The first time I had it pulled the nurse grabbed a hold of it and pulled it out in one swift move. This nurse pulled it out by the centimeter. It was weird to say the least. Kind of like a snake crawling out. Slowly.
Just received a call from the doctors office. The surgeon has looked at the latest tests and ex-rays and the infection is gone and he suggested leaving the temporary medicated knee in unless I wanted another operation to replace it with another more permanent one.
They will monitor the one in there every six months to see how it is doing and at close to 73 year of age I'm sure it will out last me.
Thank you everyone for your support. It has helped more than I can tell you.
Thanks Chaz. Vancouver General Hospital has a shortage of nurses and they are cancelling surgery's because of it. I was more than happy to help them out.
Mogollonmonster, thank you. I'm glad that they saved old age for the last. I couldn't have handled it when I was younger. Would have cramped my life style but now unfortunately old age is the life style.
Silverbear, Thank you. Bike camp is looking good so let Mooshie know that she will be sharing the couch at meal times and the cookie deal is the same as always.
Russel, I thank you. To have the respect and admiration of ones peers is truly humbling. I appreciate it beyond words. I sincerely hope that I am able to continue to do so.