Fasteddy in hospital...

The last time I was at the doctors he was telling me that operating was a definate but he wanted to have some more tests done.

Well there were some more tests alright. Got a call Monday that I had to be at the hospital Thursday at 10:15 and back at 3:15. and back on Friday at 8:45 and another test next Wednesday at 1pm. This is all done in Nuclear Medicine.

Thursday rolls around and it's a blood letting supreme. Never mind those wimpy test tubes they usually use, they brought out the granddaddy of collectors and this one came with it's own vacuum pump.
First the needle and then she pulls out a collector that had to hold at least 10 oz and proceeds to hook it up and start pulling on the handle and that went on for about 3 or 4 minutes.

Now that goes to the hospital about 20 miles away to have the white blood cells extracted and a radio active tracer added. Now it's time to go back and they have a red plastic cylinder the size of a large flashlight there. After telling two different people my name and date of birth so they are sure I'm getting my blood back and not someone else's they open up the cylinder and pull out a small needle with maybe 1-1/2 oz of liquid in it.
That's the white blood cells. I felt robbed. In it goes and I'm off home.

This morning I'm into the machine for about 1/2 an hour and that's done. White blood cell count has been accomplished. Next week it's the radio active tracer and a scan to see how the bone marrow is doing.

I'm hoping nothing shows up of course so they don't lay me up for months on end. Pretty sure that they will operate to get what ever is causing the pain, it's just the months of lying around if there is an infection.

There is a plus side to all this however. Not spending any money means that I have the money for the gas to get bike camp this summer already. Bonus.

I hope all your tests come back A+ too Steve :)

I think I can speak for many of us on this forum and say that we all look forward to Summer bike camp too. Silverbear and your good self create such interesting and wonderful things at Summer bike camp and the best part is that you freely share your adventures with the rest of us.
There is a plus side to all this however. Not spending any money means that I have the money for the gas to get bike camp this summer already. Bonus.


That is the proper attitude my friend. No choice but to continue to march.
Best of luck to you Steve.

Well, at least these are the kind of tests you don't have to study for. May you get the test results you are hoping for. I'm still optimistic for summer camp and as I see it there's no reason camp can't start later, say in August and through September or whenever the real cold starts and it is time to go back to B.C. No bugs then, either. But a lot more important than bike summer camp is your long term healing. Do it right.

Winter is probably not done with yet here, but spring thaw is well underway with a lot of melting going on and the snow pack getting lower and lower. Summer is coming...

Well, Steve, it sounds like you're in good hands. But I'll say a few prayers anyway, in hopes it may speed things along. I don't doubt others are doing the same. Feel better soon.
Even though I've no chance of attending Summer Camp, I still want it to go on as scheduled. So take good care of yourself, fasteddy.

We want to see what you come up with this year. You have an audience.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
You know you have lots of folks here pulling for you. Keep us informed. We're watching for all positive results.

Biggest challenge for these things is keeping a positive attitude- You’ve already got that licked!

Looking forward to progress pic’s from this years summer camp!

Thanks Anne,

We often discuss how what is posted helps other members and if it does. Always hopeful that someone gains from it.

Bike camp will happen this year I'm pretty sure. Even if the it involves (God Forbid) a mobility device and how I detest that term.

Thanks Trey,

If you give up the other side wins and that will never happen on my watch. My English Grandmother used to call me "Bloody Minded" and she wasn't smiling when she said it.


Now that's funny. You could say I'm a Glowing Example. The ten year old in me wanted to light up the room but they robbed me of the chance.


Thank you very much. Wish you and everyone else could experience bike camp. I don't know what I did before it came about but what a trip it's been.


Thank you and your so right. It's been humbling to have so many people concerned about me and I've drawn more strength from this than I can say. I look back at what everyone has written when I'm wondering where this is going and it makes the road so much smoother.

Wonderfully appreciated.


Thank you. They only think they have the old boy in a corner. There is a way out no matter what and I'll find it no matter where it is.

Last test was yesterday. Bone Marrow and it was the usual shot in the arm and wait two hours and come back and into the machine. Under exciting other than being of a rather generous build the 14" wide table that you lay on is a little narrow when you have to roll over on your side.

Doctors office called today and I'm in to hear the final verdict on April 1st. Yes, the irony wasn't wasted on me either. Still time for Bike Camp recovery if it just the usual open and close.

I sort of feel like the guy my Dad always talked about. He kept banging his head on the wall and finally someone asked him why. He said it felt good when he stopped. I certainly understand how he felt.

the 14" wide table that you lay on is a little narrow when you have to roll over on your side. Steve.

Steve that's normal. I forget the exact nomenclature, but it could have been; Examination table, balance testing type, one (1) each.