Fasteddy in hospital...

Really good stuff to hear, fasteddy!

A guy at work had both knees replaced a few years back. He had been moving pretty slowly, as a matter of fact. After recovery I asked him how the new knees felt. I don't remember his exact words. But he was enthusiastic and happy with them. And he did walk better, I noticed.

Sometimes these knee replacements don't go really well. --Your last one wasn't all that good, right?----- But it looks as though they're mostly a new lease on life.

In any case, I'm glad to hear that yours is going well and that you have reason to be hopeful about it.
Hi bluegoatwoods,

I certainly hope this thread doesn't stop anyone from having a knee replacement. Mine took care of years of crippling pain and they were a wonderful idea. Just do it is my answer when people ask me. You owe it to yourself.

That said this thread is about what happens when it goes wrong. One percent of the replacement hip and knee replacement recipients will get an infection like I did. Talking to the infectious disease doctor on Wednesday I found out that I have the worst infection that they have to fight. Fasteddys luck I guess and despite recurring rumors I didn't jump up and down and say pick me, pick me.

If they can beat back the infection they'll replace it with a new permanent knee and all will be good in the old fellas world. I'm moving around pretty well now and it's hard not to take chances.
Fastest recover time and healing of any of the operations. The surgeon is a wizard.

The family doctor took the staple out this week. All 47 of them. When I looked down as he took the bandage off the incision and if there had been a tab to hold it would have looked like a zipper.

For sure, the big zipper had one also. I never regret have my knee done, although not perfect,but getting better all the time. The best part is NO MORE PAIN, and walk without limping. ......................Curt
The IV pump was off Tuesday and the pcc line was pulled out yesterday. Kind of an odd feeling to have something slither across your chest but on the inside.

Now it's a month wait to see if the infection is still there before they test again and after that we're on to the last knee replacement. Everything is doing well so far.

Steve, you made me squirm a bit there. But glad to hear you are un-teathered for christmas and doing well.
Maybe, just maybe, Santa will leave something 'special' for you this year. You deserve it, and he's a wise old guy and knows who needs what.

Hope the New Year brings some good news. Keep us informed.

Good for you Steve. Merry Christmas to ya and all the folks that contribute to the conversation here. You all are a great bunch!

For a moment the thread name was making me wonder. But even though you had bouts happening and you still are to go back to the hospital for a knee replacement, you have made head way it seems.

More power to ya!

Wishing you all good things in this coming year, Steve. It sounds like things are proceeding as they should. Patience and perseverance. Tri-cars await!
Steve, the slithering thing musta' been really freaky!

The other day, I told you taxi story. Still cracks me up.
My niece and her boyfriend were up from Australia and the Christmas season got bogged down.
I'm now playing catch up.


Sorry to make you squirm. It's different when it's you than when you read about it and I forget that. Every day gets better so I can do it again. Yippee


Thank you so very much. It was indeed a wonderful Christmas and may the New Year be filled with you motor bike dreams.


Santa has indeed full filled my every wish. Parts are arriving for the tri car and my health is getting better so I can put them to use.

Hello Tinsmith,

What a great group we are blessed with indeed. So many friends, some met and some to meet.
I'm moved ahead by all of you.


I have a 4 or 5 week wait so the infection has a chance to come back if it is. If it does it"s another round of antibiotics and if it doesn't the temporary knee that they put in has done it's job to break the infection and the next prosthesis is permanent.

If it has been cleared out then I have indeed made headway and I'm on the mend.


Tri cars do indeed await. Things are moving along and after the next laying on of hands I'll be out the other side and harder to catch then a Walleye. Bike Camp in the Birches by the Lake is still in the offing. What better way to recover than wreathed in welder smoke.
