For Old Guys Only

Very true Tom. If there were large explosions, which by the way I had nothing to do with, there would be security video from 5 different angles.

When we were young all you had to worry about is if Mrs. Thomson was sitting by her front window as she usually was and she saw a crowd of us running by looking over our shoulders. It could only get worse if she saw the police car driving by slowly looking up driveways a few minutes later.

And of course I realize that I am speaking only from personal experience since there isn't one of you who have any personal knowledge about what I'm talking about.

Snork, chuckle.

I'm not goin' to Billies ever again. They told me if I set foot on the property I was goin' back to jail.

Not that I mind that, but I'm busy this week.
Who remembers a song titled, "Whatever Lola wants"?

As many of you know we recently lost my mother-in-law. Char, my wife has been going through all of her parent's things, cleaning out family mementos and distributing them to her brothers but keeping some stuff for hereslf. She found a box today full of 78rpm records. The top record was the 'Lola' song. I started singing it and Char couldn't believe I knew the words. Of course she's ten years younger than me so maybe that explains it.

She has also found things like a 'ViewMaster' with a whole box of scenic, 3D discs of Northern Minnesota. There was a little plastic box full of phonograph needles. The house is a treasure trove of memorabilia and antiques that I remember from my childhood. Char doesn't remember some of them, but I do.
I'm waiting for a pair of roller skate keys to show up.
I'll keep you posted.

She's still out there performing, although she's not weathered well.

I always, having seen her photographs, thought her name was Melonie.

Anyone recognize this famous painting from a recent TV commercial?

American Family Insurance has a brilliant advertising department. They used the painting and a fabulous old song by the 5 Stair Steps, Ooh Child. Watch for this ad. As much as I dislike TV commercials, this one is a keeper.

Disclaimer: I am not an insurance salesman. I'm retired.

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Haven't seen the commercial Tom, cause like you I don't watch much tv, but did see the Hopper exhibit when it came to the National Gallery some years ago. The guy definitely had his own style.
I'm not an art expert and I don't work anymore too.
A little late for the anniversery of this but was just reminded of it while reading a book.

Who remembers where they were and what they were doing?

My folks and I were living on a ranch in Clewiston Florida, right on highway 27. For days there was a steady convoy of military vehicles heading south. They wouldn't stop to let traffic enter the road and we'd have to sit and wait for a small break in the flow to get off the ranch and go into town.

We saw everything from jeeps, to missile launcher trucks, with missiles, troops by the thousands. We figured we were relatively safe in Clewiston. If you've ever been there you'd know even the Russians wouldn't waste a missile on it.

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I figure that if I can't live in the mountains, I might as well bring a little of the mountain 'feel' to me.........planted a couple of Horstmann Blue Atlas's in the front yard to replace the Bradford Pear that fell victim to a horde of boring bugs. The bugs shouldn't be interested in this type of tree. Maybe.....
