Fasteddy in hospital...

Other brother Dan,

I started saying that as we walked to the car after the the local orthopedic surgeon said he was sending me on to the clinic in Vancouver. Of course I may have been guilty of mentioning it a lot in between as well.

The cork in the bottle was that I told him again as we were walking down the hall to the examination room and he gave me the usual dirty look and said I always see the worst in everything.

Bingo! I win.

The journey continues at 5:30 am. Check in time. Guess they want to get the worst ones over first.

There probably won't be photos. Nobody needs to see something like that and I don't want to be reminded.

Saw a list of things that people have said to doctors as they lay on the operating table. My favorite one was when just as they were getting ready to give him the knock out he saw the doctor and said " Be gentle, it's my first time." The doctor looked at him over top of his mask as he picked up a scalpel and said "What a coincidence, it's my first time too."

I always liked the one where the patient asks if he'll be able to play the piano after the surgery and the doctor assurs him he will. And the patient says, "Great! I've never been able to play one before."

Good luck Steve-a-Reno. We're thinking of you.

Thank you Tom,

I've been waiting for a doctor to tell me I'll be back dancing in no time. That would have made a lot of girls happy in the past 60 years if I could.
I would imagine that the doctors have learned never to say that.

Home Thursday.

The journey continues at 5:30 am. Check in time. Guess they want to get the worst ones over first.

There probably won't be photos. Nobody needs to see something like that and I don't want to be reminded.

Saw a list of things that people have said to doctors as they lay on the operating table. My favorite one was when just as they were getting ready to give him the knock out he saw the doctor and said " Be gentle, it's my first time." The doctor looked at him over top of his mask as he picked up a scalpel and said "What a coincidence, it's my first time too."


Steve, I just showed your post to the bar. Ya got seven of us laughing like ****.

Please be well Buddy. The world needs ya....
Feel better Steve, gotta get back in the saddle as soon as possible.

I know a few other members have been having a time of it lately, here's wishing you all well. A speedy recovery, and easy healing.
Hey Bud,
You've been much in my thoughts the past few days. I suspect you're still laid up in your hospital bed eyeballing the nurses as they either tend or torment you. I hope that either your pain is not too great or the drugs are up to the task. Know that there are neighbors of mine who know you from bike camp and who ask about how you're doing. That includes my brother and his wife. Wishing you all good things, my friend. Rest and heal...
Fasteddy's excellent operation.

And it was indeed excellent. Into the hospital at 5am and then to the prep section. Interesting part is I had to shower the night before and an hour later wipe myself down with towelettes that had a solution in them to kill any skin bacteria. I had to wipe myself down again just before the operation. This has improved post operation infections immensely they told me.
Surgeon and most of the medical team came by and stopped to say hello and tell me what they did.

Into the operating room after the first happy shot and woke up to the tinking of metal on metal on metal as they freed up the old knee joint. Didn't last long since I'm sure the anesthesiologist saw I was awake and took care of the problem.
Woke up as it was all over and then to recovery where everyone who pasted by seemed to think I needed a pillow since I got into post op with eight of them.

Next day morning the rehab people had me up and walking around and the knee pain was gone and the operation pain was minimal. I walked quite a bit which surprised me since I've never been able to this soon after an operation.

I'm carrying a small fanny pact style bag with me for the next six weeks, 24 hrs a day that has a 9v battery operated pump and an iv bag with antibiotics in it that pumps into a pcc line which runs through a vein in my right arm and across my chest and ends close to my heart so the antibiotic goes into the blood stream quickly.
It's the second time I've had this. I change the iv bag once a day at the same time when the old one is empty. Supplies are delivered once a week with everything I need.

Brief Panic.

Just back from the local hospital. I was getting ready to go to a doctors appointment and I looked down and there was a large red pool on the carpet by my foot. The incision had ruptured around one of the staple and with the blood thinners it was running wild and free.
Quick ambulance trip to the local hospital and and they had it under control right away.
Staples will be out Monday.

In all it was a wise choice and I'm glad I did it. The next appointment will be sometime in January when they'll look at the progress the knee is making and plan when to replace it with the permanent one.

I was out this past Wednesday night and spent most of the past two days sleeping.

WOW! Glad to here it all went well. Sleep tight and rest well, Got to get ready for bike camp....................Curt
Thanks, Steve, for keeping us up to date on the progress and recovery.
I assume they opted to not use JB Weld and went for a more permanant repair :)

Keep the updates coming. We'll be watching. And, heal fast. Best of luck my friend.

Thank you everyone.

This time it keeps getting better and better. Staples are out all except the two where they were leaking and they come out Thursday. I'm back to ordering the last few things I need for the tri car and when I get back to driving I'll get the metal to finish it but that's about 3 weeks from now.
