Fasteddy in hospital...

Wonderful news SB. I bet Steve will be counting down the days until that tube comes out.

Delightful photo, - should make Steve smile. I always did wonder just how successful those Bedelias were as stretcher carriers.
Steve's sides are so sore from laughing I believe he will have to back to the hospital.

I am indeed free of the bag hanging off me as of the 27th of the month. Have to go and see the infectious disease doctor on the 27th to get the finally release and I'm out of there faster than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Silverbear, Thank you for the laugh. My brother and I are still laughing at it.

Also for the record Mom will be a 102 on the 22nd of December and she is still going strong and can tell me in minute detail everything I've done wrong in my 70 years.

Thank you for the kind thoughts and prayers everyone. They did the trick.

I mentioned that I wasn't well on the Indian tri car thread and I'll continue it here. Simply put the staph infection in my knee is back with a vengeance.

I had an hint that all was not well as Silverbear and I were heading back from Tinsmiths in Maryland. A rash broke out on my left leg like it did the first time but this time it went wild. I'll spare you the descriptive details but when I got home I went to the hospital the next day. When the doctor reacts like the one I saw did you just know it's not good.

Blood test said it was an infection and they started me on the strongest antibiotic they had which was what I was getting last time in the beginning. Strong enough that they had to split the dosage and I went to the hospital 8am and 8pm because the veins and liver/ kidneys couldn't take it all at once over a prolonged period.

Four weeks of that and they stopped it since my lower left leg was getting better. This is September into October. I had a prearranged appointment with the infectious disease for late October from the first infection. He looked at it and said it couldn't be from the first infection because it was cleared up. Ya, right.

Got through November and December with minimum pain up until early January and then it just got worse slowly. Being me I shrugged it off until about three weeks ago when it went from that's sore to OMG that's painful. When I put weight on it I have to fight to keep my knee from buckling under me and I need to put all my weight on the walker I'm using to get around.
Short step on the bad leg and then brace yourself to move the good leg up to it while leaning on the walker. It's a shuffle instead of walking. Crawling up the stair dragging a leg behind you is just a tad humbling as well and most certainly not dignified for a gentleman of my age as our Intrepid Wheel Woman would mention.

Had to wait a week to see our family doctor since he was working at the hospital on rotation due to a shortage of doctors there. He took one look at it and said I can warm my hands on your knee and made an emergency appointment with the doctor who did the operation on my knees originally. That took a week and after looking at it he had me in the hospital for a nuclear C.A.T. scan this past Sunday. This is where they inject a radio active tracer into your arm and you go back 3 hours later and they do a total body scan and then a scan of your knees in my case.
Seems the infection attacks the bone and as the bone rebuilds itself it shows up on the scan so they can see just where and how bad it is. Just have to love modern medicine.

Now it's a wait for the call back to see how bad it is. There are two choices it seems for a cure. They open the knee once more and clean it out and then soak the antibiotics to me again as they did last time.
The other choice is they open it up and take everything out that they put in and replace it with a medicated block for 6 to 12 weeks so they can kill off the infection that may have hidden under the metal and reinfected it and then open it up again and replace everything.

Then I get to put on my happy face and hope I can walk after it's all finished and I don't wind up in a wheel chair because my knee doesn't work properly.

To add to the above, no I don't glow in the dark but they did give me print out that said I had the test. It seems if you go across the border into the U.S. you will set off the nuclear detecting device for up to 7 days.

I felt a lump in my throat as I read your account. I have known some of this, but reading the full account leaves me stunned and not knowing what to say. Not a day goes by that you don't come to mind. Living in an old 8' wide trailer as I do is like living in a hallway on wheels. At each end is a bike project that you have had a hand in and next to my laptop where I spend a good bit of my time is the Villiars engine sitting in the Atco cradle from the old mower you hauled here from Vancouver. No doubt I spend more time than I should in a kind of virtual reality of internet where I read the words of friends of our forum which accounts for much of my social life, such as it is. It is always a treat to chat a bit with Annie in far off Kiwiland or closer to home with Curtis Fox, a fellow Minnesotan. I ponder problems which are not my own with CB2, bluegoat, measure twice, 2 door, Tinsmith and too many more to list. Old friends and ones newly made. For such a long time, years now, you have been at the center of that virtual life. Your voice less heard of late has been missed. When I think of you there are such good memories from bike camp and wherever I look here there are motors and wheels and bike frames, to remind me of past exploits at the welder, grinder and bench vice. And if not making sparks, then scheming the next day's activities. You have always been generous with your knowledge, skills and time at bike camp. It made something of these past summers for me to look forward to through long winters. Anticipation of bike camp is for me what a planned ship cruise is for others of my vintage, lifting me out of the daily same-as into something special. I joke about never having grown up, which has a seed of truth in it, as in my view growing up is part and parcel of growing old which has something to do with giving up and being done with... I don't want to do that and you have helped me fend off the inevitable. Thank you for that.

