I have an appointment on Thursday at the hospital. Ultra Sound and it looks like the old turkey meets the marinading needle again as they take samples. At least this time there is going to be freezing before they plow the damned thing into me.
The helpful young lady who called with the appointment time mentioned operation so there may be more to this than I know. I may painfully aware of what's going on Thursday night. They said I'd need someone to drive me home. Usually not a good sign.
When I'm there I'll ask more about the recovery time once they are all done. They said a year but I'll ask just when I can resume "normal" activities. There is no need to mention that they are 2,000 miles away and involve bicycles at the Bicycle Camp in the Birches by the Bay 2016.
The only problem that I can see is that if it all comes loose, and they do, I'll be in very deep water. There is a better chance of me waking up one morning looking like Marilyn Monroe did when she was 25 than there being a successful 5th operation.
Since there is bone loss when they pull the current knee loose they cement the next permanent one in so I was told. Everything is longer to reach a fresh landing area and the cement fills in the voids.
As you can imagine the Fasteddy section of the poor, reduced, thought factory slipped the surly bonds of reality and took off like a rabbit with a fox after it when cement was mentioned. Visions of a miniature cement mixer quietly whirring away on a side table with a dish of powder piled in front of it and the appropriate liquid close by came first then Medical J-B Weld appeared. Bone coloured of course.
Perhaps epoxy, well mixed, or Medical Crazy Glue would be the choice. I'll have to ask.
The journey continues.