For Old Guys Only


You have what I always heard called a Beehive radio because of the cabinet shape. The shape of the cabinet looked like an early straw beehive.
They have always been collectable with the radio people and the general public. Value is of course with the rarity and condition of the radio but yours is in as good an original condition as I have ever seen.

Very nice to have and it would be great if you could find someone to repair it.


You have what I always heard called a Beehive radio because of the cabinet shape. The shape of the cabinet looked like an early straw beehive.
They have always been collectable with the radio people and the general public. Value is of course with the rarity and condition of the radio but yours is in as good an original condition as I have ever seen.

Very nice to have and it would be great if you could find someone to repair it.

There's an old guy near our neighborhood who has been in business since the early 80s. It is a TV repair shop but I'm inclined to think he might be the one who could get this old radio working. Maybe I'll run it by his place and have him take a look. There's even a local AM oldies station in Denver. Now that would be cool, wouldn't it?

Thanks 2door, for the Pick Up Sticks Rules.!! ... Your TV Guy will be able to Give that Radio, best i've seen, a New Voice.!! ... It's waiting to serve again.!!

When it was first thought to be broken, was most likely when a change was made to AM band Transmission Frequencies, So, i think you will soon have new friend in your workshop.!!

Let us all know how it goes.!!

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Jasper Carrott, an English comedian, commented on the meaning of AM and FM in the context of modern DJs.

AM stands for Absolute Moron. He declined to explain FM.
Comedian Gary Wright, in his deadpan delivery once said,
"I have a friend who is an AM disc jockey. When he walks under an overpass you can't hear him talking".


Just a thought but if the TV repairman isn't able to help you might ask if he knows of a collector or old radio club in the area. When I was refinishing there was a steady business with the old radio collectors once they found out I could reveneer the cases and in some cases nearly build a new cabinet.
It was more fun than profit I might add.

They would repair old radios for the public simply to keep them going. Worth a try to get that beauty going.

Comedian Gary Wright, in his deadpan delivery once said,
"I have a friend who is an AM disc jockey. When he walks under an overpass you can't hear him talking".


Cruisin' Oldies 950 - KRWZ - AM 950 - Denver, CO. ... This is your local AM band, you'll be able to listen to on your Magic Radio in your nice tidy workshop, when the local TV man has sorted out the Frequency Issue.!!

I tried to hook onto KRWZ - AM950, but no luck there, I must be too far away.!!

Thanks guys. I wish I knew the history of this old radio; where it came from, how old, where had it been, but alas my mother and father-in law are now both gone and the radio's story went with them.
Nevertheless I do want to see if I can get it working again.

And yes, GeeBee, I listen to 'Crusin' Radio, KRZN, a lot. The only problem with them is they seem to have a small inventory of music and tend to play the same stuff over and over. Too bad, cause there's so much good music from those years that they ignore. Corporate thinking, I suspect.

Are you bored? Does the neighbour give you riff when you go by on your motor bike? Your brother in law a jerk? Need to get rid of your garbage and the bin is full?

Tie it up like this and solve your problem and have fun as you watch.

Looks like something from one of those kinky websites. Steve, have you been checking out plasticbag bondage again?


I figured if anyone caught on it would be you. :)

I could have used this idea about 50+ years ago. I had a few pals who could be counted on to be stopped at least once a day and their trunk checked to see where the beer was.

When I was about 13 or 14 a couple of my friends and I made a dummy with old clothes stuffed with newspaper and a styrofoam head. We laid it in the middle of an intersection in our neighborhood, hid in some shrubbery and waited for the action.

Some folks stopped, most just drove around it and one guy ran over it. Then a cop came and we split. He must have taken our dummy. It was gone when we went back to check later. Kids being kids we were worried they'd find our finger prints on it because it never occured to us that we'd never had our prints taken.

Into the wood shed with you.

If only we knew then, what we know now, we could have pulled of some real dandies couldn't we and not been caught at it.

Into the wood shed with you.

If only we knew then, what we know now, we could have pulled of some real dandies couldn't we and not been caught at it.

Only problem is today everyone has cameras in their phones. Too easy to get caught on video doing stunts like we used to do. Big Brother is always watching too.