I understand that you may not be able to come to bike camp this summer, but I am going to plan for it anyway. I am going to believe that you will heal up. When you were a young fellow fresh from the automobile accident which destroyed your knees, you were not expected to live and when you did, you were not expected to walk again, which you did anyway because you wanted to walk, wanted to do things, wanted to make something of your life. You're a tough old fellow, my friend, and come from strong stock. With a mother such as yours, now well past the century mark, how could it be otherwise? I can only imagine how you may feel or what you may think about your current circumstance, but know that there are many of us urging you to fight back with everything you have, with every positive intent to heal and walk again without pain. To sit behind the wheel of your old Dodge van-go next summer and once more set out on a cross country journey to far off Minnesota for a bike camp for boys who never grew up, who refused to, delinquents each of them, disappointments to their teachers and parents, but true to themselves.
Please be well, my friend. See you at bike camp. Bring bug dope...
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Fast Eddy, you will walk; it might be with a hand made and 1910 style added external joint, but you will walk.

I don't see you giving in.

I don't do religion, but if you have a god, I hope they smile upon you.
WOW! i know what you are going through,because my friend Clem had the same thing. They didn't hesitate to take his his joint out,did it right away,he was in the hospital for a while and then nursing home,then they put a new joint in. He was fine after that. If you have a choice that's would be mine,fix it right. Sure is a lot of pain and suffering to put up with.I will pray for you and recovery.

Religion? No matter what religion you are its the same God,and the creator of the universe and all of us. Don't need religion to know him. Just a little faith,and he smiles on all of us,moreso if we do his will..................Curt
Fasteddy! I'm sorry to hear this.

They tell me that bacteria are absolutely essential to life on Earth. But they can be a pain in the neck, can't they?

But as you mentioned you've got the advantage of modern medicine. So put it to use, take good care of yourself and look forward to bike camp and other projects.

Our thoughts will be with you. Keep us posted.
Ah Steve, getting old and being ill is sometimes far from dignified, but I know you're like me too downright stubborn to give up and give into it. I had noticed that your voice hadn't been heard here on the forum for a while and I was staring to worry. With this strange mechanical hobby I have I've come to very much value the wisdom and skills of my overseas friends on Over time I've come to know some of their life stories which only serves to deepen and enrich the friendship.

Our life path can lead us into places that we never thought we would see and give us experiences that we never thought would happen. I know that back in my twenty somethings I never would have predicted that I would be where I am now. I don't think I was exactly a delinquent, but I know I did shock and disappoint my Mum and Dad more than just the once. Would I change any of it? - no I wouldn't because it led me here to this present moment and gave me the wisdom and compassion to be able to care for my Mum as she began to develop dementia and then to care for my daughter in her recovery from PTSD. Now I can't come to Canada and care for you Steve, - which you'd most probably hate anyway as I'm sure you value your independence and I can be a stubborn old so and so at times, - but I can keep you in my thoughts and prayers as I go about my daily life here in New Zealand.

Now take good care of yourself and keep your chin up Steve, it sounds as if you've got good doctors and medical people on your side and you've also got all of us here on the forum thinking of you and wishing you well so you're not alone in this.

Blessings always,

Annie X
You know you have people here who are concerned and who care. I'm one of them. Please, keep us informed and luck be with you my friend.

But Steve... Ducati has that 803cc that would be such a fun chair-build. :eek: ;)

Take care of you man.

Just proves the old saying, "Sometimes bad things happen to good people". I hnow you will power through it.

Jim E
Gosh I hate them scary bugs.


I hope you get over it quickly!
Staph is no joke. I have a golfball sized hole in one thigh from that stuff! Started out like a pimple, and ended up stuffed with ten feet of wound packing!
I surely hope you get well soon!
Everybody’s pulling for you, we know you’ll beat this in record time!

See you in Davenport.

Ick *shudder* I hate staph infections. I too have a scar that was a big gaping hole in my leg. That was after my motorbike accident. Hang tight and tough it out, that's about all you can do. Keep as healthy as you can, that'll speed things up too.
Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts and prayers.

Staph infection is indeed something to behold when it happens. The thought that it can eat into bone is a little sobering.

I have an appointment on March 6 to see the orthopedic surgeon again to find out just what the bone scan showed. He's the best in the area and the main surgeon that other doctors refer their patients too. Needless to say he is more than a little busy.

And yes I will power through this as best I can but I have to admit that it's not the fun it used to be.

Saw my family doctor today and after the panic there is no infection. No one is sure just what is causing the pain but it could be in the artificial knee. My doctor is going to talk with the orthopedic surgeon to check on what can be done to see what it may be.

He is also going to see about getting me a leg brace to take the pressure off the knee so it has a chance to heal if it will.

Thank you everyone for your care and concern. Life can now go back to normal.
