For Old Guys Only

2door, same thing happens here every time a dust-up is in the works. Ordinance
on it's way via the Pacific. Your tax dollars on the way to win friends & influence
xseler- Maybe the cypress bark beetle if you're in the western part of the state. I think it's primarily an Arizona centered problem though.
Drought resistant as they are, water regularly and prune dead branches for best health.
Too bad you lost the pear tree.

Looks good!
Remember the title of this thread:

Okay here's my latest, 'Old Guy' rant. TV car commercials, paricularly Japanese imports.

Have you noticed lately that they can't seem to advertise a car without having one doing amazing things like four wheel drifts, cutting donuts on asphalt, obviously exceeding a safe speed for the situation, snow covered roads are an example. Cars screaming around curves, tires smoking, even advocating street racing between particular models.

The implication seems to be, "Buy one of these and you'll be able to drive just like this".

Do the people impressed by those commercials and maybe driven to actually purchase one of these techno-boxes ever stop and realize that those cars are driven by professional stunt and test drivers with years of experience under their (seat) belts?

I remember when car commercials showed cars cruising a highway at a respectable speed, maybe parked under a shade tree with a pretty lady sitting on the fender. Now it seems we have to watch a stunt driving show to emphasize the power and handling capabilities of these computerized wonders. And even if you possess the skills to drive like they're shown....where are you going to do it?

Oh, wait, I guess all you need to do is go out a drive around a little and you'll see the ones who have fallen for the advertyising hype. They're the ones weaving through traffic, running stop signs, exceeding the posted speed limit and trying to immolate what they've seen on TV.

Bring back big fins and chrome bumpers.

I most certainly agree that these 'action commercials' are dangerous. They seem to be creating a class of driver that wants to drift every likely corner.
The old commercials did focus on safety, reliability, or fuel mileage at some times. We live in a youtube world my friend.
And why is everything cranked up to the utmost intensity at all times? That IS life. But only in short bursts, that don't happen very often...

As far as big fins and chrome bumpers- yes to the chrome...
My vote for what to bring back is the early 70s Oldsmobile "2 door hard top" style body line.
What ever happened to Dinah Shore & " See the USA in an all steel
V8 propelled gas guzzler..."

(X, I ride an old black 'Vega mixte with 700c wheels every day. My
beetle suffered a premature demise on a jeep trail.)
This thread is definitely titled correctly "Old Guys". Since I'm not able to hear most of the audio on the commercials the visual aspect of them lets me know that it's my time to just fade away. Still have fun, but fade away!
"O" , I was burned out long ago, can't kick anymore cause I have plantars faciaitis, and when I scream I sound like a little girl. I'll grin all the way out!
Naw, I quit drinkin' years ago, but I'm gettin' a little creaky. I might try
smokin' pot again now that it's legal here. I'm as deaf as Beethoven. so
guitar is out, but look out ladies. There's plenty left on my bucket list.
I got in at about 1 a.m. after jamming at a pub. We funked, rocked, bluesed. I'm sure there are people around here who think there's something unseemly about a pensioner setting off out laden with gear and returning after midnight. The haven't got a clue how unseemly I'd like to be :)
What keeps us going is to keep going. I use the motto " use it or lose it". The sons are having their first softball practice Wednesday evening so I'll go help shag fly balls and pitch. Thursday morning my legs will be sore but after a few practices it will pass.
I'm still a fair picker if I can find someone to tune the guitar for
me....,nah, that's a really bad idea. We're having a false spring
here. I'm so tempted to hop on my bike and go touring again. I
can still pedal 40 or 50 kilometers a day. It doesn't sound as
good in miles.
I'm not a tech guy by choice, I can get by on the computer, no cell phone, facebook, tweetin', none of that is necessary for me to enjoy every day, but I think ole Lud ought to ante up some of his music for us to enjoy, and anybody else who could bring some "culture" into this group. Lud should be pretty good on the washboard by now.
I still feel bad; I even get close to what I could ride as a kid. But, What
really irks is that I just read about a 103 year old Frenchman that recently
set a centenarian record pedaling 16.7 km in an hour. This guy goes out &
rides over alpine passes with people a 1/4 his age. Some one should that
old fart.