Fasteddy in hospital...

Ok, getting back to feeling up to building again... that's a sure sign things are moving in the right direction.
Very good news indeed my friend.
Glad to hear it Steve. Now all you have to do is not crash at 80+mph in that tri-car ;)
Hi Mike B and GearNut,

Thank you for the information and the reminder. We do have a couple of the heated bags around here somewhere and I'll dig them out and use them. I'd forgotten about them.
Amazing how heat makes it so much easier to get through the day.

Hi Trey,

Have no fear. If that tri car gets above 20 mph I won't be on it. I know the guy that built it and at 20 mph it will be a white knuckle ride.

It turned out to be a pretty rapid response after all. Tuesday afternoon at the doctors office and first thing Friday morning the clinic called and said 2 weeks and today was the day.

Just got back from the infectious disease doctor and he said there were 3 choices.

Have the knee taken out and replaced with 6-8 weeks in bed while the block with antibiotics they put in it is killing off the infection.

Take antibiotics for the rest of my life and deal with the resulting stomach and intestinal problems and the bad joints.

Have the knee fused so it's permanently stiff and unable to bend.

I'll go with the replacement as the best option. It's 6-8 weeks in bed with bikes being able to be ridden when it's over. I see the surgeon on the 18th to get his opinion as to who does it. He or the Vancouver hospital.

Wow... that's a big decision to make. But it is the option I would choose, too. You've got a difficult and long healing journey ahead of you, Steve, but in the end you will be mobile... which is a pretty cool thing!
... better, stronger, faster than he was before ...

Steve, you'll have to change your last name to Austin!

Hey, as you know hospitals are full of germs. Make them, or on your own, wipe down every surface of that room. Sounds like over-kill, but it's not. It's cheap, easy and quick, and it may actually save your life. You are also well within your rights to request that every member of the medical staff wash, and glove up in front of you.
Nobody wants to be THAT guy, but living is more important. Besides, you can have some food or something delivered to the nurses' station a couple of times... they won't be peeved with you after that.
Get it done, and get back to livin!


I just sat in the doctors office and thought of next summers bike camp for boys that never grow old and the decision was made for me. To be able to actually pedal a bike again is worth it.

It's about 4 months before I'm good to go.

Hi Trey,

I understand all too well what your saying.The place is full of people that are ill as well. I usually have a bottle of disinfectant hand soap and disinfectant wipes. Better to have the upper hand from the beginning.

Food, bed pans etc aren't dignified, anything that gives you a low output for the time you're in there is worthwhile.

When you get out, go prune crazy. Prunarama, Prunapaloosa, Prunucopia!
Listen to the "King of Prunes" Steve. Didn't look like prune juice in the litre bottle while you were napping there oh Royal One.

The benefit of hospital food is is that it doesn't encourage over indulgence. When the nurse asks if you've had a movement I learned to nod enthusiastically. I failed once and made sure it never happened again.

Drink this had a savage ending.

WOW! just like my friend Clem,he was down about a month then they put in the second knee. But didn't seem long after he was up and walking. Glad you are going to do it and will be better in the long run. One thing exercise now and it will be a lot easier after surgery with the therapy....................Curt
Good call Steve, being able to walk again and pedal a bike without problems sounds like a great Christmas present. I knew a guy here in NZ who had the frozen knee option foisted upon him by doctors and he was seriously annoyed about it because it made him even more of a 'cripple' than he was to start with.
Hi Anne,

Frozen knee. What an excellent term. I would guess that the doctor wanted an easy out and he promoted it. The main trouble with my knee is that it has been opened and closed two times already building up scar tissue and with the removal of the replacement knee there is bone loss.
The knee then has to be replaced of course so there is two more openings and closings. My comment about a zipper being installed was shot down by the doctor though he did say it had merit.

I'll take the risk rather than stay like I am in a twilight of pain and unable to do anything.

Went to the Complex Joint Clinic at Vancouver General Hospital yesterday. The doctors are the tops in the field here and they have developed a temporary replacement knee that is able to release a medication to combat the infection.

It's 6 weeks after the knee joint is installed to make sure the infection is gone and then a new permanent knee is installed.

It appears that part of the knee joint is in at an angle. The two doctors were trying to discuss it without telling me what or who caused it. I was sitting there waiting to hear my favorite line and sure as heck the senior doctor said, " Isn't that going to be fun getting it out of there."

My brother and I looked at each other and tried not to start laughing because the last thing I said as we walked into the office is that's all I would need to hear is him say that.

November 9th is the day it all happens. Now I can plan life around it.

Sounds like you are getting the help you need, Steve. It's a long haul ahead, but the end will be worth it. Wishing you the very best, my friend.