Fasteddy in hospital...

I was sure what the outcome would be and I was right. The knee is what it is and all I can do is try and strengthen the muscles and tendons. Not a bad thing given the options. Just going to be super painful and not any guarantee that it will work.There could be an Old Farts Kart in my future if all else fails or the old boy designs his own and we all know where that will end.

The good thing is there is absolutely no infection. I go back for a scan and a blood test in a month to see if any infection has shown up.

The option is if I have to have a replacement joint it's about a years recovery time and there is a chance that there won't be enough bone left for them to work with. If an infection was to start in the second joint and they needed to replace it again I would loose the leg above the knee.

So there it ends at least for the moment. I'll let you know how the exercise theory is working. Guess it's time to start water exercises at the hospital pool.

Time to start planning for bike camp.

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As you say, "not a bad thing given the options". So, you will start with water therapy. That's good. How far away is the hospital and how will you get back and forth? Do you use a walker or wheelchair or magic carpet or what? Sounds like there is some hard exercise just in getting to the pool so that you can get the gentle kind of exercise you want. Are there things you can do at home to exercise the leg? Is the other leg giving grief due to lack of exercise? Enquiring minds want to know!

I don't mean to be nosey, but you must know that a lot of us would like to be coach for a day and have some way of helping you on your healing journey, offering a virtual shoulder to lean on and giving words of encouragement as you make progress. And you will. Without a lot of "true grit" or what the local Finlanders call "sisu" (meaning "fortitude) you wouldn't have walked after the initial injury a century ago when you were a young fellow. You can do it. It sounds like there is hope for motorbicycle summer camp for boys who never grew up after all. I had resigned myself to there being no summer camp this year, but we will hold off on that cancellation notice. Something to shoot for, my friend! Woohoo!
It's about 20 minutes to the hospital and a pretty straight run without a lot of traffic. Pushing the walker at the moment. Now I know that I can't mess anything up by exercising I'll get at it.
The other leg is not overjoyed about having to do more than it's share of the work. I would like to get things evened out before it tries even the score with me. I'll resort to doing the exercises that I did when they did the original operations.
We have an exercise bicycle as well and I'll try to get started on it as well.

All the good wishes here have helped more than I can say. When things have started to bog down I come here and read everyone's comments and start back on the path. Just another hill on the path of life old son. As you said I've climbed my share and will continue to as long as I can.

Went to see the doctor yesterday afternoon. I've been seen by the senior doctor who's practice it is the last couple of times. He put the replacements in originally.

He said he couldn't see any reason to operate so he's sending my file to the Infectious Disease Rapid Response Clinic at another hospital in the city. They are the doctors who planned the treatment when the original infection happened.

Rapid Response Clinic. That had us all laughing because there will be a reply in 3 weeks with a whole lot of luck.

The doctor is certain that there is a small pocket of a low grade infection causing the pain. Most people have a P.S.A. of 3-5. Mine is at 30 and full blown infection measures at 300+. The doctor said it will most likely be a pill or two a day of a not to strong antibiotic and it may be a life time thing. Much like taking a blood thinner.

The brighter side is that I'm getting to use my leg more as I exercise it. Still pushing the walker for safety sake but getting less dependent of it.

The bonus to this problem is that I now have the next 4 projects planned and drawn up.

Glad to hear you're getting it looked after, Steve. I hope it all turns out well and you can get back to building soon.

best wishes,

Thank you everyone. Feels so good to be getting more mobile.

I have ordered parts for the tri car and as soon as they get here I'll be back at it.

Good for you!

Infections suck, follow the doc's orders. You may want to try to do anything to improve circulation in the area, there is nothing quite so effective as a pissed off immune system.

I recently tried a "hot bead wrap" a canvass velcro bag filled with "beads" that you cook in the microwave for a minute and then wrap around the area. Seemed to work pretty good.
Good to hear that the doc's are getting a handle on the situation!
Any hints on the new projects you have in mind?

Knowledge "sponsored" by MikeB's post:
A cheap heat wrap: uncooked rice in an old sock. Fill the sock about 2/3 full and tie a knot in the sock end to keep it all in. Microwave for 2 minutes with a 1/2 filled cup of water sitting next to it. Water is to prevent damage to the oven.
Drawback: if the rice sock gets wet, throw it away.