.

My hearing is degrading at about the speed of my eyes.
I don't wear glasses for anything but reading and close work on small things, and I don't have to have usual music louder than comfortable for most and enjoy it, BUT...

When it comes to home theater it simply has to be big, sharp and loud in every frequency from being able to hear two people whispering to the thundering bass sound of a battle with big explosives, crashes or big guns.

So far so good here with the wife and I.

We each have a remote that can control everything so we kick in the home theater amp for movies and balance the volume between systems for the best overall best sound for what is playing.

The funny part is we don't fight over what to watch, but we do bicker about whose job it is FF through a commercial, pause when needed, and get the sound right.
Ya, I live a tough life ;-}
I've survived with a good proportion of hearing intact, which means I can play competently in jams, but little bits aren't quite as good sometimes as I'd like. One thing I get is fatigue related failure to process what I'm hearing, you get tired and the sound becomes sort of woolly.

One thing I do try to avoid is being in line with the edge of a cymbal of any sort, there's a very thin band of high energy, high frequncy, sound, and it really does hurt.
Having been through several intense evaluations in the past year I have asked if my straining and concentrating so hard to hear is wearing me out when I go to some kind of music or theater performance. The answer was "yes" And sharp loud sound is painful. I can relate Lud, and I don't know how "golden" these years coming will be, but I'm sure enjoying every day being an old guy.
I have musicians 2/3and 1/3 of my age who want me up on stage with them. This is rather kindly news to a man who never had much self confidence in his younger days.
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The good thing about 'golden silence', one can ignore nagging
or translate it into something more pleasant. If you saw the
deaf father in the 'Patriot' you'll know what I mean. What is
said and my response can now be totally different even if
I understood perfectly. The fun part is getting away with it.
You obviously have earned some respect, either by being a stellar musician and they are willing to put up with you, or you're a fine guy to be around and you play real good. I suspect the latter might be the case. Of course I don't know who I'm speaking with so if you are Jimmy Page, or Clapton, pardon me.

I own a guitar and don't worry too much. It wears me out.

I sold my guitar years ago but play a mean air piano.
I don't worry much either, my wife does enough of that everyone.

Her dog pulled another 'teenager stunt' run away today, on my watch.

I just sat here for hours letting her rage on me and just kept saying 'relax, he'll be back, and then he's loosing his nuts'.

He's back.
I hope he had fun because his nuts are gone tomorrow.
Nutless in Phoenix, starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan, coming soon to a theater in your area.

Hehehe ;-}

I have a Humane Society/ Animal Clinic just down street.
They do FREE ball snipping a couple times a year but it's like standing in line at a big box store at 3AM to get that 'special deal'.

His 'deals' will be snipped off soon enough.